Mideast Regional Parent Mentor
Meeting Minutes
Date:October 2, 2014
Parent Mentor’s in attendance: Cathy Rundo, Stacey Hartwig, Susan Foley, Robin Howard, Leslie White, Amy Atallah, Sandra Craft, Anthony Russo, Michele McGinnis, Sandie Cooper, Diane Rudzitis, Kitty Boylan, Jeanne Schmidlin, Kelly Butler
Parent Mentor’s absent:Carmelita Smith, Krista Bathori
District Representative:Karen Lyke
Visitors: Lorna McLain, School Choice Ohio, Dan Reynolds, Rotary Camp Director
(If this meeting contained a presentation for professional development, please include a very brief narrative of the professional development): Lorna McLain, Northeast Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator for School Choice Ohio spoke about School Choice Ohio and how they can give parents other educational avenues.
Executive Director of Rotary Camp, Dan Reynolds, gave Mideast Parent Mentors a tour and overview of Rotary Camp (where our meeting was held).
Were certificates of participation given? ___x__yes _____no
OCECD:see council notes below
Council:Sandie Cooper and Stacey Hartwig reviewed Parent Mentor of Ohio Council Updates. Topics discussed were the new CCIP grant application system and the process the grants now go through. Explained that this topic will be addressed at Fall Conference and questions will be answered then.
Discussed PDP’s signatures and how Carolyn would like goals for books and video’s to be documented. Also addressed was procedure for changing a PDP goal and about supplemental hours.
Carolyn will be scheduling more onsite visits this year.
New template for submitting regional meeting notes.
New process for parents who want to use an OCECD advocate instead of a PM. Paperwork is on website.
PM Council will be updating PM Guidelines. PM’s were asked to submit questions to Sandie or Stacey before next council meeting in January.
Skills and Knowledge:Dr. Bruce Perry will be speaker at the Spring Conference.
Old Business:Discussed 3 questions that were emailed to PM Council Reps. before the first PM Council meeting. Gave answers that were given by Carolyn Head and Mark Lynskey.
New Business:Welcomed Tony Russo, new Parent Mentor for Field.Did a roundtable introducing ourselves to him as well as giving our well wishes to Robin Howard.
Susan Foley gave info on an upcoming ARC conference on November 19 in Worthington regarding the DD system, shared living, employment first, voting rights and more.
Sandy Craft handed out flyers to the Unskating Party which will be Oct.29,2014 at Springfield Lake Roller Rink in Lakemore, Ohio.
Parent Mentor Council Reps asked regional mentors to look over guidelines and to email any questions to Sandie or Stacey before the next PM Council meeting on January 20, 2015.
Next Meeting Date/location:January 29, 2015 in Portage
Adjournment: 12:30pm