/ Parish Meeting Rooms
Main Road
Middleton Cheney
Oxon OX17 2LR
Tel: (01295) 713500

Middleton Cheney Neighbourhood Plan (MCNP)

27th June 2012

Parish Meeting Room, 7.30pm

Present / Apologies
Housing/Development/Industry/Commerce / Nick Poole
Alan Youel
John Taylor
Nigel Wadlow
Merry Wadlow / Matt Stuart
Young/Elderly/Health/School / Val Furniss / Robert South
Mike Scarlett
Craig Orris
Transport/Roads/Policing/Environment / Sue Jerrams Coughtrey
Alan Youel
Craig Bryant / Roger Charlesworth PCSO
Rodney Hume
Angela Hume
Leisure/Recreation/Church/Social / Matt Stuart
Eddie Smith
Mike Scarlett
Roger Charlesworth

ApologiesAngela Hume, Robert South, Mike Scarlett, Matt Stuart, Rodney Hume, Angela Hume, Eddie Smith, PSCO, Roger Charlesworth, Craig Orris

AbsentPaul Browne,

  1. Welcome to Meeting

Nick Poole opened the meeting and thanked members for attending.

  1. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as correct.

  1. Weekly Check List

NP had distributed a check list which will be used on a weekly basis to keep track of the actions from meeting. The updated check list will be distributed with the minutes.

  1. Application form for approval

Nick Poole had completed the application to SNC and this has been included on the agenda for the Parish Council Meeting on the 18th June 2012. This was signed off and sent to SNC.

  1. Letter Head

The letter head was approved by the PC, Matt Stuart is going to produce a letter head without the strap line on to be sent to SNC for approval.

ACTION: Matt Stuart

  1. Project Plan

Craig Orris is actioned with updating the project plan for the next meeting.

ACTION: Craig Orris

  1. CPRE

NP gave a brief overview of the days training received by some members of the group. The day had not gone as planned due to information received by the group about the Dawlish Neighbourhood Plan; NP had emailed a letter out to all the members. Whilst discussing information gathering with the CPRE trainer, it was felt that the parish questionnaire dated 2010 was current enough to be used within the MCNP

  1. Building Community Planning Camp

Alan Youel had attended a two day camp in Southampton on behalf of the group and produced a briefing paper which is attached. One of the main points from the event was the need for community engagement at all stages of the MCNP. It was felt by the camp this should start as early as possible within the project and will help shape the MCNP document; this would then give the process more chance of being accepted by the residents at referendum. AY stated that he had collected some useful web addresses which he will email to the group,

ACTION: Alan Youel

The organisers of the Middleton Music Festival to be held in the village on 14th July 2012 are happy for the MCNP group to have a stand on the day as a way of raising the profile of the MCNP. NP asked that Craig Orris could look into this.

ACTIOIN: Craig Orris

  1. MCNP email

The MCNP email had now been set up and was working. The address is

  1. Date of next meetingMonday 9th July 7.30pm Parish Meeting Room.