2016 Mid-Valley Open

Saturday and Sunday, February 6-7, 2016

Held under the sanction of USA Swimming, Inc.

Sanction No:Pending, Pending (Time Trials)

In granting this sanction, it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of this event.

Host:Mid-Valley Aquatics

Host Facility: KrocCenter, 1865 Bill Frey Dr. NE, SalemOregon97301, 503-566-5762

Eligibility:Swimmers must be currently registered with USA Swimming. No on-deck registration shall be permitted. Swimmers must be within the listed age brackets as of February 6, 2016.

Entry Deadlines: Entry acceptance period is currently open. A Team Manager Event file will be available on the MVA website by Thursday, January 7, 2016. Final entry deadline is midnight on Thursday, January 28, 2016, and may close sooner if the meet limit is reached.

Event Limit: 3 individual events per meet session, plus one time trial event per day.

Meet Limit: A maximum of 225 swimmers per day. Teams are accepted on a first-come basis.

Entry Fees:$16.00 per swimmer surcharge (includes $3 OSI fee and facility use fee)

$3.00 per individual event

Entry fees must be received before the start of the meet. Please send one check per team. Make checks payable to: Mid-Valley Aquatics

Payment Address:MVA Meet Entries c/o Shelley Warde

4195 Duane Drive S,

Salem, OR97302


Entries: Please submit a Hytek entry file to

YARDTIMESonly for seeding. Withsubmissionofentries,thecoach-teamrepresentativeatteststhatall swimmersenteredareregisteredwithUSASwimming.

Meet Format: All events will be swum FASTEST to SLOWEST as timed finals. Relief breaks in the competition may be added at the discretion of the Meet Referee.

All events 200 yards or more will be deck seeded.Over-the-swimmer starts may be used. Positive check-in is required for all events 200 yards or more for seeding purposes. Coaches are responsible for providing positive check-in of swimmers 60 minutes prior to the start of timed finals each day.

Swimmers/clubs are responsible for providing their own timers (2) and a counter for the 500 Freestyle, which will alternate by girls and boys heats.

Time Trials:Sanction No:Pending, WILL BE OFFERED TO ALL SWIMMERS ENTERED IN THE MEET on Saturday and Sunday, to begin 15 minutes after the completion of that day’s session. Swimmers may only swim one time trial per day and must provide their own timers and counters. Races will be swum as Mixed. Entry for each session must be turned into the Clerk of the Course by 11 am with fee paid ($5).

Facility: Competition Pool – eight lanes, 7-ft lanes, 25 Yard pool. Depth: The starting block end is 12 feet, the turn end is 4.5 feet. The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2 C(4).

Seating:Only those parents who are timing are allowed in the starting area. Swimmers AND coaches only please, at the start end of the pool.

Timing:Daktronics timing system, horn start, and finish touch pads. Results via electronic scoreboard.

Each team will be given lane timing assignments based on the number of swimmers entered, sign-ups will be on the wall behind the start area.

Pool Hours:Pool will be open to meet participants from 7:00 AM until the conclusion of the meet.

Bull Pen:No bull pen will be provided, swimmers are to report directly to the blocks.

Awards: Awards will be given to new Oregon A Standards.

Meetings: Officials meeting will be held approximately 60 minutes prior to start of each session. Coaches meeting will be held 15 minutes prior to start of each session.

Meet Referee:Pending Email: Pending

Meet Director:Shelley Warde Email: Phone: (503) 884-3183

Officials: We always appreciate the help of certified officials from other clubs. If you will be attending please send a confirming e-mail to the meet director. Hospitality will be provided for coaches and officials.

Schedule:Warm-ups: 7:30 – 8:30 AM Check-In closes: 7:45 AM Competition: 8:45 AM

Time Trials to begin 15 minutes after the completion of the day’s meet session.

Concessions:Concession items will be provided by the KrocCenter, located outside the pool area.

Parking/Camping:Multiple parking lots are available around the KrocCenter. There is no camping or RV Parking.

Rules:Current USA Swimming and Oregon Swimming, Inc. rules will govern this meet.

Safety/Restriction:Current Oregon Swimming Safety Guidelines and warm-up procedures will be in effect. No tobacco products, alcohol, or glass containers are allowed in the facility. Shaving is not allowed in the venue.Useofaudioorvisualrecording devices,includinga cellphone, is notpermittedinchangingareas,restrooms,or lockerrooms. Changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is prohibited. Photography is not allowed behind the blocks during the start of a race.

Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing racing starts or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Unaccompanied swimmers must be assigned a coach BEFORE the swimmer may enter the water for warm-ups or competition. It is the swimmers responsibility to arrange, please notify the Meet Director or Referee if assistance is needed.

Order of Events for Saturday:

Warm Up: 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Coaches Positive Check-In Closes at 7:45 AM

Meet Start: 8:45 AM

Girls / Event / Boys
1 / Open / 200 Free / Open / 2
3 / 8 & Under / 25 Free / 8 & Under / 4
5 / Open / 100 Breast / Open / 6
7 / Open / 50 Back / Open / 8
9 / Open / 200 Back / Open / 10
11 / 8 & Under / 25 Fly / 8 & Under / 11
12 / Open / 50 Free / Open / 13
14 / Open / 50 Fly / Open / 15
16 / Open / 200 Fly / Open / 17
18 / Open / 100 IM / Open / 19
20 / Open / 400 IM / Open / 21

Time Trials to begin 15 minutes after the completion of the day’s meet session.

Order of Events for Sunday:

Warm Up: 7:30 – 8:30 AM

Coaches Positive Check-In Closes at 7:45 AM

Meet Start: 8:45 AM

Girls / Events / Boys
22 / Open / 100 Free / Open / 23
24 / 8 & Under / 25 Back / 8 & Under / 25
26 / Open / 200 IM / Open / 27
28 / Open / 100 Back / Open / 29
30 / Open / 50 Breast / Open / 31
32 / Open / 200 Breast / Open / 33
34 / 8 & Under / 25 Breast / 8 & Under / 35
36 / Open / 100 Fly / Open / 37
38 / Open / 500 Free / Open / 39

500 free events will alternate by girls and boys heats.

Swimmers/Clubs are responsible for providing their own timers (2), and a counter for the 500 Free.

Time Trials to begin 15 minutes after the completion of the day’s meet session.

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