Miles Wilkinson, Ph.D.
Name:Miles Wilkinson
Title and Affiliation:a. Primary appointment
Professor, Department of Reproductive Medicine
School of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
b. Joint appointment
Professor, Biomedical Sciences (BMS) graduate program
Birthplace:Edinburgh, Scotland
Citizenship:United States/United Kingdom
Home Address:13660 Mango Dr., Del Mar, CA 92014
Office Address:Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM), 2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr. Room 4011. Mailing address: UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., MC-0695, La Jolla, CA 92093
1979B.A., Magna cum laude, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
1980Molecular Genetics (1st-class honors degree), University of Edinburgh, Scotland
1984Ph.D., Biological Science, University of Warwick, England
Postgraduate Training:
1984-1985Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps Clinic and Foundation, La Jolla, CA
1985-1987Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Diego, CA
Academic and Professional Appointments:
July 1987 - June 1993Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology Department and the
Vollum Institute, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR
July 1993 - June 1994Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology Department and the
Vollum Institute, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR
July 1994 – Aug 2000Associate Professor, Department of Immunology
U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Sep 2000 – Aug 2006Professor, Department of Immunology
U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Sep 2006 – June 2009Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
July 2009 – presentProfessor, Department of Reproductive Medicine
University of California, San Diego
Committee Memberships:
- National and International:
American Society of Andrology, council member (2010 – 2013)
Testis Workshop, San Antonio, TX, organizing committee (2013)
North Carolina Biotechnology Center Grant Review Committee (1999-2001)
Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer:
(1) National Institutes of Health (1991 – present). Full-time member of MGB study (2007 – 2012). MGB chair Fall 2010 – Summer 2012. Recent ad hoc reviews: Challenge grant reviews (ZRG1-BDA-A-52), P01 applications for NIHCD (03/07 and 04/08), MGA study section (02/06), special reviews (07/04 and 08/04), CDF-1 study section (10/03), and REB study section (06/03).
(2) Veteran’s Administration (1993 – 2001)
(3) National Science Foundation (1993 – present)
(4) American Cancer Society (1995 – 1997)
(5) Welcome Trust (U.K.) (1998 – present)
(6) Medical Research Council (MRC) of Canada (1999)
(7) Israel Science Foundation (2000)
(8) Ministry of Education of Flanders (Belgium) (2003)
(9) Ohio Cancer Research Associates (2006)
(10) UCSD Pediatrics Department (2012)
External Promotion and Tenure Reviewer (Internal candidate reviews listed separately):
Rebecca Prokipcake, University of Toronto, 1999
Ann-Bin Shyu, University of Texas, 2001
Maria Hatzoglou, Case Western Reserve University, 2003
Ya-Huan Lou, U.T. Houston Health Sciences Center, 2005
Melissa Moore, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Brandeis, 2005
Ambro Van Hoof, U.T. Houston Health Sciences Center, 2008
Dawn Chandler, The Ohio State University, 2010
Prabhakara Reddi, University of Virginia, 2012
Manjeet Rao, University of Texas, San Antonio, 2012
James MacLean, University of Southern Illinois, 2012
Jon Oatley, Washington State University, 2013
Manjeet Rao, University of Texas, San Antonio (P&T, 2ndattempt), 2013
Prabhakara Reddi, University of Virginia (2nd attempt), 2013
Debra Silver, Duke University, 2014
Manjeet Rao, University of Texas, San Antonio (tenure only), 2014
b. Local and state: None
Consultantships: Reviewer, Biology Textbooks, Cracom Publishing Corp.
Journal Reviewer:
Editorial board:Biology of Reproduction, board of reviewing editors (May 2009 – present)
Spermatogenesis, editorial board (January 2010 – present)
Ad hoc reviewer:
High-Impact: Cell (2004- ), Genes & Development (2002- ), Molecular Cell (2002- ), Nature (2004- ), Nature Cell Biology (2003- ), Nature Genetics (2004- ), Nature Medicine (2005-), Nature Reviews Genetics (2011- ), PLOS Biology (2007- ), Science (1998- ).
General Biology: EMBO J. (1998- ), EMBO Reports (2003- ), EMBO Mol Med (2011- ), FEBS Letters (2008- ), J. Biological Chemistry (2003- ), J. Cell Biology (2010- ), Molecular and Cellular Biology (1994- ), Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (1997- ), PLoS One (2012- ), Proceedings National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (2000- ).
Reproduction: Asian J. Andrology (2009- ), Biology of Reproduction (2005- ), Endocrinology (2003- ), J. Andrology (1996- ), Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (2007- ), Molecular Endocrinology (2004- ), Reproduction (2005- ), Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology (2011- ), Reproduction, Fertility, and Development (2006- ), Sexual Development (2006- ), Spermatogenesis (2012- ).
Nucleic Acid / Genetics / Genomics: American Journal of Human Genetics (2007- ), Annals of Human Genetics (2002- ), BMC Genomics (2007- ), BMC Genetics (2008- ), BMC Evolutionary Biology (2009- ), Gene (2003- ), Genome Biology (2003- ), Genome Research (2010- ), Genomics (1997- ), Human Molecular Genetics (1997- ), Human Genomics (2005- ), Human Mutation (2010- ), Molecular Biology & Evolution (2003- ), Mutation Research (1998- ), Nucleic Acids Research (2006- ), PLoS Genetics (2011- ), RNA (1999- ), RNA Biology (2004- ).
Other: American Journal of Physiology (2006- ), Applied Bioinformatics (2002- ), Biochimie (2012- ), Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2004- ), Biochimie (2012- ), BioTechniques (1992- ), Blood (2001- ), BMC Molecular Biology (2004- ), Cancer Research (2007- ), Cell Research (2011- ), Chemistry and Biology (2008- ), Developmental Biology (2007- ), Developmental Dynamics (2007- ), Eukaryotic Cell (2005- ), Genesis (2006- ), International J. Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (2000- ), Journal of Biotechnology (2007- ), J. Clinical Investigation (2003- ), J. Experimental Medicine (2001- ), J. Immunology (1999- ), J. Mol. Cell Biol. (2011- ), Mechanisms of Development (1996- ), Mol. Biology of the Cell (2004- ), Molecular Biology & Evolution (2009- ), Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry (2012- ), Molecular Genetics & Metabolism (2005- ), Molecular Therapy (2005- ), Nature Protocols (2010- ), Neurogenetics (2006- ), Toxicological Sciences (2014- ).
Awards and Fellowships:
1976 – 1979University of California, Regents Scholarship
1979American Heart Association Scholarship
1981 – 1984U.K. Foreign Student Scholarship
1984 – 1987NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow
1996 - 2000Graduate School of Biological Science Dean’s Excellence Award
1999Outstanding Original Research Award for the best paper published in Journal of Andrology
2000John P. McGovern Award for Outstanding Teaching (nominated)
2001Amgen Award for Basic Science Research Presentation: “A T-Cell Receptor RNA Surveillance Mechanism” (postdoctoral-trainee Jun Wang)
2002Amgen Award for Basic Science Research Presentation: “A Novel RNA Surveillance Mechanism: Nonsense Codon-Mediated Nuclear mRNA Retention” (postdoctoral-trainee Jun Wang)
2003M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Faculty Achievement Award in Basic Science
2003 Graduate School of Biological Science Dean’s Excellence Award
2003Amgen Award for Basic Science Research Presentation: “The Expression Pattern
and Function of a New Homeobox Gene Cluster on the X Chromosome” (postdoctoral-trainee James MacLean)
2004Graduate School of Biological Science, Commendation for service to the graduate school (e.g., teaching and student committees)
2006Ruby E. Rutherford Distinguished Professorship (endowed chair)
2006M.D. Anderson Research Trust Award (5-year award)
2007 M.D. Anderson Alumni and Faculty Association Award for Clinical/Translational Research: “The NMD RNA Surveillance Pathway Degrades Aberrant E-Cadherin Transcripts in Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer” (predoctoral-trainee Rachid Karam)
Societies: American Association for the Advancement of Science (1987 - 2002)
The American Society for Microbiology (1994 - 2001; 2008 - 2009)
The RNA Society (1995 - 2010)
American Association of Immunologists (2000 - 2005)
Society for the Study of Reproduction (2001 - present)
American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (2006 - 2010)
American Society for Andrology (2007 – present)
Refereed articles:
1.Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris (1983) An Interferon with Novel Characteristics Produced by Human Mononuclear Leukocytes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 111:498-503.
2.Siggens, K.W., Wilkinson, M., Boseley, P.G., Slocombe, P.M., Cowling, G., & Morris, A.G. (1984) Differences in the Expression of the Human Interferon-Gamma Gene in Fresh Lymphocytes and Cultured Lymphoblasts. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 119:157-162.
3.Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris, A.G. (1984) Gamma-Interferon Induction in Human Lymphoblasts compared with Fresh Mononuclear Leukocytes: Earlier Synthesis, Rapid Shutoff and Enhancement of Yields with Metabolic Inhibitors. Immunology 52:175-179.
- Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris, A.G. (1984) The E-Receptor Regulates Interferon-Gamma Production: Four Receptor Model for Human Lymphocyte activation. Eur. J. Immunol. 14:708-713.
5.Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris, A.G. (1984) Role of the E-Receptor in IFN-Gamma Expression: Sheep Erythrocytes Augment Interferon-gamma Production by Human Lymphocytes. Cellular Immunology 86:109-117.
6.Croll, A.O., Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris, A.G. (1985) Interleukin-2 Receptor Blockade by anti-tac Antibody Inhibits IFN-Gamma Induction. Cellular Immunol.92:184-189.
7.Wilkinson, M.F., Morris, A.G., Leung, H., Crane, J., & Meager, A. (1985) Interferon-Gamma Produced by Mitogen Activated T-lymphocytes does not Directly Mediate Lymphoproliferation. Eur. J. Immunol. 15:404-407.
8.MacLeod, C.L., Minning, L., Terhorst, C., Gold, D. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1986) Trans-negative Regulation of T-cell Antigen Receptor Complex mRNA in SL12 Somatic Cell Hybrids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83:6989-6993.
9.Croll, A.D., Wilkinson, M.F. & Morris, A.G. (1986) Gamma-IFN Production by Human Low Density Lymphocytes Induced by T-cell Mitogens. Immunology 58:641-646.
10.Siegal, J., Turner, A., Klinman, D., Wilkinson, M.F., Steinberg, A., MacLeod, C., Paul, W., Davis, M. & Cohen, D. (1987) Sequence Analysis of an X-linked, Lymphocyte Regulated Gene Family (XLR): Homologies with the Nuclear Structural Proteins, Lamins A and C. J. Exp. Med. 166:1702-1715.
11.Wilkinson, M.F. & MacLeod, C.L. (1988) Induction of T-cell Receptor-Alpha and -Beta mRNA in SL12 Cells Can Occur by Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Mechanisms. EMBO J. 7:101-109.
12.Wilkinson, M.F. & MacLeod, C.L. (1988) Complex Regulation of the T-cell Receptor-Alpha Gene: Three Different Modes of Triggering Induction. Eur. J. Immunol. 18:873-879.
13.Wilkinson, M.F. (1988) RNA Isolation: a Mini-prep Method. Nucleic Acids. Res. 16:10933.
14.Wilkinson, M.F. (1988) A Rapid and Convenient Method for Isolation of Nuclear, Cytoplasmic and Total RNA. Nucleic Acids. Res. 16:10934.
15.Wilkinson, M.F., Georgopoulos, K., Terhorst, C. & MacLeod, C.L. (1989) The CD3-Delta Gene Encodes Multiple Transcripts Regulated by Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Mechanisms. Eur. J. Immunol.19:2355-2360.
16.Douglass, J., Osborne, P.B., Cai, Y-C.,Wilkinson, M.F., Christie, M. J. & Adelman, J. P. (1990) Characterization and Functional Expression of a Rat Genomic DNA Clone Encoding a Lymphocyte Potassium Channel. J. Immunol.144:4841-4850.
17.MacLeod, C.L., Fong, A.M., Seal, B. M., Walls, L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1990) Isolation of Novel cDNA Clones from T-Lymphoma Cells: One Encodes a Putative Multiple Membrane Spanning Protein. Cell Growth and Diff. 1:271-279.
18.MacLeod, C.L, Finley, K., Kakuda, D., Kozak, C.A. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1990) Activated T Cells Express a Novel Gene on Chromosome 8 that is Closely Related to the Murine Ecotropic Retroviral Receptor. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:3663-3674.
19.Wilkinson, M.F., Kleeman, J., Richards, J & MacLeod, C.L. (1990) A Novel Onco-Fetal Gene Expressed in a Stage-Specific Manner in Murine Embryonic Development. Dev. Biol. 141:451-455.
20.Wilkinson, M.F., Doskow, J. & Lindsey, S. (1991) RNA Blots: Staining Procedures and Optimization of Conditions. Nucl. Acids Res., 19:679.
21.Qian, L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1991) DNA Fragment Purification: Removal of Agarose 10 Minutes after Electrophoresis. Biotechniques, 10:736-737.
22.Wilkinson, M.F., Fong, A.M., Huyuh, H., Hays, E.F. & MacLeod, C.L. (1991) A Model System for T-Lymphocyte Differentiation: Regulation of CD4 and CD8 Gene Expression in SL12.4 T-Lymphoma Cell Clones. Mol. Immunol. 28:57-68.
23.Takashi, T., Gause, W.C., Wilkinson, M.F., MacLeod, C.L. & Steinberg, A.D. (1991) IL 1-induced Maturation of Progenitor Thymocytes. Eur. J. Immunol.21:1385-1390.
24.Vainiene, M., Offner, H. Morrison, W.J., Wilkinson, M.F. & Vandenbark, A.A. 1991) Clonal Diversity of Basic Protein Specific T cells in Lewis Rats Recovered from Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. J. Neuroimmunol.33:207-216.
25.Sasaki, A., Doskow, J., MacLeod, C.L., Rogers, M., Gudas, L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1991) The Oncofetal Gene Pem Encodes a Homeodomain and is Regulated in Embryonic and Pre-muscle Stem Cells. Mech. Develop.34:155-164.
26.Wilkinson, M.F., Doskow, J., von Borstel, II., R.C., Fong, A.M. & MacLeod, C.L. (1991) The Expression of Several T Cell Specific and Novel Genes are Repressed by Trans-acting Factors in Immature T Lymphoma Clones. J. Exp. Med., 174:269-280.
27.Herrick, T., Qian, L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1992) TCR-Alpha mRNA Accumulation Does Not Dictate Cell Surface TCR/CD3 Expression. Mol. Immunol.29:531-536.
28.Qian, L., Vu, M., Carter, M. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1992) A Spliced Intron Accumulates as a Lariat in the Nucleus of T Cells. Nucleic Acid. Res. 20:5345-5350.
29.Doskow, J. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1992) CD3-Gamma, -Delta, -Epsilon, TCR-Alpha and -Beta Transcripts are Independently Regulated During Thymocyte Ontogency and T Cell Activation. Immunol.77:465-468.
30.Qian, L, Theodore, L., Carter, M., Vu, M., Sasaki, A. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1993) T cell Receptor-beta mRNA Splicing: Regulation of Unusual Splicing Intermediates. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:1686-1696.
31.Qian, L., Carter, M., Vu, M.N. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1993) Regulation of T cell Receptor-beta mRNA Splicing During Thymic Maturation invivo and in an Inducible T-Lymphoma Cell Clone invitro. J. Immunol.151: 6801-6814.
32.Carter, M.S., Doskow, J., Morris, P., Li, S., Nhim, R.P., Sandstedt, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1995) A Regulatory Mechanism that Detects Premature Nonsense Codons in T-cell Receptor Transcripts in vivo is Reversed by Protein Synthesis Inhibitors in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 270:28995-29003.
33.Maiti, S., Doskow, J., Li, S., Nhim, R.P., Lindsey, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1996) The Pem Homeobox Gene: Androgen-Dependent and -Independent Promoters Tissue-Specific Alternative RNA Splicing. J. Biol. Chem. 271:17536-17546.
34.Maiti, S., Doskow, J., Sutton, K., Nhim, R.P., Lawlor, D., Levan, K., Lindsey, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1996) The Pem Homeobox Gene: Rapid Evolution of the Homeodomain, X Chromosomal Localization, and Expression in Reproductive Tissue. Genomics 34:304-316.
35.Lindsey, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1996) An Androgen-Regulated Homeobox Gene Expressed in Rat Testis and Epididymis. Biol. Reprod.55:975-983.
36.Lindsey, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1996) Pem: A Testosterone & LH Regulated Homeobox Gene Expressed in Mouse Sertoli Cells and Epididymis. Develop. Biol. 179:471-484.
37.Carter, M.S., Li, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1996) A Splicing-Dependent Regulatory Mechanism that Detects Translation Signals. EMBO J. 15:5965-5975.
38.Nhim, R.P., Lindsey, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1997) A Processed Homeobox Gene Expressed in a Stage-, Tissue- and Region-Specific Manner in Epididymis. Gene 185:271-276.
39.Li, S., Leonard, D. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1997) TCR Mini-gene mRNA Expression Regulated by Nonsense Codons: A Nuclear-associated Translation-like Mechanism. J. Exp. Med. 185:985-992.
40.Li, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1997) Site-directed Mutagenesis: A Two-step Method Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Dpn1. BioTechniques 23:588-590.
41.Sutton, K. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1997) The Rapidly Evolving Pem Homeobox Gene and Agtr2, Ant2, and Lamp2 are Closely Linked in the Proximal Region of the Mouse X Chromosome. Genomics 45:447-450.
42.Sutton, K. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1997) Rapid Evolution of a Homeodomain: Evidence for Positive Selection. J. Mol. Evol. 45:579-588.
43.Sutton, K.A., Maiti, S., Tribley, W.A., Lindsey, J.S., Meistrich, M.L., Bucana, C.D., Sanborn, B.M., Joseph, D.R., Griswold, M.D., Cornwall, G.A. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1998) Androgen Regulation of the Pem Homeodomain Gene in Mice and Rat Sertoli and Epididymal Cells. J. Andrology 19:21-30.
44.Li, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1998) Nonsense Surveillance in Lymphocytes? Immunity 8:135-141.
45.Sutton, K.A., Vu, M.N. & Wilkinson, M.F. (1998) Distal V-Beta Promoters Transcribe Novel T-cell Receptor-Beta Transcripts in Early Development. Immunology 93:213-220.
46.Misteli, T., Cáceres, J.F., Clement, J.Q., Krainer, A.R., Wilkinson, M.F. & Spector, D.L (1998) Serine Phosphorylation of SR Proteins is Required for their Recruitment to Sites of Transcription In Vivo. J. Cell Biol. 143:297-307.
47.Clement, J.Q. Qian, L., Kaplinsky, N. & Wilkinson, M.F., (1999) The Stability and Fate of a Spliced Intron from Vertebrate Cells. RNA 5:206-220.
48.Clement, J.Q. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2000) Rapid Induction of Nuclear Transcripts and Inhibition of Intron Decay in Response to the Polymerase II Inhibitor DRB. J. Mol. Biol. 299:1179-1191.
49.Shyu, A.B. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2000) The Double Lives of Shuttling RNA-Binding Proteins. Cell 102:135-138.
50.Wang, J. & Wilkinson, M.F.(2000) Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Large (13-kb) Plasmids in a Single-PCR Procedure. BioTechniques 29(5): 976-978.
- Maiti, S., Meistrich, M.L., Wilson, G., Shetty, G., Marcelli, M., McPhaul, M.J., Morris, P.L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2001) Irradiation Selectively Inhibits Expression from the Androgen-Dependent Pem Homeobox Gene Promoter in Sertoli Cells. Endocrinology 142:1567-1577.
- Clement, J.Q., Maiti, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2001) Localization and Stability of Introns Spliced In Vivo from the Pem Homeobox Gene. J. Biol. Chem. 276:16,919-16,930.
- Mühlemann, O., Mock-Casagrande, C.S., Wang, J., Li, S., Custódio, N., Carmo-Fonseca, M., Wilkinson, M.F. & Moore, M.J. (2001) Precursor RNAs Harboring Nonsense Codons Accumulate Near the Site of Transcription. Mol. Cell. 8:33-43.
Commentaries on this paper:
- Brogna, S. (2001) Pre-mRNA Processing: Insights from Nonsense. Current Biology 16:R838-841.
- Faculty of 1000 (“Must Read”)
- Wilkinson, M.F. & Shyu, A.B. (2001) Bifunctional Regulatory Proteins that Control Gene Expression in both the Nucleus and the Cytoplasm. BioEssays 23:775-787.
- Wang, J. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2001) Deletion Mutagenesis of Large (12-kb) Plasmids by a One-Step PCR Protocol. BioTechniques 31:722-724.
- Wang, J., Han, Y. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2001) An Active Immunization Approach to Generate Protective Catalytic Antibodies. Biochemical Journal 360:151-157.
- Wang, J., Han, Y., Liang, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Catalytic Antibody Therapy against the Insecticide Carbaryl. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 291:605-610.
- Wang, J., Vock, V.M., Olivas, O.R. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) A quality-control pathway that downregulates aberrant TCR transcripts by a mechanism requiring UPF2 and translation. J. Biol. Chem. 277:18,489-18,493, 2002.
- Rao, M.K., Maiti, S., Ananthaswamy, H.N. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) A Highly Active Homeobox Gene Promoter Regulated by Ets and Sp1 Family Members in Normal Granulosa Cells and Diverse Tumor Cell Types. J. Biol. Chem. 277:26036-26045.
- Bühler M., Wilkinson, M.F. & Mühlemann, O. (2002) Intranuclear Degradation of Nonsense Codon-Containing mRNA. EMBO Reports 3:646-651.
- Wayne, C. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Expression of the Pem Homeobox Gene in Sertoli Cells Increases the Frequency of Adjacent Germ Cells with DNA-Strand Breaks. Endocrinology 143:4875-4885.
- Wayne, C.M., MacLean, J.A., Cornwall, G. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Two Novel Human X-linked Homeobox Genes, hPEPP1 and hPEPP2, Selectively Expressed in the Testis. Gene 301:1-11.
- Rao, M.K., Wayne, C.M. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Pem Homeobox Gene Regulatory Sequences that Direct Androgen-Dependent Developmentally Regulated Gene Expression in Different Subregions of the Epididymis. J. Biol. Chem. 277:48771-48778.
- Wang, J., Gudikote, J.P., Olivas, O.R. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Boundary-independent Polar Nonsense-mediated Decay. EMBO Reports 3:274-279.
- Gudikote, J.P. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) T-cell Receptor Sequences that elicit Strong Downregulation of Premature Termination Codon-bearing Transcripts. EMBO J. 21:125-134.
Commentaries on this paper:
- Targeting Nonsense mRNA (2002) Nature Immunology 3:119.
- Faculty of 1000 (“Recommended”)
- Wilkinson, M.F. & Shyu, A-B. (2002) RNA Surveillance by Nuclear Scanning? Nature Cell Biology 4: E144-147.
- Wang, J., Chang, Y.-F., Hamilton, J.I & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Nonsense-Associated Altered Splicing: A Frame-Dependent Response Distinct from Nonsense-Mediated Decay. Mol. Cell 10:951-957.
Commentary on this paper:
- Moore, M.J. (2002) No End to Nonsense. Science 298:370-371.
- Wang, J., Hamilton, J.I., Carter, M.S., Li, S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2002) Alternatively Spliced TCR mRNA Induced by Disruption of Reading Frame. Science 297:108-110.
Commentaries on this paper:
- Alfred, J. (2002) Gene Expression: Escaping Silence. Nature Reviews Genetics 2:9.
- Maquat, L.E. (2002) NASty Effects on Fibrillin pre-mRNA Splicing: Another Case of ESE Does it, but Proposals for Translation-Dependent Splice-Site Choice Live On. Genes and Development 16:1743-1753.
- Dahlberg, J.E., Lund, E. & Goodwin, E.B. (2003) Nuclear Translation: What is the Evidence? RNA 9:1-8.
- Faculty of 1000 (“Must Read”)
- Gudikote, J. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2003) Regulation of mRNA Splicing, Export, and Decay by RNA-Binding Proteins. In: “Encyclopedia of the Human Genome,” Nature Publishing Group.
- Rao, M.K., Wayne, C.M., Meistrich, M.L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2003) Pem Homeobox Gene Promoter Sequences that Direct Transcription in a Sertoli Cell-Specific, Stage-Specific, and Androgen-Dependent Manner in the Testis In Vivo. Mol. Endocrinol. 17:223-233.
- Wilkinson, M.F. (2003) The Cycle of Nonsense. Mol. Cell 12: 1059-1061.
- Inoue, K., Khajavi, M., Ohyama, T., Hirabayashi, S., Wilson, J., Reggin, J.D., Mancias, P., Butler, I.J., Wilkinson, M.F., Wegner, M. & Lupski, J.R. (2004) Molecular Mechanism for Distinct Neurological Phenotypes Conveyed by Allelic Truncating Mutations. Nature Genetics 36: 361-369.
Commentaries on this paper:
- Chin, G. (2004) Location, Location, Location. Science 303:1731.
- Faculty of 1000 (“Exceptional”).
- Haigh, B. (2004) Making Sense out of Nonsense: the Role of Nonsense-Mediated Decay in Phenotypic Variation. Clin. Genet. 66: 17-22.
- Li, S., Wilkinson M.F., Xia, X., David, M., Xu, L., Purkel-Sutton, A. & Bhardwaj, A. (2005) Induction of IFN-Regulated Factors and Antitumoral Surveillance by Transfected Placebo Plasmid DNA. Molecular Therapy 11:112-119.
- Sims-Mourtada, J.C., Bruce, S., McKeller, M.R., Rangel, R., Guzman-Rojas, L., Cain, K., Lopez, C., Zimonjic D.B., Popescu, N.C., Gordon, J., Wilkinson, M.F. & Hector Martinez-Valdez (2005) The Human AKNA Gene Expresses Multiple Transcripts and Protein Isoforms as a Result of Alternative Promoter Usage, Splicing, and Polyadenylation. DNA & Cell Biology 24:325-328.
- MacLean, J.A., Rao, M.K., Doyle, M.H., Richards, J.S. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2005) Regulation of the Rhox5 Homeobox Gene in Primary Granulosa Cells: Preovulatory Expression and Dependence on Sp1/Sp3 and Gabp. Biology of Reproduction 73:1126-1134.
- Wilkinson, M.F. (2005) A New Function for Nonsense-Mediated Decay Factors. Trends in Genetics 21:143-148.
- MacLean, J.A., Chen, M.A., Wayne, C.M., Bruce, S.R., Meistrich, M.L., Macleod, C.L. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2005) Rhox: A New Homeobox Gene Cluster. Cell 120:369-382.
Commentaries on this paper:
- Hogeveen, K.N. & Sassone-Corsi, P. (2005) Homeobox Galore: When Reproduction Goes Rhox and Roll. Cell 120:287-288.
- Spitz, F. & Duboule D. (2005) Reproduction in Clusters. Nature 434:715-716.
- Faculty of 1000 (“Recommended”)
- Reported as “research news” by United Press International (UPI), Bio.com, ScienceDaily.com, EurekAlert, Medical News Today, The Doctor’s Lounge.net, Blogchina, Diario Medico.com
- Gudikote, J.P., Imam, J.S., Garcia, R.F. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2005) RNA Splicing Promotes Translation and RNA Surveillance. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 12:801-809.
- Rao, M., Pham, J., Imam, J.S., MacLean, J.A., Murali, D., Furuta, Y., Sinha-Hikim, A.P. & Wilkinson, M.F. (2006) Tissue-Specific RNAi Reveals that WT1 Expression in Nurse Cells Controls Germ-Cell Survival and Spermatogenesis Genes & Development 20:147-12.
Commentaries on this paper: