
Redcar and Cleveland

Multi Agency Safeguarding Children Training Programme

April 2015 to March 2016

Version 1

Introduction / 3
Training Principles / 4
Course Fees, Allocation of Places and Evaluation / 5
Candidate and Line Manager Expectations / 6
Targeted Training Groups / 7
Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Training Requirements / 8
2015 to 2016 SCB Training Calendar / 9
E-Learning Courses / 12
Taught Course Details / 14
v  Safeguarding Children Level 3 Core Training / 14
v  Safeguarding Children Level 3 Core Training - Update / 15
v  Bereavement Awareness / 15
v  Child Sexual Abuse / 16
v  Common Assessment Framework (CAF/ EHA) / 16
v  Communicating with Children – including hearing and considering the voice and opinions of the child / 17
v  Court Witness Preparation
(Dates to be confirmed) / 17
v  Emotional Abuse / 18
v  E-Safety Training / 18
v  Fabricated and Induced Illness / 19
v  Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage & Honour Based Violence / 20
v  Hidden Sentence / 21
v  Neglect / 21
v  The Impact of Parental Mental Ill Health on Children / 22
v  Parental Substance Misuse / 22
v  Recognition of and Response to Physical Injury / 23
v  Risk Assessment and Analysis
(Dates to be arranged)
v  Safeguarding Children Within a Culturally Diverse Environment / 23
v  Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled Children
(Additional dates to be confirmed) / 24
v  Safeguarding the Unborn and New born Baby – from conception to 6 weeks old / 24
v  Child Sexual Exploitation – incorporating VEMT / 25
v  Suicide and Self Harm / 25
v  Dealing With Difficult to Engage Families
(Details to be confirmed) / 26
v  Domestic Abuse – General Overview / 26
How to apply / 27


In order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, all practitioners working with children and with adults, who are parents or carers, must have knowledge and skills to carry out their own roles. This includes being able to recognise and raise safeguarding concerns. They must also be able to work effectively with others within their own agencies and across organisational boundaries.

All training in this programme is aimed at supporting professionals and volunteers at all levels to build and consolidate their knowledge of safeguarding issues, including the child protection process. Importantly, the training aims to:

·  Achieve a shared understanding of roles and responsibilities;

·  Improve communication between professionals and others working with children, young people and families;

·  Improve effective partnership working based on sound working relationships and effective decision-making.

Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland Safeguarding Children Boards are committed to providing a comprehensive and effective training programme to agencies within Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland, supporting professionals and volunteers in their work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

Training principles

All elements of multi agency training and development to safeguard and promote the well being of children and young people are based on the following principles:

Child Centred

All training is child focussed so that the voice of the child and the child’s welfare remain paramount. The training will incorporate and promote childrens rights and needs.

Training will be delivered by trainers who have in depth knowledge about safeguarding, child protection and promoting welfare.

Partnership with Parents and Carers

Promoting partnership and meaningful relationships with parents and carers and recognising their strengths in responding to the needs of their child(ren).


Respecting the diversity and cultures of a range of individuals and organisations, which have responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the well being of all children and young people.

Inter agency collaboration

Placing high regard on partnership working, and bringing people together in ways that mirror the diversity of practice networks engaged with children, young people and their families.

Relevant and Current

Training will be informed by current research, lessons from Case and Learning Reviews and national and Local Policy developments. Training will be underpinned by the values contained within Working Together March 2015.

Review and Evaluation

Training will be regularly reviewed and evaluated to ensure that it meets the agreed learning objectives and has a positive impact on practice and consequently on outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Course Fees, Allocation & Evaluation

Course Fees

Training is free of charge to organisations that contribute financially or otherwise to the work of Middlesbrough and / or Redcar & Cleveland SCBs. Organisations who do not contribute (e.g. for profit / commercial organisations) will be expected to pay a fee of £50.00 per person per day.

The Board reserves the right to levy charges at a higher level for specific training purchased from specialist training organisations. Delegates will be informed of such rates within the course details forwarded to them.

Anyone with queries of how this charging policy applies to their own organisation or individual circumstances should contact Denise Skillcorn on 01642 304521 or email on

Online Training

The E-Learning modules are free to all organisations that come under the umbrella of Middlesbrough or Redcar & Cleveland SCBs. Anyone with queries of how this policy applies to their own organisation or individual circumstances should contact Denise Skillcorn as above.

There will be a £10.00 administration charge for applicants who register for the E-learning modules and do not complete within a three-month time span of receiving their log in details.


Individuals who are booked to attend a course and are then unable to attend must cancel their booking as soon as they become aware of this. A substitute can take their place but must be agreed by Denise Skillcorn, LSCB Training Support and Development Officer.

The booking organisation will pay a fee of £30.00 for anyone who does not attend and did not cancel his or her place for a course. Cancellations must be received by the LSCB Support Team within 3 working days of the course start date, although will be accepted up to the morning of the course for those professionals who are ill or have other extenuating circumstances, which have been approved by their Line Manager.

Delegates must attend the entire course in order for the trainer to sign their course programme verifying their attendance.

Allocation of places

Line Managers or supervisors of all delegates must agree to them attending the course. A selection process takes place two to three weeks prior to a course date. Places are allocated to ensure a diverse group of professionals attend each course and formal confirmation is sent out via email at least two weeks prior to the course date. Delegates are advised to make a note of the date of the course they have applied for in their calendar / diaries to ensure they are available to attend the course.

Any queries can be made to Denise Skillcorn, LSCB Training Support and Development Officer on 01642 304521.

Single Agency Training

The Boards are committed to the principle of multi-agency training. At this time the SCBs are unable to consider requests for single agency training.

Evaluation Process

By attending a course you are agreeing to undertake the course evaluation

Delegates are requested to complete a training and development evaluation form during the course session. Delegates are also requested to complete an impact evaluation form which will be sent to the delegate and their manager approximately 6 months after the course.

Candidate Expectations

·  Check the course level and learning outcomes are relevant to your responsibilities for safeguarding children and young people, and will meet your own learning needs.

·  Some courses have pre-course preparation. Please read your confirmation carefully for details and complete as appropriate.

·  All courses start promptly so please note the start time and ensure that you allow adequate time for parking etc.

·  It is expected that you commit to attend the full course, arriving and leaving at the times specified. Course certificates will only be given for full attendance.

·  If in exceptional circumstances you are unable to attend you must ensure that your place is cancelled as soon as possible (see cancellation process)

Line Manager Expectations

·  Spend time with your employee before a nomination form is completed to ensure that the course is at an appropriate level for their role and that learning needs have been identified and are consistent with the aims and learning needs of the course.

·  By agreeing the nomination form you are committing the candidate to attend the whole course

·  If in exceptional circumstances the employee is unable to attend you must ensure that the place is cancelled as soon as possible (see cancellation process)

·  Spend time with the employee following the course to ensure that learning is transferred into practice.

Targeted Training Groups –

Adapted from Working Together 2010

*(Health Professionals should also refer to their organisations Training Strategy and theSafeguarding children and young people: roles and competences for health care staff INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Third edition: March 2014)

Group 1

Staff in infrequent contact with children, young people and/or parents/ carers who may become aware of possible abuse or neglect, e.g. librarians, GP receptionists, community advice centre staff, grounds men, recreation assistants, environmental health officers, Private Foster carers and Foster Carers.

Group 2

Those in regular contact or have a period of intense but irregular contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers including health clinical staff who may be in a position to identify concerns about maltreatment, including those that may arise from the use of CAF, e.g. housing, hospital staff, Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, YOS staff and staff in secure settings, the police other than those in specialist child protection roles, sports development officers, disability specialists, faith groups, community youth groups, play scheme volunteers.

Group 3

Members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or parent/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns, e.g. paediatricians, GP’s, youth workers, sexual health staff, social workers, teachers, probation staff, sports club welfare officers, those working with adults, in, for example, learning disability, mental health, alcohol and drug misuse services, those working in community play schemes. It is expected as a minimum the Group 3 workforce meet the Safeguarding Children multi-agency Requirements outlined on Page 10.

Group 4

Members of the workforce who have particular responsibilities in relation to undertaking Section 47 enquiries, including professionals from health, education, police and children’s social care; those who work with complex cases and social workers responsible for co-ordinating assessments of children in need. Also Professional Advisors, Named and designated lead professionals.

Group 5

Operational Managers at all levels including: practice supervisors; front line managers and managers of child protection units.

Senior Managers responsible for the strategic management of services; NHS board members and members of the LSCB.

Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Training Requirements

Middlesbrough & Redcar and Cleveland SCBs Training
April 2015 to March 2016
April 2015
20th April
21st April
24th April
27th April
28th April / -
- / Bereavement Awareness – 2 sessions
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled Children
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation
Drop In Sessions
May 2015
8th May
12th May
14th May
15th May / -
- / Safeguarding Level 3 Core Update
Common Assessment Framework (known as Early Help Assessment in R&C)
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
June 2015
8th June
9th June
11th June
12th June
15th June
16th June
19th June
23rd June
25th June
26th June / -
- / Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation
Raising Awareness about Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence
Safeguarding the Unborn and New-born Baby - from conception to 6 weeks
Safeguarding Children & Young People from Emotional Abuse
The Impact of Parental Substance Misuse: Safeguarding Children and Young People
Safeguarding Level 3 Core Update
Child Sexual Abuse – Victims and Perpetrators
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Fabricated and Induced Illness
July 2015
2nd July
3rd July
6th July
7th July
8th July
10th July / -
- / Communicating with Children
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Hidden Sentence
Suicide and Self Harm
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation
September 2015
8th September
11th September
14th September
16th September
22nd September
25th September
28th September / -
- / The Impact of Parental Mental Ill Health on Parenting
Safeguarding Level 3 Core Update
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Recognition of and Response to Physical Injury: Safeguarding Children & Young People
The Impact of Parental Mental Ill Health on Parenting
Common Assessment Framework (known as Early Help Assessment in R&C)
Domestic Abuse – General Awareness
October 2015
1st October
2nd October
8th October
9th October
12th October
15th October
16th October
19th October / -
- / Safeguarding Children & Young People from Emotional Abuse
Fabricated and Induced Illness
Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled Children
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Safeguarding Level 3 Core Update
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Neglect
Safeguarding Children Within a Culturally Diverse Environment
November 2015
6th November
9th November
11th November
16th November
27th November / -
- / Safeguarding Level 3 Core Update
Safeguarding Core Level 3 Training
Communicating with Children
Suicide and Self Harm
Working with Difficult to Engage Families
December 2015
3rd December / - / Domestic Abuse – General Overview
January 2016
12th January
14th January
15th January
18th January
19th January
29th January / -
- / Safeguarding the Unborn and New-born Baby - from conception to 6 weeks
Safeguarding Children Within a Culturally Diverse Environment