Midlands Engine Expression of Interest for Grant Funding.
Strategic Programme Development Fund (SPDF) Wave 1
Please Read Separate Process Guidance Notebefore Completing this Form.
- Summary Project Details
1.1 Project name:
1.2 Name and contact details for the Project Manager.
1.3 Name and contact details of the Project Sponsor (If different from above).
1.4 Lead organisation for this project (applicant for grant funding)
1.5Summary description of the project (c. 150 words)
1.6 What will the SPDF seed funding be used for ? / Green Book
Other (Please specify below)
1.7 Do you already have a funding / investment stream identified e.g. ISCF / MEIF / UKR I / HCA / other private sector investment ?
1.8 Estimated total project cost
- Utilisation of SPDF
2.1 How much SPDF are you seeking?
(Refer to guidance notes attached)
2.2 When do you intend to start this activity?
2.3 When will the activity end?
2.4 How do intend to procure the service that the SPDF funds will be spent on? E.g. use of a framework / tendering
- Strategic Fit
3.1 The Vision for Growth sets out our core purpose to create a Midlands Engine that powers the UK economy and competes on the world stage.
Describe how your project will help realise this ambition.
3.2 Which of the eight strategic priority areas does your project contribute to and how?
3.3 In which sectors will this project drive economic growth?
Please order in magnitude of impact.
- Stakeholders
4.1 Who are the key stakeholders for this project?
4.2 To what extent have they been engaged in project development?
4.3 What indications of support for the project have you received from key stakeholders. E.g. Letter of support?
- Additionality
5.1 What are the indicative outputs for this project? / Please complete the below table with the indicative outputs the project will deliver by 2030. Please add others if applicable.
Innovation measures – please set these out. E.g. value to the economy, commercialisation of projects, number of patents, etc
Trade and Investment measures – e.g. ROI, growth in exports and inward investment.
Numbers and types of jobs directly created and safeguarded
Number and type of jobs indirectly created and safeguarded
Housing units completed
Commercial floorspace created (m2)
Number of new learners achieving step up qualification in our priority sectors
Number of new apprenticeships at Level 4-7 delivered as a direct result of the project.
Number of new apprenticeships up to Level 3 delivered as a direct result of the project.
Land Value Uplift (£)
Transport Projects – indicative BCR or VFM
Indirect benefits (multipliers – explain)
5.2 What other indicative outputs and outcomes will this project deliver?
5.3 How is your project providing additionality ? (Explain at high level)
- SPDF Allocation
6.1 Please indicate below the grant requested and the match funding over financial years. Please note that Midlands Engine funding is only available for 2 years up to 2019/2020 financial year.
Funding Source (£000s) / 2018/19 / 2019/20
Midlands Engine Strategic Priority Development Funding
Cash Match
Local Authority
Business partnership
Other organisation (Please state)
Total Cash Match
6.2 Indicative project requirements
Total project Value: (£000s)
Expected Funding Source for overall project (£000s) / 2018/19 / 2019/20 / 2020/21 / 2020/21 / Future years / Total
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Total project funding sought
Private Sector Investment
Other public-sector Investment
Total Leverage Value
- Deliverability
7.1 What regulatory or legislative approvals would be required before the project could be delivered?
7.2 What actions need to be taken before the project can start?
7.3 Have you identified any other barriers to delivery and how are you planning to overcome them?
7.4 What is the earliest date that the project could start and the latest it could finish?
7.5 What are the top three risks and mitigating actions to the project?
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