Millennium Circulation—Release 2006Merge Patron Records

Merging Patron Records using

Merge Patron Mode

You can use this mode to combine information from two patron records into one record. Holds, checked out items, and fines will be merged onto a designated patron record.


  • Generally, a newer record should be merged into an older record or the record that has the correct information.
  • If they have a library card for only one account, then use the record for the card that they have in their possession.
  • If they have 2 records with 2 legitimate barcodes, confiscate one of the cards and use the record of the card that they have kept in their possession.
  • If the patron has created a duplicate record through Online Patron Registration merge the self reg record onto the older one.
  • You may not be merging records while the patron is in the library. Copy down the pnum of both records or print out their records for later merging.
  • If there are linked patrons on one of the records, merge to that record as linked patrons do not transfer.

To merge duplicate patron records:

  1. For this process you will need a patron record number (pnum). This is an 8 digit number that begins with a period and a p (.p). This can be found when you view the full record of the patron. You can highlight and copy it and paste it into steps 3 and 4. Note: using the p barcode from the brief record will not work as it is missing a check digit at the end.
  1. Choose the Merge Patron button from the Navigation tool bar at the left of the screen.
  1. Merge Duplicate Patron Records displays:
  1. In the first field (source record number), enter the patron record number FROM which fields will be moved. This will be the record you want to get rid of.
  1. In the second field (destination record number), enter the patron record number TO whichfields will be moved. This will be the record that you want to keep
  1. After you enter a patron record in each field, the Merge Patrons button will be enabled. To merge the patron records that you entered, click on theMerge Patrons button. Note: the Merge Patrons button will not be enabled if you enter an invalid p number (e.g. no .p in front of the number, a short or incorrect number) or a record that no longer exists.
  1. If the patron records that you entered can be merged, Millennium Circulation displays both records. On the top is the source record and it will be merged to the destination record displayed below. Note: changing the toggle button will not reverse the merge. The source record will still be deleted.

  1. If there are duplicate holds, this message will display.

  1. If the records cannot be merged, an error message will display

Conditions that prevent the merging of patron records

<Item record>, error: couldn't load attached record.

The source record is linked to busy item records.

Cannot merge - source record has an item on the holdshelf.

The source record has an item on the holdshelf.

Destination and source record cannot be identical.

You entered the same patron record in both fields.

Cannot merge - source record has virtual items.

The source record has an Inter-Library Loan field.

Cannot merge - resulting record would be too large.

The modified destination record would be too large in size.

Cannot merge - too much money owed.

The modified destination record would exceed the maximum allowed in the MONEY OWED field.

Cannot merge - too many checked-out items.

The modified destination record would have more than 1900 item links

  1. If you do not want to merge these records, select the Close icon in the upper right corner.
  1. If you want to merge these records, select Merge Patrons. Millennium Circulation combines information from both records into the destination record and then deletes the source record. ANOTE field is added with the tag 'x' that contains the source record number and the date to the destination record.

  1. Remove multiple barcode fields and check for correct contact information (address, phone and email).

Combination of data between merged patron records:

  • The items, fines and holds will be copied into the destination record.
  • Telephone, address, name, email, initials and unique ID will not be copied into the destination record.
  • Linked patrons will not move to the destination record.
  • Notes and messages will be copied into the destination record.
  • Any links (items, holds) will be copied to the destination record and updates them appropriately.
  • The Merge patron function adds the value of the following fixed fields from the source to the destination record: Total Checkout, Total Renewal, Current Checkout, Claims Returned Money Owed, Current Items A,B, C, D, and ILL Requests.

eiNetwork Training8/15/2007