You have chosen to become a member of a unique, high quality educational program. In order to offer Marysville Cooperative Education Partnership (MCEP) students an enriched curriculum, each family involved in MCEP commits to the following:
It is the responsibility of every family to fill a time spot at Totem Middle School on a regular basis. This may be done by a parent, a relative, or a sponsor. Each family will fulfill 45 hours per school year per child.
- Parent Participation Agreement: Each family must have a completed PPA on file before classroom participation at Totem Middle School.
- Classroom Time Options:
- Scheduled participation in child(ren)’s classroom including electives.
- Scheduled participation in Totem Middle School activities.
- Scheduled participation in Classroom/School/District Committees or Organizations.
- Field Trips: Each family is required to participate in one (1) field trip per year per child.
- Membership Meetings: Attendance is mandatory at the eight(8) monthly Membership Meetings. Meeting dates and times will be announced at the first General Meeting. If unable to attend a meeting, parents are asked to notify the Parent Coordinator.
- The Parent Coordinator will audit parent time sheets monthly.
- Failure to make adequate progress (for example, towards meeting the time commitment) will result in contact from the Parent Coordinator to work on a plan to make up time. The Parent Coordinator will document this plan.
- Continued failure to meet the time commitment for the following quarter will result in contact from the PC and PC Team Leaders and/or Middle School Coordinator(s) to develop a plan. This plan will be documented and placed in the family’s file.
- If the time for the following quarter is not met, the document will be reviewed by the Co-chairs and the PC Team Leaders to confirm the non-compliance of the family. The Co-chairs will schedule a meeting with the parents to discuss the family’s possible removal from the MCEP Middle School Program.
- Out-of-Class Participants: Out-of-class participants are held to the same accountability as classroom parents. Out-of-class participants will be reviewed each trimester by the PC Team Leaders and/or the Middle School Coordinator(s). If an out-of-class participant is found to be non-compliant, the PC Team Leaders will contact the family to reiterate the importance of their obligation to the classroom.
- Field Trips, Committee Work, and Membership Meetings: Failing to fulfill the requirements of field trip participation, classroom committee participation and membership meeting attendance, affects the integrity of the program. If a family is out of compliance in any of these areas, a meeting will be scheduled with the Co-Chairs, prior to placement for the next school year. Non-compliance of these areas is defined as the following:
- Three (3) or more absences from membership meetings, and/or
- Failure to participate in a minimum of one (1) field trip, and/or
- Non-participation on a committee (as determined by the teacher).
A family may be terminated from the program for the following reason:
- Failure to fulfill the participation commitment as outlined above.
- If the Marysville School District deems it necessary to remove a family from the school as outlined in its policy and procedures, membership in the MCEP is automatically terminated.
By signing the Parent Participation Agreement, I am obligating my family to fulfill all of the terms presented above. I have read and understand what it means to be a member family of MCEP, and I realize that non-compliance in any area may lead to removal from the program. My signature gives me the right to vote on general action items and Council positions.
If a spouse or another adult will be an active participant of MCEP, regularly serving in the classroom, attending meetings, and/or serving on committees, he/she may request an additional Parent Participation Agreement from the appropriate Parent Coordinator. Occasional service does not require a signature.
The family of ______(names of all MCEP students in the family), agrees to fulfill their obligation and commitment to the Marysville Cooperative Education Partnership.
Signature______Date ______
Appendix B