Mid-State Special Education

Montgomery County/Carlinville Region

Region Board Meeting

May 23, 2006


The regular meeting of the Mid-State Special Education, Montgomery County/Carlinville Region Board was called to order by Chairman Johnson at 8:40 a.m. Present were Mr. Burton, Mr. Kelly, Ms. Falconer, and Mrs. Johnson. Also present were Ms. Nichols and Ms. Meyer.

A motion by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Kelly, approving the minutes of the April 25, 2006 meeting carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

The financial report, statement of position, and bills were presented and discussed. Ms. Nichols reported that Jerry Wasson will have to get a loan again to cover Montgomery County/Carlinville Region expenses. This is largely due to the timing of money coming in from the State later than needed to cover expenses such as payroll that must go out before the end of June. Ms. Nichols reported that she had met with Jeanne and Jerry to come up with a plan to get out of this cycle of each year needing to borrow money in June. The Board agreed to schedule a special budget meeting over the summer to discuss different options, and planned to not approve the new budget until August after this meeting occurs. Ms. Nichols gave billings to the superintendents for extraordinary and orphanage and said that this money needs to be flowed to Mid-State Special Education right away. These were copies of billings sent previously by mail.

A motion by Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to approve the financial report and bills carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to enter into Executive Session carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay at 8:47 a.m.

At 9:12 a.m. Executive Session ended and the meeting returned to open session.

A motion made by Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to accept the resignation of certified staff member Beth Coleman carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Mr. Burton, seconded by Ms. Falconer, to accept the resignation of certified staff member Amy Hacke carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to hire certified staff members Susan Koller and Danley Barnett for the 2006-2007 school year contingent on each one taking the required coursework over the summer and taking the required test on September 9, 2006 for Special Ed. endorsement carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Burton, to recall non-certified staff member Kellie Moffitt for the 2006-2007 school year carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

Old Business

Ms. Nichols reported that budget preparations continue. The Board discussed the issue of most aides working 7 hours per day and a few aides in the Carlinville district only working 6.5 hours per day. Mr. Kelly stated that he did not want to increase his aides to 7 hours a day but would be interested in hiring another aide with the money that would have been used to increase hours to 7 a day. Discussion occurred on this issue and the Board agreed to discuss it further at a special budget meeting over the summer.

Assistant Director’s Report

Ms. Nichols reported on several instances of Special ed. personnel and/or students making local news recently. Misty Tooley, and aide at Russell Elementary in Litchfield, was in the newspaper for saving a student’s life during lunch at school. The student was choking on a hot dog during lunch and Ms. Tooley was able to apply the Heimlich Maneuver and save the student from choking to death. The Board requested Ms. Nichols write a letter of commendation to Ms. Tooley for her outstanding efforts.

Also in the news were two Life Skills students from Carlinville, pictured in the paper on their way to Senior Prom. Lastly, Roger Jennings Chevrolet dealership in Hillsboro was pictured in the newspaper along with the Special Olympics team and coaches from Hillsboro in recognition of the fact that Roger Jennings once again donated all the shirts the students would wear to compete in the Special Olympics.

Ms. Nichols reported that she was able to attend two of the three work study banquets held throughout the region. The work study program is such a success on so many levels that the banquets are a good way to help students say thank you to everyone at the end of the year.

Fliers have gone out for the Judy Woods workshop scheduled for August 15, 2006. Ms. Nichols has encouraged administrators to spread the word about this topical training provided by a renowned speaker. At the time of the meeting there were already only 19 spots left available to MC/C Region people.

Ms. Nichols reported that she attended a meeting with the director of the Autism Project in Springfield along with Jerry Wasson and other Mid-State Special Education administrators. It was a productive meeting and ideas for collaboration in the future were developed.

A motion made by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Burton, adjourned the meeting at 9:35 a.m.

The next Mid-State Special Education, Montgomery County/Carlinville Region Board meeting will be Tuesday, June 27th at 8:30 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education offices in Taylorville.