Agenda Item No.9
5th September 2012
Middlesbrough 2020 – the place to live work and visit
- To seek approval of ‘Middlesbrough 2020 – the place to live work and visit’, the Mayor’s vision for Middlesbrough and the Council
- Over the past few months an exercise has been undertaken to develop the Mayor’s Vision for Middlesbrough and the Council.
- The resulting vision is appended to this report.
- The vision was endorsed by Executive on 14 August and considered by Overview and Scrutiny Board on 24 July 2012.
5.It is proposed that the Vision is approved, to ensure that the Mayor’s Vision for Middlesbrough and the Council is clearly articulated and is communicated to all stakeholders
Equality Impact Assessment
- In line with statutory requirements, the draft Vision has been subject to a Stage 1 Impact Assessment, which is appended to this report (appendix 4).No negative differential impact on diverse groups and communities is anticipated from the implementation of the Vision. Tackling inequalities and addressing the needs of vulnerable groups is critical to the work of the Council – with key priorities reflected in the Equality Objectives. The Vision will inform a range of actions to promote equality of access, provision, uptake and outcomes
- The Vision will underpin work on the development of the Mayor’s Budget. Minimal one –off costs (less than £1,000) will be incurred to design and print documentation. Where possible the document will be distributed electronically.
- That Council approves the Vision
- No background papers were used in the preparation of this report.
Karen WhitmoreAssistant Chief Executive(01642) 729557
Appendix 3
Level 1: Initial screening assessment
Subject of assessment: / Middlesbrough 2020 – The place to live, work and visitCoverage: / Overarching/crosscutting
This is a decision relating to: / Strategy / Policy / Service / Function
Process/procedure / Programme / Project / Review
Organisational change / Other (please state)
It is a: / New approach: / Revision of an existing approach:
It is driven by: / Legislation: / Local or corporate requirements:
Description: /
- Key aims, objectives and activities
- Statutory drivers (set out exact reference)
- Differences from any previous approach
- Key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries (internal and external as appropriate)
- Intended outcomes.
Live date: / As soon as the report is approved.
Lifespan: / 2020
Date of next review: / The plan is reviewed annually.
Appendix 3
Screening questions / Response / EvidenceNo / Yes / Uncertain
Human Rights
Could the decision impact negatively on individual Human Rights as enshrined in UK legislation? / The vision does not contravene Human Rights as identified in national legislation.
Could the decision result in adverse differential impacts on groups or individuals with characteristics protected in UK equality law? Could the decision impact differently on other commonly disadvantaged groups? / No. Safeguarding our most vulnerable is a prerequisite of the delivery of the vision.
Community cohesion
Could the decision impact negatively on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town? / No. Community cohesion and the Council’s contribution will continue to be monitored via the PMF.
Sustainable Community Strategy objectives
Could the decision impact negatively on the achievement of the vision for Middlesbrough? Does the decision impact on statutory duties associated with these key objectives? / No. The vision for Middlesbrough will shape the Council’s plans and strategies to ensure the aims of the Sustainable Community strategy are achieved. The vision is the overarching vision for the Council and complements the SCS.
Organisational management / transformation
Could the decision impact negatively on organisational management or the transformation of the Council’s services as set out in its transformation programme? / No. The Vision supports improved performance management across the organisation and will allow the progress of current transformation work to be monitored effectively.
Assessment completed by: / Kathryn Warnock / Head of Service: / Karen Whitmore
Date: / 30 July 2012 / Date: / 30 July 2012