Millbrook School Friday Newsletter 12th October 2012

Dear Parents,

Parental consultations

A reminder that individual parent consultations will take place next week. If you have not already done so, you will need to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher either for the evening of Thursday 18th October or on your child’s class’ day. This is your opportunity to find out how your child is progressing at school and what you can do at home to support them.

Year Six Secondary School applications

The closing date for both online and paper applications is Wednesday 31st October. All admission information can be found at

Book Fayre

The Book Fayre will arrive in school on Wednesday 17th October and it will be open after school on Wednesday (if it arrives on time) Thursday, Friday and Monday . The children will also be able to purchase books during the school day if they come to school with the correct money for a book. All the children have been given a book catalogue.

Bonfire night lunch

On Monday 5th November the cook will be serving aspecial bonfire night lunch . The menu has been sent home with this letter.

If you child would like to have lunch on that day please return the slip at the bottom of this letter with £2 payment no later than Thursday 18th October.

After half term there will a new menu in place and this has been sent home with the children.


Thank you to the parents who came to our Harvest Festival last Friday. The staff and children very much appreciate your support. The tins and packets have all been distributed by Mr Tinkler to the needy members of the community and a cheque for £40 has been sent toThe Bishop of St Albans' Harvest Appeal.Thank you all for your generosity in supporting others who are less fortunate.


Earlier this week your child brought home the proof of their school photograph. If you would like to order a photograph you need to complete the order form that came with the photograph and return to school with the correct money. The last date for ordering is Monday 15th October . The photographs cannot be paid for using Wise Pay.

Sunray bus

In order to ensure the safety of the children who travel on the Sunray bus, the minibus will park in the school car park at the far end from 3 0’clock each day. Please make sure that this space is left available and that access to the car park is clear.

School Disco

On Thursday 25th October the Friends association will be holding a Disco for the children. Children in Reception, year one and year two will have their disco from 4:30-6:00 and the children in years3,4,5 and 6 will have their disco from 6:30-8:00. The children from the first disco will need to collected from the Nursery entrance. The price of each ticket is £3 and can be purchased from Mrs Marcos or Mrs Treacher in the school play ground.

Year two

Next week year two will be writing instructions on how to make a milk shake and then they will be making one. If you do not want your child to taste the milk shake due to allergies please let Mrs Jason know in writing by Monday 15th October .

Payment for trips

Several classes are hoping to make school trips to various places this term to support the pupils learning and the letters have been sent home. You are now able to pay for the trip using our on line payment system Wise Pay . You will need a personal user name and log in details, which can be obtained from the school office. If insufficient payments are made for the trips then they will have to be cancelled. The trip permission slips must be completed in all cases.

Positive people

Positive Person / SEAL person
Reception / Mason Hannan / Alexia Bristow-Guacci
Year one / Melissa McIrvine / Aaliyah Tundervary
Year two / Vasilis Marco / Claudia Bletaj
Year three / Ellie Johnson / Harry Herd
Year four / Samantha Ratcliff / Phoebe Robinson
Year five / Connor Thorne / Olivia Lovelidge
Year six / Johnny Doherty / Adam Smith

Future dates

Parental consultation evening Thursday 18th October

Children’s Disco Thursday 25th October

School closed Friday 26th October

Half term Monday 29th October – Friday 2nd November

Police Election Thursday 15th November – School Closed

Bags to school Tuesday 20th November

Yours sincerely

C Townson


I would like my child to have the Bonfire Night dinner on Monday 5th November. I have enclosed £2 payment.

Name of child ______

Parent’s signature ______