Middletown Rotary Club, Inc.


Board of Directors

Monday January 11, 2016

Host: Kevin Wilhelm at Heritage Commons

Present: President-Bruce Driska, President-Elect-Joe Marino, Secretary-Pat Tucker, Treasurer-Pat Tully, and Directors:Steve Lovelace,Howard Reid, Lisa Santangelo, Cathy Branch-Stebbins and Helene Vartelas. All attendees were present for the first item of business.

President's Report:The meeting was called to order by President Bruce at 5:38 PM. Two Rotarians of the Month were unanimously selected, Gary Gomola and Rich Tomc for their ongoing assistance to the Club in roles behind the scenes. A request from Pat Gomola for attendance waived status was unanimously approved and meets criteria. Bruce distributed a District Managed Grant application for a food packaging event involving participation and cost-sharing by several Clubs (Middletown, Niantic, North Branford and Derby-Shelton). With a total investment of $10,000, ingredients for 40,000 nutritious meals can be packaged. $5,000 of this investment will come from participating Clubs with a $5,000 match from the District. Our Club's share of the meals will go to local food pantries (St Vincent De Paul and (possibly) MXCC).The suggested date is Sunday Feb 14th at a site on the Wesleyan campus, not yet determined. Bruce explained the process. The time commitment is a total of 6 hours but can be broken into shifts. Our Club's financial commitment is $1,250. After discussion, including the short notice, absence of a venue at Wesleyan (to date) and alternatives, and whether enough volunteers would come out on a Sunday/holiday, Bruce will follow up with Wesleyan re: space/date, Helene will explore the possibility of space at Paige Hall, and expected participation by Club members will be determined by a show of hands at our meeting on 1/12. The Board, after reviewing available funds in the Board discretionary line item, unanimously approved contributing $1,250 toward this effort provided it is completed before the end of the Rotary year. Of note is that Bruce, who had initially proposed this event, will be out of the Country that weekend and won't be able to participate. The dollar amounts available for scholarships need to be determined and voted on by the Club in January..

President -Elect's Report: Matthew Wiezbicki is scheduled for orientation with Rich Tomc. Joe has signed up for PrePETS training.

Treasurer's Report: Financial reports were sent to the Board in advance of the meeting. Half way through the Rotary year, both budgets are on target. Income from the Oktoberfest is greater than anticipated and stands at about 8K. Trish and Howard S. are working on the application for the Raffle and prizes. The current balance in the Operating Account is $19,296 and $23,259 in the Charitable Account.

Assistant Secretary/Treasurers Report: No report.

Secretary's Report: The RI database has been updated to accurately reflect membership and outstanding dues will be based on the number of members as of Dec. 30, 2015.

Sergeant-At-Arms Report: Bruce reported in Kevin's absence that attendance for December was at least 64% given there were some glitches in the District attendance database. Three members were identified as having attendance problems that need to be addressed. A leave of absence was unanimously approved for Sue Murphy for 6 months, retroactive to Dec. 21, 2015.

Committee Reports:

International: Howard R. reported that the Ecuador irrigation project has officially been completed. It is anticipated that RI will approve funding for a cistern project in Mexico and an additional drinking water project in Ecuador.

Community Investments/Grants: No new applications have been reviewed.

Scholarship Committee: Noted above in President's report.

Fundraising: Noted above in Treasurer's Report.

New Generations: Cathy reported that she distributed Rotary T-shirts to IDS Interact members and they were very much appreciated. The IDS Interact Club has grown to 43 members. Cathy will coordinate with Bruce on setting up a ShelterBox display first, at Mercy and then IDS. Cathy will be sending out Service Above Self applications with assistance from Helene and Joe.

Club visibility: Steve reminded Club members to take photos of Rotary events (e.g. ShelterBox displays) they are participating in. He could use help in making sure that Rotary T-shirts are available at the front desk for sale.

Old Business/New Business: The Club needs to decide on the recipients of two Paul Harris awards for 2016. The Rotarian of the Year has already been selected and one Paul Harris will be given to past President, Trish. Bruce will send an email out to the Club with the PH application form attached. These need to be completed for review at the Feb. Board meeting. Arrangements (location/date) for the awards dinner need to be made. The Board agreed that the Elk's Club would be preferable.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM followed by dinner. Thanks to Kevin and Trish for making the arrangements at Heritage Commons.

The next meeting will be held on Monday Feb. 8th hosted by Lisa Santangelo at Heritage Commons.