Middle East Unit-International Relations

Educreation Assignment or Video Assignment

Direction Sheet


  1. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of acomplicated time in U.S. relations in the Middle East.
  2. Each student will submit his or her own project. Students can work together to research and discuss the project, but must create their own project.
  3. Student will use Educreation app or the video app on their Ipad to complete the assignment.
  4. Student’s will chose ONE of the following topics from the list below.
  5. Students will complete the rubric for the project and hand it in on the day the project is due! The form indicates to me whether it is an educreations project or a video. If the student is absent on the due date, they should upload the completed rubric and project to their Google drive shared folder.

Project Options- Iranian and U.S. Relations or Iraq and U.S. Relations


  1. Create an historical overview of events and relations among the countries in one of the following two options. Tell it like a story, use visuals, images, writings and voiceovers.
  2. Use our notes and discussion from class to create your story/presentation.
  3. In addition to the notes in class, students must research at least five additional facts or important aspects to the historical time period. These facts must be relevant and important to understand this complicated time period and U.S. Relations.
  1. Present an overview of Iranian- U.S. Relations. You must include the events of 1953, 1979 and make connections to Iranian- U.S. relations today.
  1. Present an overview of Iraq- U.S. Relations. Discuss the wars that Saddam Hussein started with his neighbors, and the U.S. involvement in these conflicts. Include wars between the U.S. and Iraq developments in modern day Iraq.

Directions for submitting the projects on back!

Educreations project

  • Students’ will submit their assignment by sharing it with me using my address. (This may not work from home, students should send to me from school?) There is a share option once you complete your project on educreations.

Note: If using Educreations, once you begin start the educreations lesson, you cannot save it and go back to it later. You must first download all images and write out a script of what you are saying (or practice) before you begin the project. Once you have acquired all the necessary materials you should record on educreations.

Video project

  • Once you have completed the video, go to your Google Drive on the Ipad.
  • Click on the + in the right corner.
  • Click on Upload & access your video
  • Once uploaded, click on the small (i) and look for the move option
  • Click on move and put the video in our shared folder.

Grading Rubric for Project

Name ______Period______

Topic ______

______Video Project______Educreations

Grading Rubric for Project

______Accurate and significant information and facts

______Overview of the historical events; makes sense includes, all important time periods/events.

______Told like a story; can someone who knows nothing of the topic understand the history after viewing your project?

______Visuals; good use of images and visuals

______Interesting content and well organized

Five new relevant and important additional facts or events were included (please list below)

Student sectionGrading section

1 ______





Total Score______
