Semester 2

Millard West High School

Summer School 2007

Course Description:

Students will use a hands-on, problem-solving, approach to explore the interconnections among the physical sciences. Students will develop scientific reasoning skills and utilize technology in order to draw conclusions about the world around them.

Physical Science in Action Outcomes:

Outcome I: Students will use scientific inquiry and technology to show the relationships among the unifying concepts and processes of the physical world.

Outcome II: Students will apply the fundamental concepts and theories of physics.


3-Ring BinderCalculatorPen & Pencil

Notebook PaperDividers


Physical Science in Action. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2006.

Course Requirements:

You will be required to complete:

Daily work

Laboratory assignments and activities

Written tests and quizzes

Overall Units of Study and Timeline:

Scientific Processes (1-2 weeks)

Scientific Method, Measurement, Graphing, Unit Conversions and Density

Physics Topics (8-9 weeks)

Motion, Forces, Energy, Heat, Waves, Sound, and Light


Students will be expected to be on time to class. The tardiness and truancy policies outlined in the handbook will be followed without deviation.


When a student is absent for ANY reason, it becomes the responsibility of the student to make arrangements for make up work to be completed. Students will have one school day for each day of excused absences to complete missed assignments or tests. For extended absences, arrangements will be made by the teacher and student.

Grading System:

The grading system used in this class will be the standard grading system used in the Millard Public Schools:

1=93 - 100

2=85 - 92

3=77 - 84

4=69 - 76

5=68 & Below

The semester grade will be based on percentages with the following weighting:

30% - Lab Work

25% - Daily Work (homework, activities & participation)

35% - Assessments (quizzes, tests, projects, & District Lab Assessment) 10% - Final Exam (District Assessment)

Points will be awarded for assignments in each category, and then the categories will be combined using the above percentages. The District .5 rounding policy will be followed. Daily work is done to practice skills, which are presented in class and must be done as assigned. We expect all daily work and lab reports to be completed on time. There are no large extra credit opportunities, only small bonus items on select activities.

Late Work:

If the student does not have the required work or project on time, they may turn it in one day late with a 10% deduction. Students may turn in the work on the second day or any other time during the semester for a maximum grade of 50%. Daily homework assignments cannot be turned in late, because they are gone over at the beginning of class.


Due to the types of equipment and materials used in this course, the lab can be hazardous without proper management. The rules of the lab will be followed to the letter. Inappropriate or dangerous use of the equipment will result in immediate removal from the activity until action can be taken. If you break a piece of equipment or have any accident report it to me IMMEDIATELY. You are responsible for keeping your assigned station clean.

Classroom Rules:

When in the classroom, students must comply with the following rules:

1) Be in your assigned seat, ready to work, when the bell rings.

2) Come to class with all required materials.

3) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4) Listen carefully, so you can follow directions the first time they are given.

5) Raise your hand, wait to be recognized before speaking, and listen to your peers.

6) No food or drinks in the classroom.

7) Treat your peers, your teacher, the equipment, the room, the school, and yourself with respect.