Middlesex County 4-H Advisory Council

Tuesday April 17, 2012

Attendees: Pam LeFave, Theresa Lewis, Joanne Brown, Susan Lewis, Emily Malachowski, Michelle Malachowski, Carrrie Maylott, Wendy Marcks

Reports: Secretary: a few spelling and formatting changes (Motion to acccept minutes with changes: Joanne B, 2nd: Theresa L, passed)

Treasurer: (Motion: Emily M, 2nd: Michelle M.)

Unfinished Business:

Updates –

Fourth H Race: Talk about locations for the closing event – Pam will contact assisted living center about possibly using their field – make sure before posting photos on the website that everyone has given photo release permission

Scholarships: 7 applications have been received – talked about giving out up to 3 awards instead of 2 awards because last year we did not give out any awards - motion to give out three awards if there are three outstanding applications: (motion: Sue Lewis, 2nd:Emily M, Passed) – fundraising by going to businesses or alumni – fundraising through Amazon - Michelle M. will look into fundraising through Amazon

New Business

Winter Forum: already collecting workshops for next year – everyone should think of 4 or 5 workshop ideas – we try not to pay the facilitators – talked about how we could attract for teen - maybe try breaking up the workshops into age groups – try sending out an email highlighting the teen workshop

Nominating Committee: we need people to sign up for the committee – we need to find a new treasurer because Joanne is finishing her term in November.

Horse Report: Dee is sick – the Middlesex junior horse judging team and the hippology team did great at the MA State Horse Round Up

State News:Umass will be applying for the GEN (Group Exemption Number) for all clubs and councils – all clubs will all clubs will be required to get an EIN – all groups will be filing the 990 or the 990n – the fiscal year will be July1 to June 30 – the state is talking about changing the 4-H year to match the fiscal year – as a council we decided that that would be very confusing and we do not think the state should change the 4-H year

Camp Report: no camp report

National Sewing Expo: Emily Oneschuck got first and Mia Sievers second

Additional New Business: May 18th Emily O needs help with a 4-H skill-a-thon she is running at her school – Also every board member should consider being a VP judge and/ or record judge – we especially need more record judges

9:00 Motioned to adjourn