Ponce de Leon
Middle School
2014 Summer Faculty Handbook
Martha C. Chang, Principal
Ponce de Leon Middle School
2014 Summer Faculty Handbook
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Professional Development Half-Day or as designated for specific subject areas
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 Faculty Meeting in room 134 at 9:30 AM
Monday, July 7, 2014 First day of Summer School for students 9:20 AM
Friday, August 1, 2014 Last day of Summer School for students and staff
Deadline for summer school’s using the Electronic Grade book to post grades
The duty day for half-day teachers will be from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Monday – Friday)
Planning is afforded 20 minutes before and 10 minutes after students are in the school.
There is no scheduled lunch time for half-day teachers.
The rate of pay for half-day teachers will be one-half of their regular daily rate as full-time teachers.
9:20 AM – 12:20 PM (Monday – Friday)
If you suffer an accident or injury while on the job, you must report it to the principal's secretary. This must be completed within 24 hours of your accident or injury so that a report can be completed and reported to the Worker's Compensation Program. If this is not done, you will not be eligible for Worker's Compensation benefits if the need arises.
All student accidents, injuries, and illnesses resulting from contact with owned or leased property, while the student is presumed to be under school authority, should be reported immediately to the principal or designee. If a child appears to be seriously injured, do not attempt to move the student yourself, report it immediately to an administrator. Additionally, the supervising teacher will complete a student accident report within 24 hours and give it to the attendance office.
All personnel are responsible for the safe use, maintenance, storage, and return of all items assigned to them. These include, but are not limited to:
1. Keys to classrooms and other doors.
2. Instructional materials issued to you.
3. Equipment and furniture in your room.
4. Computer equipment and peripherals.
5. Any items not listed above for which you are assigned responsibility.
You are required to immediately report the loss or damage of any school property to the principal or designee. Do not loan or let anyone use your keys or other items in your care. Do not move items from room to room without administration’s approval. You will be ultimately responsible for their care, return, and damage.
Anyone aware of child abuse, neglect or exploitation, suspected or confirmed, shall immediately make a report by calling the ABUSE HOTLINE at 1-800-962-2873. TDD Hearing impaired may call 1-800-453-5145. It is suggested that once a report is made, the principal or appropriate school administrator be notified. The name of the person reporting child abuse or neglect shall in no case be released to any person other than employees of DCF responsible for child protective services. WHEN IN DOUBT, YOU MUST REPORT CHILD ABUSE.
Knowing and willful failure to report suspected or confirmed abuse and knowing and willful prevention of another from making such a report is a crime punishable by up to two months in jail and up to a $500 fine and may be subject to disciplinary action by Miami-Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
All staff members are responsible for compliance with all contractual obligations and must adhere to M-DCPS policies and appropriate M-DCPS and/or union agreements.
School Board Rule (6Gx13SD1.07) prohibits the use of corporal punishment. Staff members may not use rulers, paddles, and excessive physical exertion as a means of disciplining students. Other instruments for the administration of corporal punishment, no matter how lightly administered, or even as threats to administer corporal punishment are also not acceptable actions by any School Board member.
Staff should dress in a professional manner for the school day. Attire that is acceptable for a business office is usually acceptable for school. Remember that we are role models for our students and as such should set the example.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools and its employee unions recognize that substance abuse in our nation and our community exacts staggering costs in both human and economic terms. Substance abuse can be reasonably expected to produce impaired job performance, lost productivity, absenteeism, accidents, wasted materials, lowered morale, rising health care costs, and diminished interpersonal relationship skills. Miami-Dade County Public Schools and its employee unions share a commitment to solve this problem and to create and maintain a drugfree work place.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools is responsible for the instruction and well being of the students entrusted to its care. A consistent message needs to be communicated to Miami-Dade County Public Schools students; the use of illegal drugs, the abuse of alcohol, and the misuse of prescription drugs are unacceptable.
All teachers are to complete two emergency lessons plans for use by substitute teachers. Plans should be specific and detailed. They must contain an objective and assignment that will be meaningful and fill the entire period of time for your class. Video or computer use is NOT to be assigned to a temporary instructor, nor should the temporary teacher be instructed to allow silent reading of any books.
Place your two days of lessons, with copies of student assignments, in a file and give them to the Ms. Cabrera or Ms. Lewis in the Attendance office prior to the end of the first week of school. Please be sure that the file is clearly marked and the lessons labeled as Day 1 and Day 2. Plans should be updated on a timely basis. Emergency lesson plans will not be accepted over the telephone or fax.
Plans should include the lesson to be taught, teaching schedule, seating charts, and bell schedule. Your assistance assures a smooth day for staff, students, and temporary instructor.
All persons employed by the School Board of Miami-Dade County are representatives of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. As such, they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit upon themselves, the school system, and Ponce de Leon Middle School.
Unseemly conduct or the use of abusive and/or profane language in the presence of students is expressly prohibited. Use of such language by a staff member in the presence of students may result in administrative action. Willful violation of administrative rules or Board policies will lead to reprimand by the Superintendent, and to such disciplinary action as may be recommended and approved by the Board.
Teachers are to issue a hall pass for any student being released from their classroom to the:
· Restroom
· Main office and/or Attendance Office
· To another classroom
No students are to be released from the classroom without a completed pass. Limit one student per pass. No students are to be issued passes during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class, unless requested by the office. Students found in the hallways during this time will be escorted back to their classes.
The purpose of providing students and employee’s access to the Internet is to promote academic excellence. Utilization of the Internet by students and employees must be in support of and consistent with the educational objectives of the District. Accessing the Internet through District equipment is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use, including violation of the rule (6GX13-4A-1.21) may result in cancellation of the privilege.
As a result of the passage of the Jessica Lunsford Act (HB 1877) during the 2005 legislative season, contractors and others, including architects, will be required to meet a Level 2 screening requirement that includes any individual or employees of any firm under contract with the school board providing services on school grounds while students are present.
All keys checked out in your name must be returned before your final sign-out at the end of the summer. Ms. Sierra will sign the final Closing of Summer Checklist. All lost keys must be reported to the administration immediately.
Teacher leaving the building during school hours must request permission and have approval from the principal prior to leaving. Additionally, all must sign in and out in the Log Book located in the Main Office.
All lost and found articles are to be taken to the Attendance office.
The following will be observed during the scheduled lunch time (11:50 AM – 12:20 PM):
Your help and cooperation are needed in order for the lunch period to function orderly and in a timely manner. Make sure you provide time before lunch for the students to use the bathroom, wash hands and any other necessity that should arise. It is important that teachers remain with their classes throughout the ENTIRE lunch time. At the end of lunch, teachers will escort all of their students to the buses. Teachers should discuss with their students the following Cafeteria Rules:
1. Enter and exit the cafeteria quietly and in an orderly fashion, walking, not running.
2. Cooperate with the lunchroom monitor, other teachers and staff members.
3. Remain in your assigned seat unless dismissed by school staff.
4. Keep lunch box in front of you.
5. Clean your designated area and dispose of trash when directed by school staff before exiting.
6. Students will be seated at designated tables and dismissed by tables at the end of the lunch session.
Mailboxes should be checked and cleared by teachers upon arrival to school in the morning and leaving school at the end of your workday. This policy is inclusive of electronic mailboxes (e-mail). No student should be sent to a teacher's mailbox for any reason.
The faculty parking lot is located in the front of the school on Augusto Street.
All personnel shall keep all records accurately and prepare and submit promptly all reports that may be required by State Law, State Board Rules, School Board Rules, and/or administrative directive.
All employees of the Miami-Dade County Public School System are under an affirmative duty to report any criminal act and/or disruptive behavior occurring on School Board property to the administrator or designee to whom the employee is responsible. Personnel willfully failing to report such occurrences to the responsible administrator and/or police agency and/or School Security Department will be subject to disciplinary action.
Many potential incidents are prevented each year by the open communications between the faculty and staff. In the event you become aware of any incident or potential problem that would disrupt the orderly educational process, please notify the administration immediately.
All personnel will report for work promptly. It is your responsibility to signin daily upon reporting to school and should sign-out when leaving the school. Do not sign in and out at the same time in the morning. Failure to promptly and properly report your attendance will result in appropriate administrative action.
Any student who becomes too ill to remain in class should be sent with another student and a hall pass to the attendance office. If the student is very ill, contact the attendance office so that security can be sent for assistance. If it is necessary for the student to be sent home, the office staff will contact parents. Students are only allowed to contact parents from the attendance office with permission. Do not allow students to use classroom telephones or cell phones to contact parents.
If a teacher confiscates or holds valuables or money belonging to a student, the teacher is liable by law for the return of these articles. If there is any question about the item, give it to Ms. Cabrera or Ms. Lewis in the Attendance office. The item must have the name of the student, their ID number, your name and the class period when it was confiscated.
Teachers shall not leave their classes unsupervised. A teacher should not assign an entire class to another teacher without clearance from the administration. If an emergency occurs, Ms. Chang, principal, must be notified to provide temporary supervision.
All teachers are expected to remain at their door so they can monitor their classroom and halls during the transition to class. This is necessary in order to facilitate and insure a quiet, orderly flow of traffic in the halls. Teachers should assist in ensuring that students are not unduly loud or disorderly in the hallways. It is further expected that each teacher should have in place a comprehensive discipline plan that deals with students that are tardy to class with great frequency. These actions on your part assist in our ability to curtail student disruptions in the hallways and classrooms.
If it is necessary for a teacher to be absent, the following procedures must be followed:
· Teachers are requested to notify the office before they leave the building in the afternoon if they are going to require a substitute for the following workday.
· In the event of sudden illness or emergency, you must call Ms. Cabrera, at (786) 302-8244 before 7:00 AM the day of the absence.
· When a teacher for whom an emergency substitute is employed is absent from work, he/she shall notify Ms. Cabrera in no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled student dismissal time as to whether or not he/she will report back to work on the next workday. Where an emergency substitute has been retained for the next work day and an absent teacher has not notified the office thirty minutes prior to the scheduled student dismissal time, the emergency substitute shall be the employee entitled to work on the next work day.
· Upon return from any absence, an employee must complete and sign a payroll absence card and turn it in to Ms. Cabrera, in the Attendance office.