Middlesbrough’s Draft Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development: Councillor Charles Rooney

Executive Director of Regeneration: Kevin Parkes
18 September 2012


1.  The purpose of this report is to seek approval to publish for consultation, Middlesbrough’s draft Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


2.  It is recommended that the Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development approves the draft Middlesbrough Urban Design SPD, for the purpose of public consultation.


3. / It is over the financial threshold (£75,000)
It has a significant impact on 2 or more wards
Non Key / X

4.  For the purposes of the scrutiny call in procedure this report is

Non-urgent / X
Urgent report


5.  The draft Middlesbrough Urban Design SPD has been produced to provide guidance for all development across the town. The document sets out the design standards the Council requires to ensure improvements to the quality of development continues, whilst also promoting innovation and creativity. The intention of the SPD is not to deter development or investment in the town, but to encourage and help all parties from householders to large-scale developers to achieve a higher standard of design in their planning proposals.

6.  The SPD will form part of the package of Middlesbrough’s Local Development Framework Documents. It will assist the Council in delivering national and local planning policy objectives in respect of design and sustainable development. The SPD has also been prepared in accordance with the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) design policies and associated Town and Country (Local Development) (England) Regulations.

7.  As an SPD, the document will also be a material consideration in the planning system by providing guidance on the design of development and provide an additional basis for the determination of planning applications across Middlesbrough.

8.  The SPD is broken down into three main sections relating to the different types of development likely in Middlesbrough. Section One relates to general design principles for larger scale developments and spaces. Section Two is much more specific and details design guidance for domestic and non-domestic developments such as householder extensions, alterations to a shop front and industrial buildings. Section Three explains the planning application process. A copy of the SPD has been placed in the Members’ Library, along with an accompanying Sustainability Screening Statement.

9.  The SPD has not only been prepared to provide greater detail to a number of planning policies in the Council’s adopted Core Strategy, but to recognise that design should not be seen as something just about the architecture or style of a building. It is also about the spaces in and around the development, the quality of the relationships between the development, surrounding areas, local communities and the appropriateness of its function.

10.  These aims also link into the Council’s vision for Middlesbrough as a place to live, work, invest and enjoy and its commitment to One Planet Living; an approach designed to develop Middlesbrough as a more sustainable town, demonstrating positive impacts on the local environment and well-being of local people.

11.  This correlation underlines that urban design can influence people’s perception of the town, not only in relation to regeneration, but because the quality of the built environment can have significant impacts upon crime, business, transport and how people interact with their surroundings. It is therefore essential that all new development takes into account the guidelines set out in the SPD and adheres to it to ensure that Middlesbrough continues to improve both environmentally and economically.

Public Consultation

12.  Public consultation on the SPD will be undertaken over a six week period, and in accordance with procedures set down in the Council’s adopted LDF Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 2010 document. The following methods of consultation will utilised by:

i.  placing the SPD (for inspection) and feedback forms in the Council’s Civic Centre reception area. Copies and feedback forms will also made available at the Central Library and in all other Middlesbrough branch libraries and community centres, including illustrative exhibitions at selected libraries and/or community centres;

ii.  placing the SPD on the Council’s website;

iii.  notifying via letter other statutory bodies identified in the SCI, local Ward councillors and community councils, when and where they can inspect the SPD;

iv.  placing a public notice in the local newspaper when and where the SPD can be inspected; and,

v.  issuing a press release on the nature of the SPD and commencement of the consultation period.

13.  As part of the consultation process officers will be made available upon request and where practical for one-to-one meetings and/or presentations to discuss the aims and objectives of the SPD.

Next Steps

14.  If the Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development approves the draft Middlesbrough Urban Design SPD for the purpose of public consultation, the next steps will be to undertake the public consultation, followed by assessing the received comment forms and amending the SPD, where appropriate.

15.  An Executive report will then be prepared identifying any proposed changes to the SPD, along with the comments received. If the Executive Member agrees to the changes and the subsequent adoption of the SPD takes place, the document will become a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.


16. An initial Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been undertaken in respect of preparing the SPD. The findings from the EIA are that the SPD accords with the aims and objectives of the Council’s Diversity Action Plan and therefore will not require a Level Two full impact assessment.


17. The Council must prepare the Local Development Framework (LDF) under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and accord with the National Planning Policy Framework. This legislation largely dictates process and procedures for the preparation of Development Plans and associated planning documents.


18. Financial Implications - There are no financial implications as a consequence of this report. Provision is made within the Local Development Framework budget to cover the costs of the statutory consultation process and printing of the SPD.

19. Legal Implications – SPDs form part statutory Development Plan process, introduced as part of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Consultation procedures as set down in the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) will be applied.

20. Ward Implications – Ward Members are to be consulted as part of the consultation procedures as set down in the Council’s adopted SCI regarding SPDs.


21. It is recommended that the Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development approves the draft Middlesbrough Urban Design SPD, for the purpose of public consultation.


22. To ensure that the SPD is a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications within Middlesbrough.


The following background papers were used in the preparation of this report:

Draft Middlesbrough Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document (available in the Members’ library)

Middlesbrough’s Local Development Framework Adopted Statement of Community Involvement, 2010.

Middlesbrough’s LDF Adopted Core Strategy, 2009.

National Planning Policy Framework, (NPPF) DCLG.

AUTHOR: Charlton Gibben

TEL NO: 729065


Website: http://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk