Mill Creek Elementary 2015- 2016 Supply List

Kindergarten First Grade

backpack or book bag (no wheels) 3 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons

1 pair of Fiskars for Kids scissors 2 pkgs. of 4 glue sticks

2 boxes of Crayola crayons (16 or 24 count) 3 boxes of facial tissues

1 box of #2 pencils 36 yellow, #2 pencils

1 box of facial tissues 1 standard size pencil box (no pouches)

20 glue sticks 2 large pink pencil erasers

1 large pink pencil eraser 1 wide-ruled spiral notebooks

1 pkg. dry erase markers 1 pair of Fiskars for Kids scissors

1” binder with pockets 1 pack of Expo dry erase markers

1 pencil pouch to fit 3-ring binder 1 one inch hardcover binder w/pockets

1 pencil box—no handles 1 ream of copy paper

ear buds or headphones for the computer

Second Grade Third Grade

1 pair of Fiskars for Kids scissors 1 pkg. colored pencils

1 box of 24 Crayola crayons 1 pkg. dry erase markers

2 pkgs. of 20 #2 pencils 36 #2 pencils

2 pkgs. of 4 glue sticks 3 glue sticks

1 one inch hardcover binder w/ pockets 1 clipboard

2 composition notebooks 4 pkgs. of wide-ruled notebook paper

2 pkgs. of wide-ruled notebook paper 1 one inch hardcover binder

1 pack of 3x5 index cards 1 pkg. of 3 x 5 index cards

2 boxes of facial tissues 2 yellow highlighters

1 pkg. of 4 thick Expo dry erase markers 2 boxes of facial tissues

1 pencil box ear buds or headphones for the computer

ear buds or headphones for the computer 3 composition notebooks

Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

1 pkg. of lined sticky notes

1 pkg. of 2X2 sticky notes 2 pkgs. of sticky notes

48 #2 pencils 5 pocket folders with brads

1 box of crayons or colored pencils 2 composition notebooks

3 pkgs. of wide rule loose-leaf paper 1 pkg. expo dry erase markers

Reinforcements (circle stickers) 2 pkgs. of 3 x 5 index cards

1 Pink Pearl eraser 1 ream of copy paper

1 ream of copy paper 3 pkgs. of loose-leaf paper

1 ½-2 inch binder 48 #2 pencils

2 glue sticks 1 pencil bag

1 pkg. of dry erase markers 2 boxes of facial tissues

2 composition notebooks ear buds or headphones for the computer

3 full size boxes of facial tissues

4 pocket folders with 3 holes (red, yellow, blue, green)

1 pack of 3X5 index cards

1 pack 5X7 index cards (or 4X6)

1 pack of highlighters –pink, yellow, green, orange, blue

ear buds or headphones for the computer