2008-2009 Annual Report
Midwest Regional Chapter – Society of Toxicology
I.Time Period
This report covers the time period June 1, 2008 – May 30, 2009
A.The officers for the 2008-2009 year were:
President / Peter J. Thomford, Covance LaboratoriesPresident-Elect / Walter C. Prozialeck, Midwestern University
Past President / Don W. Corte, Concordia (WI) University
Treasurer / Christina R. Wilson, PurdueUniversity
Secretary / Louette J. Rausch, Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc.
Councilor / Michael DuVall, Abbott Laboratories
Councilor / Molly Weiler, Covance Laboratories
Councilor / Jane A. Fagerland, Abbott Laboratories
Councilor / Oliver Pelz, B.P. Corporation
Student Representative / Ofek Bar-Ilan, University of Wisconsin
Post-doc Representative / Vacant
B.The officers for the 2009-2010 year are:
President / Walter C. Prozialeck, Midwestern UniversityPresident-Elect / Matthew Shroeder, Covance Laboratories
Past President / Peter J. Thomford, Covance Laboratories
Treasurer / Molly Weiler, Covance Laboratories
Secretary / Louette J. Rausch, Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc.
Councilor / Lise Loberg, Abbott Laboratories
Councilor / Susan Henwood, Covance Laboratories
Councilor / Jane A. Fagerland, Abbott Laboratories
Councilor / Oliver Pelz, B.P. Corporation
Student Representative / Ofek Bar-Ilan, University of Wisconsin
Post-doc Representative / Vacant
III.General Meetings
A.Fall Meeting 2008
The Fall Annual Meeting was held on the afternoon of Friday, November 7, at MidwesternUniversity in Downers Grove, IL. Approximately 60 people, from the states of IL, WI and IN attended the meeting. President-elect Walter Prozialeck served as Program Chair for the meeting, which focused on the topic “Regional Issues in Environmental Toxicology”. A copy of the schedule for the meeting that includes a list of speakers and their topics is attached as Appendix I.
B.Spring Meeting 2009
The Spring Annual Meeting was held on Friday, May 1 at the Marriott Resort in Lincolnshire, IL. The day-long meeting focused on the theme “Biomarkers of Toxic Injury and Therapeutic Reponses”. The program featured an outstanding panel of speakers from both academia and industry. A copy of the program is attached as Appendix II. Approximately 100 people from IL, WI and IN attended the meeting. Feedback regarding the program was extremely positive. In addition, the chapter’s annual awards were presented at the meeting (see “Awards” section below. A copy of the minutes from the business portion of the meeting is attached as Appendix III.
C.Plans for 2009-2010 Meetings
The 2009 Fall Meeting will be held on November 20 at Covance Laboratories in Madison, WI. President-elect, Matthew Schroeder is serving as Program Chair for the meeting, which will focus on the theme of “Cardiovascular Toxicology”.
The 2010 Spring Meeting will be held on May 21, at the Marriott Lincolnshire (IL) Resort. The topic has yet to be determined.
IV.The following chapter awards were present at the 2009 Spring Meeting
A.Kenneth DuBois – Career Achievement Award
1.Baabara J. Struthers, Ph.D., DABT, B.J. Struthers Consulting, Deerfield, IL
B.Victor A. Drill Award (student poster presentation).
1.First Place – Qing Liu, University ofWisconsin - Milwaukee
2.Second Place – Sonya Volker, University of Illinois
C.Young Investigator Award
1.Erin Shanle, University of Wisconsin
V.Newsletters and Website
Chapter’s newsletters were published in Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. They were distributed via email to all members of the chapter and posted on the chapters website.
The chapter President, Past-President and Secretary plan to update the information on the Chapter’s website some time in August of 2009.
VI. SOT Funding and General Finances
SOT had approved the chapter’s request for up to $1500 to support travel expenses for speakers at the 2009 Spring Meeting. The actual expenses were significantly below that amount. The total speaker expenses for which reimbursement was received from SOT were $634.00. This support from SOT is greatly appreciated. The chapter continued to maintain a modest budge surplus for the year. With additional fund raising efforts, the chapter has been able to cover expenses and keep registration fees for the 2 annual meetings under control. The contributions of the various sponsors including: Abbott Laboratories, Charles River Laboratories, CorDynamics, Covance, Midwest BioResearch, MidwesternUniversity, Reid Patterson Consulting, Robin Guy Consulting, Society of Toxicology and WIL Research Laboratories are greatly appreciated.
VII.Other Activities
A.Other notable activities during the past year included:
1.In July, 2008, President-elect, Walt Prozialeck attended the SOT RC-SS-SIG Leadership Meeting in Reston, VA.
2.During the past year, MRC Past-Presidents, Dan Korte and Peter Thomford have been spear heading a review of the chapters By-Laws and are in the process of preparing revisions to more closely reflect current operation of the chapter.
3.Current President, Walt Prozialeck, has been in discussion with the presidents of neighboring chapters, Michigan and CentralStates, about better coordinating topics and scheduling of the regional chapters’ meetings.
4.The executive committee is exploring ways of increasing student and post-doctoral trainee participation in the annual meetings.
5.The chapter again held its annual Breakfast meeting during the national SOT Meeting. Special thanks to Covance for sponsoring the meeting.
In summary, MRC-SOT has had another successful year. The organization continues to provide quality scientific programs and foster interactions among toxicologists in IL, WI and Northwestern IN. The financial status of the chapter continues to be sound. The officers are committed to continuing this success in the coming year.
Report Prepared by Walter Prozialeck, MRC-SOT President, July 29, 2009.
Appendix I
Appendix II
27th Annual MRC/SOT Spring Meeting
May 1, 2009
“Biomarkers of Toxic Injury and Therapeutic Responses”
Program Chair: Walter C. Prozialeck
Registration/Breakfast7:40-8:50 AM
8:50-9:00 AM
Peter Thomford, Ph.D. DABT
Covance Laboratories
Validation of Novel Biomarkers
of Kidney Injury
9:00-9:45 AM
Vishal S. Vaidya, Ph.D.,
Kim-1 as a Novel Biomarker of Cd Nephrotoxicity
9:45-10:30 AM
Walter C. Prozialeck, Ph.D.
Refreshment Break
10:30-10:50 AM
2009 Young Investigator Award Presentation: Investigation of Oxidative Stress Induced in Zebrafish Embryos by Photo-activated Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
10:50-11:05 AM
Ofek Bar-Ilan
University of Wisconsin
Graduate Student Poster Session
11:05-12:05 PM
12:05-1:00 PM
Business Meeting/Student Poster Awards
1:00-1:30 PM
Peter Thomford, Ph.D. DABT
Covance Laboratories / Hemoglobin Adducts as Biomarkers
of Toxic Metabolites
1:30-2:15 PM
Adnan Elfarra, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin
Novel Biomarkers of Hepatic Injury
2:15-3:00 PM
Eric Blomme, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Abbott Laboratories
Refreshment Break
3:00-3:15 PM
Biomarkers of Cardiac Hypertrophy
and Necrosis
Steve Engle, MSci.
Eli Lilly Co.
Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
of Anticancer Agents
R. Stephanie Huang, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
Panel Discussion/Q&A
4:45-4:55 PM
Concluding Remarks
4:55-5:00 PM
Peter Thomford, Ph.D. DABT
Covance Laboratories
Appendix III
Appendix IV