Middlefield Park and Recreation Commission

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

Tuesday, June 2, 2016


1.  Call to Order

Cindy Di Lauro called the meeting to oder at 6:45 p.m.

2.  Members Present

Cindy Di Lauro, Carrie Anderson, Frank Wolak, Heide Pizzo, Brian McDermott and Don Ginter

3.  Public Comment – Public Hearing

Ed Bailey declared the Public Hearing open. Cindy Di Lauro declared the hearing open to

public discussion and read the purpose of the hearing as follows:

“Notice is hereby given that the Rules and Regulations governing the Middlefield Park & Recreation Facilities was amended by the Park & Recreation Commission following a Public Hearing at its regularly scheduled meeting, on June 2, 2016.


Any Smoking and Tobacco use shall be prohibited at all Town of Middlefield Park and Recreations Facilities. These Facilities are Peckham Park and Lake Beseck Beach. This will be effective July 1, 2016.”

Ed Bailey stated that two members of the public are present. A resident of Rockfall stated that he thinks making Peckham Park and Lake Beseck smoke and tobacco free is an excellent idea. The resident stated that reflecting a good family environment is very important to the community. The resident suggested the board look into making all open space in Rockfall and Middlefield smoke and tobacco free. Carrie Anderson agreed with the idea and explained that the Park and Recreation Commission does not manage open space in town but they will look into it. Ed Bailey stated that open space is under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission. The resident recommended posting multiple signs throughout the park. Carrie Anderson suggested putting something together for the Sesquicentennial celebration introducing the smoke and tobacco free rule to Peckham Park. Cindy Di Lauro explained that the town of Durham stated that they would like to post similar signs. Heide Pizzo stated that she will work on designing the smoke and tobacco free signs. Cindy Di Lauro explained that there are no other comments from the public and declared the public hearing closed.

4.  Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Frank Wolak to approve the agenda. This motion was seconded by Don Ginter and approved by all voting members.

5.  Old Business

·  Past Minutes

A motion was made by Brian McDermott to approve the May 2, 2016 Regular Meeting and the May 17, 2016 Special Meeting. This motion was seconded by Don Ginter and a pproved by all voting members. Cindy Di Lauro suggested adding “Treasury Report” to future agendas.

6.  New Business

·  Tobacco/Smoking Zone Ban Ruling

A motion was made to approve the tobacco and smoking zone ban. This motion was seconded by Carrie Anderson and approved by all voting members.

·  Judges for Parade

Carrie Anderson explained that they need two judges from the board for the parade. Heide Pizzo volunteered to be a judge and Carrie Anderson stated that she will ask Chris Hurlbert if he would also like to volunteer.

·  Field and Pavilion Use

Ed Bailey stated that Tuesday morning the Pavilion was an absolute mess from food, trash, etc. Mr. Bailey explained that Jon Brayshaw went down to the park and cleaned up the mess himself. Mr. Bailey stated that he contacted Chris Hurlbert and he explained that no events were scheduled for that day. Mr. Bailey stated that there should be an agreement somewhere in writing to make sure that if anyone using the field uses the pavilion they need to clean up after themselves. Mr. Bailey explained that he was also told there were non-residents using the beach over the weekend. The resident trooper was notified so he can monitor the beach throughout the open season. Carrie Anderson suggested the online calendar be marked so residents can see the available days for use of the pavilion and field.

Members of the board were discussing the noise disturbance at the park from various personal radios on the weekends. Ed Bailey suggested looking into and revamping the rules at the park.

Carrie Anderson stated they will get the rules from Chris Hurlbert for the park. Heide Pizzo stated that the tobacco and smoke free sign at the park needs to be placed but, the cork board needs to be rebuild or replaced. Ed Bailey suggested placing temporary signs throughout the park while permanent signs are being created.

·  Voting on New Members and Chair Seats

Carrie Anderson stated that there are vacant spots in the committee. Ed Bailey stated that the ordinance will explain how many members can be on the committee. Mrs. Anderson explained that there is at least one open spot available to move an alternate into a permanent position. Ed Bailey stated that it is the duty of the Board of Selectmen to approve the committee members. Mrs. Anderson stated that Don Ginter and Heide Pizzo are both alternates and interested in a permanent position. Ed Bailey stated that he will discuss the situation with the Board of Selectmen.

Carrie Anderson explained that Cindy Di Lauro wants to step down as Chairman, but she would like to continue serving as a member of the board. The Chairman seat will be discussed at next months meeting.

Ed Bailey explained that he has received approximately twenty-five resumes for the Director position and they will hopefully have a new Park and Recreation Director before the end of June. Mr. Bailey stated that there will be a special meeting for the board to interview the chosen candidate.

·  Gift Card for Scout Leader

A motion was made by Cindy Di Lauro to give a gift of $75.00 to Middlefield Troop 33 for the assembly of the picnic tables. This motion was seconded by Carrie Anderson. Brain McDermott approved and Frank Wolak abstained.

·  Summer Music Series

Carrie Anderson explained that the music will be every Thursday during the month of August.

Carrie Anderson suggested throwing a party for Chris Hurlbert at Peckham Park on Friday, August 5th for a public celebration. All present members of the board agreed.

Chris Hurlbert entered the meeting

Chris Hurlbert stated that he will get a new cork board for the message board at Peckham Park. Mr. Hurlbert stated that he will have Joe Geruch write a check for the Middlefield Troop 33 scouts. Members of the board booked a party on Friday, August 5th at 6:00 PM at Peckham Park. Ed Bailey suggested putting together a budget for the party and discussing it at the next meeting.

·  Volunteering

Heide Pizzo stated that she has volunteered to water the flowers at the park, but it would be great if someone could help out. Cindy Di Lauro offered to help. Frank Wolak recommended contacting Patty and the job coach to help care for the flowers at the park and explained that they would need a list of which flowers to water. Mr. Wolak stated that Mrs. Pizzo can send him an email and he will forward it to Patty.

·  Communication

No Comment

·  Account

No Comment

·  Other

Chris Hurlbert stated that he gave Donna Golub a new master print for the beach passes. The new passes become effective July 1st.

Chris Hurlbert discussed the booked dates for the field and pavilion use.

Chris Hurlbert, Heide Pizzo and Frank Wolak will be judging the floats at the Sesquicentennial Parade on Saturday. Members agreed that the winning categories will be “most patriotic”, “most creative”, and “judges choice”.

Regarding the summer camp, Ed Bailey explained that the Superintendent of schools stated that the staff at Memorial School was not pleased with the summer program last summer. Mr. Bailey explained that Memorial School staff told other schools that they do not want Middlefield's summer camp at their schools. Comments included: lack of supervision, kids running wild, kids running around and through the building, etc. Mr. Bailey explained that basically, District 13 staff was talking amongst each other and they were reluctant to cooperate with the summer camp. Carrie Anderson stated that if there were issues she was shocked that they never approached the board and let them know about it. Mrs. Anderson also stated that she was unaware it was up to the staff of Memorial School to make decisions of who uses the building. Mrs. Anderson explained that she would have hoped if there was an issue they would have come to the board to discuss the matter. Ed Bailey stated that the board and new Director may need to do a little outreach with District 13 for future use. Mrs. Anderson stated that the communication line needs to be opened up and if there were issues they need to be discussed. Members of the board discussed different ways to address these issues in the future such as, increasing staff or switching out staff throughout the day.

Cindy Di Lauro stated that she spoke to Rob and Amy Poturnicki and they do not have a date yet, but Rob does have help to put out the swim ropes at the beach.

7.  Adjournment

A motion was made by Cindy Di Lauro to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. This motion was seconded by Frank Wolak and approved by all voting members.

Middlefield Park and Recreation, Regular Meeting, June 2, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry