
This document is a baseline for humanitarian needs assessment in Migoriwith an aim of providing information that would aid in decision making. The information presented has been gathered through a review of pre-crisis, studies and lessons learnt secondary data. Available indicator information is by County, Sub County, and National (where there is no available sub-county/county information). This desk review is to help in the process of assessment planning for humanitarian needs assessment.

Purpose of the Desk review

This desk review is not a comprehensive survey on food security, livelihoods, WASH, protection e.t.c nor is it an inter-agency needs assessment. It is a process in which a secondary literature and data has been used to uncover any relevant information of use and guidance for the preparation of the in-crisis primary data collection.

Demography of Population

  • MigoriCounty constitutes 68.5% of the national populationranked 32/47. 49.1% of the population are male while 50.8% are femaleCRA 2012
  • The county shares 34.0% of the national urban population ranked 10/47CRA 2012
  • Rongotown is the largest urban population taking 14.6% of the county’s population, followed byMigori 9.4%, Kehancha 5.3%,Sori1.5% and Muhuru Bay 1.1 % respectively[1]
  • The county has adisabled populationof 1.7% constituting visual disability, 1.23% hearing disability, 0.64% speech disability, 2.63% physical and self care disability, 0.5%mental disability and 0.68% with otherdisabilities.[2]
  • The countyhas a population density of 523.7km2 which is higherthan the national population density of 401.1 per square kilometerseeTable 1
  • The average household size in Migoriis 0.47% lower than the national household size of 4.4 % ( Table 1)
  • It is estimated that the county’s deprived child populationis 55.51%.[3]
  • Kenya has a gender index of 0.39% for 2012, and a Human Development Index score of 0.509 for 2011.World Bank, 2011
  • In 2011, the nationalbirth rate per 1,000 was 37.6 (World Bank, 2011), and the annualpopulation growth rate was 2.67% (World bank, 2012)

County / # Households / Area in Sq.Km / Population Density / Male / Female / Total Population
Migori*** / 41800 / 1969 / 523.7**** / 125938 / 130148 / 256086
Kenya / 8,767,104 / 96,252.0 / 401.1 / 19,192,458 / 19,417,639 / 38,610,097

Table 1 Population statisticsMigori (Source: KNBS 2012, Source 2009 Census, **** CRA 2012)[4]

Area Profile

Geography, climate and economy

  • Migori Countyis acountyin the formerNyanza Provinceof south-western Kenya. Its capital isin Migori town, and is the largest town in the county.
  • Migori is an agricultural are, the economy revolves around sugarcane, tobacco farming,maize, beans, coffee, groundnuts and vegetables.
  • Livestock farming is also undertaken in small scale basis, and fishing is also major economic activity.
  • Due to mineral resources available in the county, there is a nascent but growing miningindustry particularly gold mining that many residents have taken up.[5]

Socio-cultural characteristics

  • The main ethnic group is Luo followed by Kuria and others areMaragoli and Kisii.CRECO 2012

Governance and coordination

  • The County has a factor of 0.34 in relation to millions of citizen per court station and 3 stations. It does not have a high court and litigants have to go to Kisii.

Hazards and Historic Sources of Conflict

Shocks and Hazards

  • Environmental degradation remains a challenge due to the nature of commercial agriculture specifically the use of pesticides and firewood in the sugar and tobacco industriesCRECO 2012

Historic triggers/Sources of tentions

  • Migori County has the potential for extreme and widespread violence due to political feuds and inter-clan ethnic tension and is a high priority area for monitoringCRECO 2012

Security Issues

Migori has a history of politically motivated and cross border conflicts, large minorities like the Kuria feel culturally and politically alienated from the Luo and this is a perennial source of conflicts. CRECO 2012

Livelihoods and Food Security

  • There is a sugar factory at Awendo and a leaf curing centre in Rongo
  • There is also artisan mining in Nyatike and Rongo as well as fishing. The main economic hub is Migori and Awendo towns.
  • Food security: The county does farming on maize, beans, groundnuts and vegetables.

Health and Nutrition


  • Births delivered at a health facility 47.2(%) as compared to the National level 44%[6]
  • 71.5% Fully-immunized pop <1yr (2012) below the national 83.0%
  • Malaria cases (per 100,000 people) is 40,440higher than the national 21,945
  • Tuberculosis Prevalence (per 100,000 people) 309 higher than the national level 223[7]
  • Under weight (weight for age) (%) is 16.1 higher than the national 15.0[8]
  • Stunted (height for age) (%) is 27.3 lower than national 30.0%[9]
  • Doctors to Population Ratio: 1:100,000[10]
  • Health facilities:public (105), Non-governmental(8), Faith Based (27), and private ( 30)[11]
  • The nationallife expectancy at birth is 57.5% for males and 56.3 for females (World bank, 2012)
  • The national literacy rate for adults is 87.4% (90.6% for males, 84.2% for females), and the youth literacy rate is 92% (91.7% for males, 93.7% for femalesWorld Bank, 2010

Health coverage / Migori / Kenya *
Malaria (as % of all 1st outpatient visits) / 72.8(44) / 27.7
TB in every 10,000 people (% 2009/10) / 63 (44) / 39
HIV+ ante-natal care clients (%, 2010) / 12.0 (43) / 5.9
Delivered in a health centre / 32.5 (22) / 37.5
Qualified medical assistant during birth / 35.1 (22) / 37.6
Had all vaccinations / 51.6 (44) / 75

Table 2 Health coverage indicators by county (CRA, 2011)

Figures shown are percentage of population, figure in brackets indicates the rank compared across all 47 counties. * indicates Kenya county average


Access to water

  • Access to safe water is 25.6% in the county (SPME CDI per county)


  • Attending School, 15-18 years is higher 79.6% as compared to national 70.1 %, and is ranked 13/47 counties
  • Can read & write is 75.2% higher than the national level 66.4% and is ranked 17/47 counties

Migori / Kenya
Can read & write (10-14 months) / 75.2 (17) / 66.4
Attending School, 15-18 years / 79.6 (13) / 70.9

Table 4: County Education coverage (CRA, 2011)

Figures shown are percentage of population, figure in brackets indicates the rank compared across all 47 counties. * indicates Kenya county average


Figure 1: Migori county map (population density) Source: (CRA, 2011)

Background Resources

1(As at June 2015)

[1] Data from Kenya county Fact sheet by CRA

[2]( Population with disability census 2009)

[3] SPME CDI by county



[6](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )

[7](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )

[8](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )

[9](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )

[10](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )

[11](MOH - Kenya Health Information System 2012 )