Teacher: xxxxx / Date 14th March / Time/Period: 1 / Class: 12B
Context [TB1]of the lesson and prior learning
How important to Pitt's success was his relationship with George III? This is part of the AS British History unit which students will be examined on in June.
Pupils have previously developed a wide understanding of the 18th Century political system and, within this context, have begun to build up their understanding of the key events surrounding Pitt’s time in office, and made judgements on the extent to which they show dependence.
Previously students have been unclear as to the core requirements for AS essay writing and distinguishing between analysis and narrative which focuses on the essay question. This lesson is designed to clarify examiners expectations and improving their essay writing skills.
Learning Objectives [TB2](Skills/Knowledge)
Develop and reinforce understanding of the extent to which Pitt’s early and latter success was dependent upon his relationship with King George III.
Demonstrate an understanding of the AS assessment criteria and an ability to make judgements on the strengths and weaknesses of work according to these criteria.
Success Criteria [TB3](evidence of learning)
All pupils will
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key events in Pitt’s reign including the extent of his reliance on George III.
- Apply the assessment criteria for making judgements on responses to short answer questions.
Some pupils will
- Understand and be able to make substantiated judgements about the different interpretations of Pitt’s reliance on George III.
- Apply the assessment criteria for making judgements on responses to essay questions, and identify some key components for a Level 3 response.
Linked to Assessment [TB4](how are you going to measure it)
The lesson is based around a review of the exam board Assessment Objectives. Pupils will be assessing example work based around the 3 core AO’s.
Informal questioning & monitoring will take place through the starter activity which will draw out the key content requirements for students. The main activity will then allow for developing judgements based on the exam board criteria.
Formally students will be required to complete an essay on the lesson title for homework
Inclusion/differentiation: (How are the specific needs identified in the class context sheet being met?)
- Mixed ability group ability range from A-C at GCSE and A-D targets for A2[M5].
xxxxxxx is easily distraced [TB6] (see CCS) and seated to minimise any disruption. He requires positive reinforcement of expectations. He has been paired with xxx for the intial activity as they help him maintain focus. Card sorting activities is kinasthetic and I will ask him to join the group at the back to refocus him.
Initial starter aimed to allow less able [TB7]to access activity, by outlining core content and most able to develop exam analysis and evaluative technique and examiner expectations.
Cross curricular links[TB8]
Literacy (developing extended writing), Assessment for learning (Individual learning)
Health and safety Issues[TB9]
Keywords for learning[TB10]
Sinecure, patronage, Regent, Aristocracy, propertied suffrage
W/Board Pres 2) Snowstorm sheets 3) Assessment Matrix A3 4) AFL Example sheets
Time / Add more rows where necessary
15 min / Activities/tasks
1) Introduce task:
2) Target questions:[TB12]
- What are the key considerations for answering an essay question
- What knowledge can we bring to this essay question?
- Circulate and manage feedback.
Student Activity- Individual/pair work
- Outline key considerations for essay question. Pair/ Group work
- Snowstorm the key knowledge, examples and analytical points for each question.
- Whole Class feedback [TB13] / Purpose of activity relevant to LO
- Developing exam technique
- Developing knowledge and understanding of the extent to which Pitt’s early and latter success was dependent upon his relationship with King George III.
- Know the key content to enable effective peer/self-assessment.[M14]
Assessment Opportunities
Individual and whole class questioning
25 min / Activities/tasks
Main Activity
1) Explain card sorting activity. Circulate and monitor this with grps.
2) Lead class discussion about grouping. Ensuring:
- Elicit justifications for choices
- What other causes /evidence could be used to explain Pitts success?
- Focus on understanding of requirements for a Level 3.
Student activity
-Sorting activity to group causes of Pitts Success
-Feedback Q&A
-Pupils grade and justify example response on essay question / Purpose of activity relevant to LO
- Developing exam technique
- Developing understanding of the AS assessment criteria and an ability to make judgements on the strengths and weaknesses of example work
1*- Develop understanding of key elements of the responses at each level.
Assessment Opportunities
Hands- down whole class questioning- Opportunity to review responses of XXXX and XXXX who are perhaps the weakest in the class.
15 min / Activities/tasks
-Introduce task and model an example.
-Set homework (Complete essay question on “How important to Pitt's success was his relationship with George III?”)
Student activity
1) Redrafting Level 1/2 response to make improvements to example work.
(Redrafting will enable less able to identify areas to improve and allow most able to develop deeper understanding of examiner requirements at all levels) / Purpose of activity relevant to LO
- identifying key components for a Level 3 response.
- Reinforce understanding of the exam board requirements and success criteria
- Reinforce understandingof the extent to which Pitt’s early and latter success was dependent upon his relationship with King George III.
Assessment Opportunities
Judgement Washing line; Students to stand on scale and prepare to justify judgement on the EQ

Lesson Evaluation

What went well, even better if[TB15]
The lesson format seemed to work really well to engage students who showed a keen interest in expanding on the initial card sort activity and using it as a basis for considering essay structure and developing their arguments with regards to the question. In many ways this perhaps could have been developed further, as I rushed into the assessment review activity when a number of students were still developing some interesting arguments and positions on the essay question. Alternatively I could have allowed more time at the end to revisit this question and get students to evaluate and clarify their own judgements on the question, perhaps along a spectrum or washing line, which will help them with their essay writing.
Evaluation of pupil progress [TB16](focus on success criteria)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key events in Pitt’s reign including the extent of his reliance on George III.
All students showed a secure knowledge of these events, which was parent through the card sort discussion and the subsequent Q&A. Indeed the snowstorm activity saw a range of relevant events which I had not thought to include in the actual card sort.
- Apply the assessment criteria for making judgements on responses to short answer questions.
In reviewing their redrafting it was clear that they had aa grasp pof the assessment criteria and all were able to make suggestions on how the lower order responses could be improved.
Reflection and changes to future practice[TB17]
- I will look to allow greater time to develop arguments and thought through the Q&A, perhaps I could consider my questioning technique to increase my confidence in drawing out some of the interesting ideas I overheard during the card sort activity. Similarly I will look to develop a plenary which can allow students to visually make a judgement on the question, perhaps along a washing line?

[TB1]This illustrates the link between the last lesson and this one.

Be clear on where this lesson fits with what has previously been taught, and/ or the exam syllabus for your subject.

[TB2]What do you want them to understand by the end of the lesson?

This is the KEY FOCUS for your planning and will shape the activities you use to meet this objective

[TB3]Clarify how students will demonstrate that they have achieved the learning objectives. This will help you evaluate whether learning has taken place in the lesson.

[TB4]Set out how you are going to assess learning, which could include both formative assessment for learning and summative assessment of learning.

[M5]Set out how you have catered for the needs of students through differentiation. These should be identified on your Class Context Sheet and seating plan

[TB6]Are there any individual behaviour issues the observer can be made aware of?

[TB7]Consider specific planning issues, which might include assessment opportunities, transitions, questions, post lesson evaluation of activity, behaviour strategies, reasonable adjustments for students, and so on:


What adjustments are made for different abilities?

This should indicate how the learning will be made accessible to the students, taking into account their needs. Trainees should not just reference learning materials, but should relate to why the differentiation is taking place. Include other adults in this section and how they are being planned into the lesson.

[TB8]State here where the lesson references other subjects and in what way.

[TB9]Consider any health and safety issues in the lesson design, e.g. in delivering practical lessons or those using potentially dangerous equipment.

[TB10]Outline subject specific keywords that will be used in the lesson.

[TB11]Make a checklist of resources, so that you don’t forget anything

[TB12]Consider: Teacher Activity: What are you doing?

[TB13]Consider Student Activity: What are the students doing?

[M14]This is crucial to explain the intended learning outcome of the activities you have chosen. This allows you to show:

What will they learn.

[TB15]Every lesson should include a reflection on the positive aspects of the lesson and the areas to develop.

Think back and evaluate the lesson by using specific incidences or events to highlight your claims.

[TB16]Reflect on how far the lesson met its intended learning outcomes.

Especially where this has not been the case you will need to reflect (below) on how you would change future practice.

[TB17]Reflect on what you would do differently next time, or what you will need to do in subsequent lessons to fill any gaps in student knowledge/learning.