Middle Childhood EducationLesson Plan Template v. 2
Teacher Candidate Name: Anna Rieck
Lesson Title/#: World Religions
Grade Level: 6
Essential Question: Does religion unify or divide societies?
Lesson Foundations
Content Standards*Science and SS should also include common core for reading/writing / S.S. 6.8. Modern cultural practices and products show the influence of tradition and diffusion, including the impact of major world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism).
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Learning Objective(s)
“Students will…” /
- Students will be able to evaluate how the influence of religion and religious beliefs affected modern cultural practices through the unifying or dividing of societies within documents.(Analyze)
Prior Academic Knowledge and Skills
What have you or your mentor taught previously that will inform what students are learning today? / 1.Students will know how to able to use and comprehend maps.
2.Students can gather facts and evidence from multiple sources (texts, videos).
3.Students will have an understanding of cultural diffusion and cultural practices.
4.Students will have an understanding of what religion is.
5.Students will have covered the maps and beliefs of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam religions.
6. Students will have a basic understanding of what terrorism is.
Materials & Resources / Resources:
1 .
- Islam Christianity Buddhism.pdf
2.)Power Point LP3PowerPoint.Arieck.pptx
3.)Playing Cards
4.)Notecards with table numbers on them
Describe the assessments that will be used in this lesson to monitor students’ mastery of the lesson objective(s). List assessments in order in which they appear in the lesson.
Name and number of Assessment / Description of assessment / Evaluation Criteria - What is the evidence (the answers) of student learning? Specifically list evidence of learning and learning objectives.A1: Document Based Questions / In this summative assessment, , students will be in small groups answering document based questions that evaluate their understanding on the impact religion has on unifying and dividing societies based on primary and secondary sources. / LO 1 / LO 2(Analyze)
Sample evidence is attached.
A2: Checks for Understanding / In this formative assessment, I will be asking questions for checks for understanding with the whole class after Documents 1 and 3. / LO 1 (Analyze)
After document 1, “Can someone explain to me what persecution is?” (Understand)
Treating someone unfairly or cruelly.
“Do we think this type of persecution still happens today?” (Apply)
Killing people over their religious beliefs seems barbaric, but I know people are discriminated against today based on their religion.
After Document 3,
“How is this political cartoon similar to the one we did early in class? (Remember)
It shows how in America we discriminate people based on their religion.
“How does terrorism play into persecution of religions?” (Apply)
American’s stereotype groups of religious people if someone who identifies as a non-Christian religion commits a terrorist attack.
A3: Discussion / In this formative assessment, students will be participating in a class discussion of the DBQ with the following questions:
a.)How did the different perspectives from these documents give us insight on the unifying and dividing of societies due to religion?(Analyze)
a.)How did these documents help us answer our essential question today of, “Does religion unify or divide societies?” (Evaluate) / LO 1 / LO 2 (Analyze)
a.)Different perspectives showed us that religion is an aspect of our community that had harsh ways of dividing us, such as persecution, and also unified many people through the spreading of cultures and coming together in times of need.
b.)These documents showed us that our essential question can be answered either way, because we see both examples of religion unifying or dividing – it is our own perspective whether we believe it is more unifying or more dividing based on the evidence in the documents.
A4: Essay / In this summative assessment, students will be asked to write an essay on “What effect does religion have on unifying and dividing societies? Use Evidence from the documents to support your claim.” / LO 1 (Analyze)
Sample evidence is attached.
A5: Tweet It / In this formative assessment, students will be assessed on analyzing how the class work is relatable in today’s society. Students will be asked to Tweet the answer to the following question:
a.) “How is today’s lesson relevant to religion and society today?” (Interpret) / LO 1 / LO2 (Analyze)
Sample: Today’s lesson is relevant today because we also see how religious acts of terrorism cause wars in today’s society, such as ISIS.
Instructional Procedures/Steps
Each portion of this section should be aligned with learning objectives. Note when you are addressing a learning objective and when enacting an assessment.
Teacher will…Include instructional practices, questions you will ask, checks for understanding, differentiation, evidence of culturally responsive teaching practices. / Student will…
What will students be doing?
What evidence of learning will students demonstrate?
Student-centered learning/opportunities for practice and application.
-Activate prior knowledge?
-Communicate LOs? / 1.) Set up: Have PowerPoint set up with the agenda and learning objectives on screen. Arrange desks into 5 groups with index cards labeling each table with the corresponding number. Have DBQ’S ready to be passed out. Have deck of cards laid out on table.
2.)When students walk in the classroom, have them pick up one card from the deck of playing cards and have them sit at the appropriate table corresponding to the card number.
The PowerPoint shows which cards correspond to which table numbers.
3.)Read Agenda – Teacher will read the learning objectives along with the agenda from the PowerPoint.
The agenda states:
a.) Political Cartoon
b.)DBQ in Small Groups
c.) Discussion
d.) Essay
I want students to understand the goals of today’s class along with knowing what we will be doing so they know what is expected of them during today’s lesson.
5.)Political Cartoon Model (LO2)
Teacher will pull up political cartoon that has the description cut out on PowerPoint and have students write down their answer of what they think the political cartoon would say.
Teacher will scaffold by asking questions such as, a.) What type of body language do we see in these different figures? (Analyze)
b.)What do the symbols mean that are represented as their heads? (Interpret)
c.)What does this scene remind you of? (Remember)
Teacher will call on students to share answer.
Teacher will then show the political cartoon with the description.
Teacher will ask students, d.) “What does this tell us about religion in America? (Analyze) / 2.)Students will pick up playing card and sit at corresponding table.
4.) Students will take out a piece of paper and write what they think the political cartoon said. Students will share their answers in whole group.
a.)We see the body language of the three characters waiting outside as unhappy, one has their arms folded like they are just waiting and bored.
b.)The symbols I recognize are a Christian cross, Jewish Star, so I am assuming they are representing different religions.
c.)This scene reminds me of movies where certain people have to wait outside a club because the security guard doesn’t let them in for a certain reason.
d.) This tells us that when someone of a certain religion performs a terrorism act, we then group that religion into one category (as terrorists) and treat them unfairly.
Procedures and steps to the lesson.
5.)Q & A?
6.)Evidence of learning?
8.)Planned supports?
Transitions: Identify when you are transitioning and how you will make that a smooth transition? / 1.)Transition
Teacher will then discuss how analyzing this political cartoon is tied into what we will be doing today. Teacher will introduce how this was a model of a DBQ and LO2 and that we will be looking at documents and analyzing them by answering specific questions.
I will tell students that we will be looking at a primary or secondary source, whether text or picture, and then analyzing it to answer questions. This model will have students understand their expectations when answering the DBQ
2.)A1: DBQ (LO1)
Teacher will pass out and introduce the DBQ.
Teacher will instruct students to examine the four documents and answer the following questions in their small groups.
During the small groups, teacher will facilitate by making sure students are on task and asking guiding prompts. Guiding prompts such as
a.) “What time period do you think this document was created?” (Interpret)
b.) “Who do you think the target audience was meant for?” (Analyze)
c.) “How does this document support religions unifying or separating societies? (Analyze)
Document specific questions:
d.)document 1: Why do you think these Roman citizens were so hateful in reference to “frenzy of hate”?
e.)document 2: From the past two days, what do we know about cultural diffusion and how is this represented in this document?
f.)Document 3: What does this document tell us about stereotyping of religious groups?
g.)Documents 4: How do their facial expressions impact the message?
3.) A2: Checks for Understanding (LO1/LO2)
After most of the students have completed document 1, teacher will have a whole class check for understanding by asking the following questions:
a.)“Can someone explain to me what persecution is?” (Understand)
b.)“Do we think this type of persecution still happens today?” (Apply)
If students to now show understanding of these questions, teacher will go over the first document with them as another model to help guide them with their DBQ.
After document 3, teacher will have another check for understanding:
c.)“How is this political cartoon similar to the one we did early in class? (Remember)
d.)“How does terrorism play into persecution of religions?” (Apply)
4.) Discussion of DBQ (LO1/LO2)
After the small groups, teacher will facilitate a whole class discussion of all 4 documents. Teacher will ask students how they analyzed the documents and to share some of their answers to get at any misconceptions.
Getting at the misconceptions is crucial when it comes to analyzing pictures since all students perceive visuals in different ways.
Guiding questions for discussion in addition to having students share answers:
a.)How did the different perspectives from these documents give us insight on the unifying and dividing of societies due to religion? (Analyze)
b.)How did these documents help us answer our essential question today of, “Does religion unify or divide societies?” (Evaluate)
5.) A3: Essay (LO1)
After whole class discussion on DBQ questions, Teacher will discuss learning supports for writing an essay.
Teacher will discuss learning supports.
a.)“What should a good introduction sentence include? (Remember)
b.) “How do we provide text evidence to support a claim?” (Remember)
c.) What does a good body paragraph include? (Remember)
d.) What does a good closing paragraph include? (Remember)
After review of how to write an essay, teacher will instruct students to complete Part B of the DBQ, which is the essay. Teacher will instruct the essay is to be completed individually. / 1.) Students will answer any questions they may have.
2.) Students will work on the DBQ packet in their small groups. Students will examine the documents and answer the corresponding questions with evidence from the document.
Sample evidence of DBQ is attached.
a.)Example: In document 4 it mentions that this was a protest for ISIS, so it must have been recent.
b.)Example: In document 3, it looks like the target audience is for all citizens who persecute others based on religion.
c.)Example: In document 1, we see how religion is separating societies by the Roman government persecuting people who practiced Christianity.
d.)These Roman citizens seemed hateful because Catholics did not believe the same views as them.
e.)We have learned cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas from a specific culture from place to place and we see in this document how Muslims spread their culture to Spain.
f.)We see in this political cartoon that when an act of violence hits from a person of a certain religion, we begin to persecute that religion as a whole.
g.)The religious leaders in this picture seem more than content – they are happy and willing to support each other.
3.)Students will participate in whole class questions.
a.) Treating someone unfairly or cruelly.
b.) Killing people over their religious beliefs seems barbaric, but I know people are discriminated against today based on their religion.
c.) It shows how in America we discriminate people based on their religion.
d.) American’s stereotype groups of religious people if someone who identifies as a non-Christian religion commits a terrorist attack.
4.)Students will share answers from the DBQ along with asking any questions.
a.)Different perspectives showed us that religion is an aspect of our community that had harsh ways of dividing us, such as persecution, and also unified many people through the spreading of cultures and coming together in times of need.
b.)These documents showed us that our essential question can be answered either way, because we see both examples of religion unifying or dividing – it is our own perspective whether we believe it is more unifying or more dividing based on the evidence in the documents.
5.)Students will complete the Essay independently.
a.)A good introduction sentence should answer the question of the prompt to introduce the topic.
b.)We can provide evidence by stating which document we used to support the answer by giving an example listed in the document.
c.)A good body paragraph includes a topic sentence, and using the text evidence to answer the prompt.
d.)A good closing paragraph should briefly mention our supports and restate how we answered the question to tie the essay together.
Sample evidence is attached for essay.
d.)Wrap up?
e.)Set-up? / 1.)Clean-up:
Teacher will instruct students to put their writing utensils away and will collect their DBQ packet
2.)Tweet It:
Students will tweet the answer the following question:
a.) “How is today’s lesson relevant to religion and society today?” (Interpret)
This exit ticket will tie in the prior knowledge from the three day lesson plan to connecting it to real life. / 1.)Students will turn in DBQ.
2.)Students will tag their teacher’s Twitter handle and tweet the answer to the question.
a.)Sample: Today’s lesson is relevant today because we also see how religious acts of terrorism cause wars in today’s society, such as ISIS.
Differentiation: How will you provide students with specific learning needs instructional support? How will you provide students access to learning? / Struggling Students: For those who struggle with reading and writing I will provide DBQ’s that include sentence starters for the DBQ and essay. As well as bolding important parts of the text in the document that they can use as a guide to know what to focus on.
IEP Students: For IEP students, along with sentence starters and bolding of key words I will provide a word bank with definitions for more challenging words within the documents as well. IEP students also may have extra time to complete the essay if they run out of time depending on that specific child’s needs.
Academic Language
What languagefunction do you want students to develop in this lesson?
What vocabulary do students need to support learning of the learning objective for this lesson?
What supports do you have in place to assist students with AL? / Identify
Language Function: Analyze
Vocabulary: persecute
Syntax or Discourse?Discourse / Planned Supports
Language Function: Teacher will model how to analyze a political cartoon for students to apply this to their DBQ.Teacher will have checks for understanding for whole class to make sure students understand the analysis of documents as well as facilitating group work with guiding questions. Teacher will discuss how to analyze the documents to perform the essay portion. Students will analyze how today’s lesson effects society in today via exit ticket.Specifics for IEP and struggling students will include sentence starters.
Vocabulary:Definition of persecute is written on IEP as well as bolding important words in DBQ and having a word bank with definitions to support analysis of documents.
Syntax or Discourse? Students will be responding to questions both large and small groups. They will be reading and writing within their DBQ to use their analysis for their essay. Students will be interpreting primary and secondary sources and focus on analyzing world religions effect on societies and whether they unify or divide communities.