Mike Bingman Memorial Scholarship
Mike Bingman was a UniServ Director for Jefferson County until he retired in 1995. Upon Mike’s death in 1996, a memorial scholarship was established in his memory. In 2008 this Memorial Fund was transferred to a surviving Trustee account within the MNEA Hope Fund. Balances of this fund are monitored by the Southeast MNEA office.
The Jefferson/Ste. Genevieve/St. Francois County Leadership Council, which includes the locals of Crystal City, DeSoto, Dunklin, Farmington, Festus, Fox, Hillsboro, Jefferson R-7, North St. Francois County, Northwest, Ste. Genevieve and Windsor, will follow the “Missouri NEA Charitable Fund Scholarship Process” (see appendix A) as the guiding process for the council to distribute scholarship funds.
The scholarship monies are to be awarded to graduating high school seniors who are going into the field of education.
There will be two annual scholarships awarded in the amount of $750 each.
At each January Leadership Council Meeting, a committee will be formed which will be called the Mike Bingman Scholarship Committee. This committee will be responsible for having applications (see Appendix B), guidelines (see Appendix C) and rubrics (see Appendix D) for the scholarship by the February Leadership Council Meeting.
Participating locals will receive information (along with applications, guidelines and rubrics) at the February Leadership Council meeting.
Locals will be responsible for distribution and collection of the applications within their school district. Applications shall be limited to high school seniors who are going into the field of education.
Locals will be responsible for forming a committee to select one or two applications to forward to the Leadership Council. These shall be received in the Southeast MNEA office (in Festus) by March 31.
The Mike Bingman Scholarship Committee will meet sometime after March 31 to review the scholarship applications that were received.
After reviewing the applications and rubrics submitted, the committee will make final decisions for the 2 scholarship recipients. This needs to be completed by April 30. The committee will then complete and submit the MNEA Charitable Fund Scholarship Winner Recommendation Form. (Appendix E)
A check will be sent from the Missouri NEA Charitable Fund payable to the individual scholarship recipient(s). All disbursements of funds to individuals shall be clearly noted as being awarded from the “Mike Bingman Memorial Scholarship Fund”. The Leadership Council must report the recipient local(s) and individual scholarship amount(s) to the MNEA Charitable Fund administrator.
Date policy was last revised: January 31, 2013
Appendix A
Missouri NEA Charitable Fund Scholarship Guidelines
(As used for the Mike Bingman scholarship fund.)
A scholarship committee shall be established. (January or sooner.)
1. The Scholarship committee will appoint sub-committee members (February)each year. The sub-committee members will:
a) distribute and gather scholarship applications,
b) review and screen the scholarship applications,(March 31st deadline for application receipt) and,
c) recommend a scholarship winner(s) with the “MNEA Charitable Fund Scholarship Winner Recommendation Form”.
2. Winner(s) are selected by the committee based on the sub-committee recommendation(s). (By April 30th)
3. The local is notified and a check is provided.
4. A list of the winner(s), including addresses and amounts, is to be maintained and submitted to the MNEA Charitable Fund administrator.
Appendix B
Mike Bingman Memorial Scholarship Application
Name ______Date of Birth ______
Address ______Male or Female
(Street) (circle)
______Home Phone______
City, State, Zip
Cell Phone______Email Address: ______
Do you live with your parents/other family? ______
Name of high school attending ______
Name of sponsoring NEA local ______
Work Experience ______
Father’s Name ______
Occupation: ______
Father’s Employer: ______
Mother’s Name ______
Occupation: ______
Mother’s Employer: ______
Appendix B, Mike Bingman Scholarship Application, page 2.
Parent’s adjusted gross income ___under 25,000 ___25,000 to 40,000
___40,000 to 55,000 ___55,000 to 70,000 ___over 70,000
Number of people in household ____
Number of family members attending college in 2015 – 2016: ______
Are either of your parents an NEA member? ______
What college do you plan to attend? ______
Have you been accepted by this college? ______
Intended major ______
Grades you plan to teach ______
List experience working with students (i.e. cadet teaching, A+ hours, day camp, day cares, etc) ______
What is your current GPA?______Date of ACT______
ACT Score ______
Will you be receiving A+ money?______
Please list other scholarships you will be receiving: ______
Appendix B, Mike Bingman Scholarship Application, page 3.
Please list any special financial circumstances you may have:
Please write short paragraphs to answer these questions:
Why do you think you should be awarded this scholarship?
Why are you going into education?
****Please attach two letters of recommendation from the high school
you are attending.
By submitting this application, the undersigned hereby certifies that the information contained herein is true and accurate as of the date signed.
Applicant Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Appendix C
Mike Bingman Memorial Scholarship
Guidelines for Jefferson/Ste. Genevieve/St. Francois County
MNEA Locals
Mike Bingman was a UniServ Director for Jefferson County until he retired in 1995. Upon Mike’s death in 1996, a memorial scholarship was established in his memory. In 2008 this Memorial Fund was transferred to a surviving Trustee account within the MNEA Hope Fund.
Each year, the Leadership Council will award two $750 scholarships from this fund.
The responsibility of each local shall be:
1. Attend the February Leadership Council meeting to receive information, applications and rubrics. Representatives of Locals who are unable to attend, will receive these items in the mail.
2. Distribute the applications within your district to graduating seniors who are going into the field of education. Set a date when these are due back to you.
3. Collect applications.
4. Form a committee and use the rubric (see Appendix D) to select one or two winning applications.
5. Forward the winning application(s), along with the rubrics, to the Leadership Council, in care of the MNEA Southeast Regional Office,
2310 N. Truman Blvd, Crystal City 63019 by March 31.
Appendix D
Rubric for Scoring Applications
Mike Bingman Memorial Scholarship
Name of Applicant ______Date:
Name of MNEA Local
____ 2.5 to 2.99 GPA (1 point)3.0 or higher GPA (2 points)
____ ACT score of 25 to 29 (1 point)30 or higher (2 points)
____ Parent is an MNEA member (1 point)
____Has been employed part time
____Attending a college in Missouri (1 point)
____Is accepted at a college (1 point)
____Other family members will be in college (1 point)
____There is financial need (1 point)
____Has experience working with students (1 point)
____Not receiving A+ money (1 point)
____No other known scholarships (1 point)
____Good letters of recommendation: 1letter (1 point)2 letters (2 points)
____ Paragraph impresses (1 point)
Appendix E
MNEA Charitable Fund Scholarship
Winner Recommendation Form
(Separate .pdf files)
This form shall be transmitted either by US Mail or e-mail to:
Missouri NEA
1810 East Elm Street
Jefferson City MO 65101
Attn: MNEA Charitable Fund/Karen Struemph
A copy shall go the Leadership Council in care of the,
MNEA Southeast Regional Office
2310 North Truman Blvd.
Crystal City MO 63019