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Monday, October 15, 2012

Call to Order:

School Board Chairman Paul Dargiecalled the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in room 182 in the Milford High School. Board members present included Mr. Kevin Drew, Mr. Robert Willette, and Mr. Len Mannino and Mr. Peter Bragdon. Also present were District Administrators Superintendent Robert Suprenant, Assistant Superintendent Laurel Johnson, and Business Administrator Katherine Chambers.

Board Member Comments:

Mr. Dargie reported that the Joint Services Study Committee could not meet with the School

Board and Milford Board of Selectmen this evening. The Chair of the Joint Services Study Committee has been asked to select an evening at his convenience and members of both Boards will be invited to attend.

Mr. Dargie told the Board that he had a request for the use of school facilities by an organization. The District’s administration will research revenue generated through rentals, as well as the definition of Milford/Non-Milford organizations in the District’s policy 6005, Use of Schools Facilities. Mr. Dargie asked the administration to look into the Town’s definition of Milford/Non-Milford organizations.

Public Comment:

There were no public comments.

Public Comment:

a. Public Input – Efficacy of Part Time Superintendent Position.

Mr. Dargie explained the background of the current position. Mr. Erik Schedin, Milford resident,asked questions on how the part-time position affects the Superintendent’s abilities to carry out the duties of the position. Superintendent Suprenant explained that through efficient scheduling of his time he is able to accomplish the essential requirements of the Superintendent’s position at this time.

Reports and Presentations:

a. Superintendent’s Report:

1.Superintendent Suprenant distributed the 2012-2013 Report of the Schools to the Board.

2. The Superintendent told the Board about a bus/car incident that happened earlier that day in the driveway behind the Bales building. No injuries occurred. A parent was leaving a meeting at Sage and miscalculated the room between the bus and the back of Bales. Children were on the school bus and some were delayed for school by the police department. Notifications were sent home to parents by the Principals at Jacques and Heron Pond.

3. New Middle School Health teacher Ashley Blake will be hosting a Health Education Parent Night this Thursday at the Middle School at 6:00 PM in room 106. Information about the Middle School’s Health curriculum will be discussed.

4. Sixth grade students will be attending Nature’s Classroom in Charlton, Massachusetts next week. Nature’s Classroom is an outdoor, residential experience for interested students.

5. Spirit Week is occurring at the High School this week, and that usually generates a higher level of energy with the student body.

6. The Superintendent corrected a mistake in the Milford Cabinet article regarding substitute pay. The article should read that the Superintendent will consider a reduction of 20 to 10 days for increased daily substitute compensation in the 2013-2014 budget recommendations to the School Board

7. The Superintendent congratulated Paul and Joan Dargie on being selected as Milford Citizens of the Year.

b. SINI – DINI Report:

Title 1 Coordinator Meg Peterson and Elementary Curriculum Coordinator Martha Leck-Leonard described the strategies and accomplishments of the Jacques and Heron Pond schools. Assistant Superintendent Laurie Johnson spoke to the Middle School SINI plans. High School Director of Academics Mike Tenters highlighted the high school plans. Assistant Superintendent Johnson then described the DINI Plan.

New Business:

a. Review of Progress Toward Meeting School Board Goals:

Mr. Dargie reported that the Board is on track with Goal 1, Superintendent’s Contract; Goal 2, Collective Bargaining Negotiations; and Goal 4, Applied Technology Center Program Review. The Board is looking at data analysis methodology for Goal 3, Assessment Data.

b. 2013-2014 Enrollment Projections:

Mr. Dargie provided an overview of the process for projecting enrollment. For Kindergarten he used the average of the past three years, which is a less predictable measure than that used for the other grades which use the cohort survival rates for the prior 3 years.

Mr. Bragdon moved to adopt the enrollment projections amending the figure for grade 1 from 200 to 192. Mr. Dargie seconded. All in favor 5-0.

c. Board Member Vacancy to RSEC:

Mr. Dargie appointed Mr. Willette to the RSEC Board.

d. Middle School Fuel Oil Bid:

Business Administrator Katie Chambers presented the Middle School Fuel Oil Bid to the Board and recommended Fred Fuller’s fixed price option for the 12-13 school year. Mr. Bragdon moved to approve the recommendation, Mr. Willette seconded. All in favor 5-0.

Old Business:

a. School Board Resolutions:

Mr. Dargie asked the Board if there were any resolutions to bring forward to the New Hampshire School Board Association’s annual meeting. There were none.

Housekeeping Items:

a. Approval of Minutes 10/01/12:

Mr. Bragdon moved and Mr. Willette seconded to approve the 10/01/12 minutes. All in favor 5-0.

b. Approval of Manifests:

Mr. Willette moved and Mr. Dargie seconded to approve the listed manifests.All in favor 5-0.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Non-Public Session RSA 91-A: 3II (c)

Mr. Bragdon moved to enter non-public session at 8:45 PM. Mr. Willette seconded. All in favor 5-0.

Business Administrator Chambers updated the Board about a personnel issue.

The Superintendent apprised the Board of a student issue.

Mr. Bragdon moved to exit non-public at 9:30 PM. Mr. Willette seconded. All in favor 5-0.


Mr. Bragdon moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:30 PM. Mr. Willette seconded. All in favor 5-0.


Chairman of the School Board Date of signing

The Mission of the Milford School District is to provide a quality education

that challenges all students to succeed.