NOTE: Due to changes in the Ohio state standards these requirements may be subject to change. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate regularly with an advisor to ensure completion of all required coursework.

Mild-Moderate Educational Needs (Grades K-12) Patton College of Education & Human Services

Major Program Code: BS6316

Catalog Year 2013-2014

Multi-Age Intervention Specialist Licensure


Required General Education Courses

Total Hours: 122

Students are required to fulfill Ohio University’s General Education Requirements (Tier I, II, III).

FIRST YEAR: (It is suggested that these courses be taken in the

First Year, but may be taken in other semesters

EDTE 1500 Introduction to Teaching2


ENG 1510*-1530* Freshman Composition (1E)

Hearing and Speech Therapy3

CSD 1080 Introduction to Speech Disorders (2AS)


MATH 1101 Elem. Topics in Math (3) (1M)

MATH 1102 Elem. Topics in Math (3)

(MATH 1101 is recommended, however, any MATH

course numbered 1101 or above is acceptable.)

Psychology 3

PSY 1010General Psychology (2SS)

PSY 1110Elem. Statistical Reasoning (1M) 3

Cross Cultural Perspectives3Select course from Tier II Cross Cultural Perspectives (2CP)

Fine Arts3

Select course from Tier II Fine Arts (2FA)


Select course from Tier II Humanities & Lit. (2HL)

Natural Sciences/Math 3

Select course from Tier II Natural Science (2NS)

Apply for Professional Education Spring Semester Year 1

Requirements for Graduation:

Tier I

Tier II

Tier III

122 Semester Hours to graduate

Apply for Graduation

2.75 Cumulative GPA

2.75 Teaching Field(s) GPA

Requirements for Licensure: see Student Affairs

Admission to Professional Education and BCI (by Spr yr 1)

Selective Admission to Sp. Ed. (during Fall yr 2)

Admission to Advanced Standing (end Spr yr 2)

Admission to Professional Internship (Nov. 1st, yr 3)

Pass Ohio Assessments for Educators Exams

Recommendation from Faculty

Fingerprinting (Background Check with BCI/FBI)

Confirm Graduation

Complete Online Application for Licensure

= C or Better grade required in marked courses.

124 McCracken Hall

(740) 593-4400

Professional Requirements

Refer to Undergraduate ON LINE Catalog for pre-requisites and when offered

Hours: 903.00 GPA



Block I: EDTE 2000, 2010 & 2020 must be taken concurrently

EDTE 2000Learning, Human Growth & Development3

EDTE 2010Characteristics of Learners with Exceptionalities3

EDTE 2020Field Experience in Typical & Exceptional Development 1

EDTE 2200Phonics & Structure of Language 3


EDEC 3300Teaching Mathematics to Young Children3

EDTE 3250Literature Centered Reading Instruction3

Fall or Spring:

EDCT 2030Technological Applications in Education 3

EDCS 3010 Cultural Diversity and Education3

CONTENT specialization: Take 12 semester hours in Mathematics, Sciences, and/or Social Studies beyond those required for General Education Tiers12

Apply for Selective Admission into Sp. Ed. Year 2 by early Fall semester deadline (See E-news)


THIRD YEAR: MUST BE ADMITTED TO SP. ED. SELECTIVE ADMISSION TO TAKE BLOCK 2 COURSES and a C or better in each to move on to Block 3 (Block courses are taken concurrently)

Fall Semester: Block II

EDSP 3550Technology Applications in Special Education 3

EDSP 3600Field Experience in Special Education MM4

EDSP 3700Classroom Management for Special Needs3

EDSP 4730Issues in Special Education3

EDSP4850 Assessment of Learners with Special Needs 3

Spring Semester: Block III

EDSP 4600Field Experience in Sp. Ed. MM4

EDSP 3770Career Development for Transition & Special Needs3

EDSP 3760Methods for Learners with Mild-Mod Education Needs3

EDSP 4770Curr.,Collaboration & Consultation in Special Education3

EDTE 4200Reading in the Content Area3


EDPL 3600Field Experience (Senior Clinical Experience)3

ENG Junior Composition (1J) (must be taken prior to PI)3

Fall or Spring Semester (Course may be taken AFTER PI)

EDTE 4210Reading Diagnosis & Assessment3

Fall or Spring Semester (Can be taken either semester with prerequisites met.)

Apply for PI by Nov. 1st one year in advance. Take these three courses concurrently:

EDPL 4610Professional Internship6

EDPL 4630Professional Internship6

EDPL 4650Professional Internship Seminar (T3)3

Ohio Assessments for Educators (OAE) Website:

Ohio Department of Education Licensure: Updated February 2014

Eligible Content Area Courses for Undergraduate Special Education Majors
The classes listed below can be used to help you select your Tier classes to fulfill your tier 2 requirements and for your additional 12 hours of content concentration hours to prepare you to take the middle childhood Ohio Assessments for Educators (OAE) content test(s) allowing you to becoming highly effective in that content area. However, your Tier 2 classes cannot also count towards your 12 content concentration hours.
NOTE: You will be highly qualified (HQ) to teach special education in all content areas for grades K-6 and Language Arts for grades 7-12 after taking the Reading (K-12) subtests 1 & 2 already required for intervention specialists by the State of Ohio.
Course Number / Tier/Area / Semester Hours
ASTR 1001 or ASTR 1001 / 2NS / 3
BIOS 1700 & 1705 or PBIO 1140 / 2NS / 3
CHEM 1210 / 2NS / 4
GEOG 1400 or GEOL 2150 or GEOL 2210 / 2AS / 3
PBIO 1030 / 2AS / 3
PHIL 2160 / 2HL / 3
PHYS 2001 / 2NS / 4
Course Number / Tier/Area / Semester Hours
Math 1101 / 1M / 3
Math 2301 / 1M / 4
Math 2302 / 1M / 4
Math 2110 / 1M / 3
MATH 2500 / 1M / 4
Math 3000 / 1M / 3
Math 3050 / 1M / 3
Math 3070 / 1M / 3
Social Studies
Course Number / Tier/Area / Semester Hours
ECON 1000 / 2SS / 3
GEOG 1200/GEOG 1400 / 2SS/2AS / 3
HIST 1320 / 2CP / 3
HIST 1330 / 2CP / 3
HIST 2000 / 2SS / 3
HIST 2010 / 2SS / 3
POLS 1010 / 2SS / 3
SOC 1000 / 2SS / 3

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