Military Spouse Employment Survey

Digital Communication Resource Kit

In an effort to reach as many military spouses as possible for this important initiative, MOAA Spouse Programs has created specialized content for your organization to use to promote the surveyfromSeptember 16th – October 16th, the timeframe in which the survey will be open.

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact any of the following:


Military Officers Association of America:

C.C. Gallagher, Deputy Director of Spouse and Currently Serving Programs

Karen Golden, Deputy Director of Government Relations (Military Family Issues)

Syracuse University:

Rosalinda V. Maury,Institute of Veterans and Military Families Researcher


The Digital Communication Resource Kit includes:


1) Sample Blog Article

2) Sample E-Newsletter Article

3) MOAA & IVMF Graphics

4) Sample Twitter and Facebook posts


1) Sample Blog Article

New #MilSpouseSurvey - Share the Challenges You Face Seeking Employment!

On September 16th, The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) launched a survey titled: The Military Spouse Employment Survey. Thissurvey provides a platform for all military spouses to share their challenges of employment while trying to navigate the military lifestyle. The survey iscompletely anonymous, for research purposes and therefore completely voluntary. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and will be available for 30 days.

By adding your voice, we can build a stronger foundation for military spouses’ professional needs, identify any barriers to career development and share your stories with government officials, state, and federal policy makers in order to overcome obstacles and improve the quality of life for our service members and families. We encourage all active duty, National Guard, reserve, veteran, and surviving spouses who are 18 years and older to participate by sharing their experiences and lessons learned.

The information you provide will make a difference for spouses everywhere! You can access the survey and additional information here:

Please share the #MilSpouseSurvey with other military spouses in your community!

2) Sample E-Newsletter Article

New #MilSpouseSurvey - Share the Challenges You Face Seeking Employment!

Military spouses face many challenges to both employment and career advancement as a result of the military lifestyle. The Military Spouse Employment Survey is hosted by The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF).This imperative study will look at the employment pattern of all military spouses, especially related to their long-term career trajectories. We encourage all active duty, National Guard, reserve, veteran, and surviving spouses who are 18 years and older to participate by sharing their stories, experiences and lessons learned.

According to the 2010 Department of Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), there are approximately 725,877 spouses of Active Duty service members and approximately 413,295 spouses of Reserve and Guard members. In addition, it is estimated that there are more than 15 million veterans’ spouses in the United States and over 5.8 million surviving spouses. By adding your voice, we can build a stronger foundation for military spouses’ professional needs, identify any barriers to career development and share your stories with government officials, state, and federal policy makers in order to overcome obstacles and improve the quality of life for all military spouses, service members and their families.

The survey will open on September 16, 2013 and remain open for 30 days. This survey is completely anonymous, for research purposes and therefore completely voluntary. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

You can access the survey and additional information here:

Please share this survey link with other military spouses in your community!

3) MOAA & IVMF Graphics

Use our co-branded graphics to promote the#MilSpouseSurvey September 16th – October 16th.

Text to go with images on social media:
Share Your Military Spouse Employment Journey by taking the #MilSpouseSurvey at Open from September 16th– October 16th .

4) Sample Twitter and Facebook posts:


  • Follow @MOAA_MilLife @MilitaryOfficer @IVMFSyracuseU
  • Let us know what your twitter handle is so we can follow you!
  • Promote the hashtag #MilSpouseSurvey and tag us in any tweets related to this imperative study!

We encourage you to share the following messages with your Twitter community:

Prior to September 16th launch

The #MilSpouseSurveylooks at #milspousejobschallenges. Stay tuned for launch:@MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU

The @MOAA_MilLife/ @IVMFSyracuseU#MilSpouseSurvey on employment launches Sept 16! More info at

After the #MilSpouseSurvey launches

Today @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseUlaunch the #MilSpouseSurveyon #milspousejobs. #Milspousesshare your experience!

.@MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseUwants to hear from all #milspouses! Take the #MilSpouseSurveyat

Take the #MilSpouseSurveythat looks at the current #milspousejobslandscape.

Help advocate for your #milfamand fellow #Milspouses! Take the @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU#MilSpouseSurvey.

Has the #millifeaffected your #milspousejob? Tell@MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseUso we can advocate for you!

Take the #MilSpouseSurveysurvey in order to advocate for your career and #milfam. @IVMFSyracuseU@MOAA_MilLife

Are you a #milspousewith a career? Tell us your story! Take the #MilSpouseSurvey! @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU

Take the following #MilSpouseSurveyfocusing on your #milspousejob: @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU

Share your #milspouseemployment story with @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU. Take the #MilSpouseSurveynow!

Take part in this inaugural #MilSpouseSurveyresearch effort from @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU#milspousejob

We want to hear from all #milspouses! Take the #MilSpouseSurvey@MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU

Hi #Milso! We want to know about your employment situation! Join @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseUw #MilSpouseSurvey.

Before the October 16th survey close date

Don’t forget to take the #MilSpouseSurvey! We want to know about your career situation! @MOAA_MilLife@IVMFSyracuseU


  • Become a fan of and promote Military Officer Association of America Military Spouse Programs and Syracuse University’s IVMF Facebook pages!
  • Let us know what your Facebook Page is so we can follow you!
  • The promotional tiles and co-branded graphics for the survey will be housed on MOAA Military Spouse Programs Facebook Page and Survey Landing Page. Please use and share them with your community!

We encourage you to share the following messages with your Facebook community:

Prior to September 16th launch

The#MilSpouseSurvey on employment launches Sept 16! Stay tuned for more informationvia @moaaspouse@IVMFSyracuseU. Read more about this important initiative here:

After the #MilSpouseSurvey launches

Share your military spouse employment journey because we need the facts to shed light on the issue. Add your voice by taking this inaugural study launched by @moaaspouse @IVMFSyracuseU

Share Your Military Spouse Employment Journey by taking the #MilSpouseSurvey at via @moaaspouse @IVMFSyracuseU. Open from September 16th– October 16th.

Before the October 16th survey close date

Don’t forget to take the #MilSpouseSurvey and share your military spouse employment journey! Add your voice by taking this inaugural study launched by @moaaspouse @IVMFSyracuseU

Thank you!

The MOAA and IVMF MilSpouse Employment Survey Team