Board of Directors’ Meeting

February 14, 2017, 1:30 p.m.

Mid-Ohio Sanitation, 356 HPM Street, Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338

Board Chairman Teresa Bemiller called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Board members present were Jeff Benton, Barb Lewis, Gary Merrell,Thom Collier, Kerr Murray, Ken Stiverson, Burgess Castle, Warren Davis, Tom Whiston andTeresa Bemiller presiding. Also in attendance were Jenna Hicks, Director and Cheryl Corbin, Fiscal Administrator. Visitors in attendance were Doug Sams and Jason Booth.

Commissioner Bemiller opened the meeting acknowledging the new commissioners to the board, and asked everyone to go around the room to introduce themselves.

Commissioner Stiversonmoved, seconded byCommissioner Collierto approve the December 13, 2016 minutes.

Motion Carried.

Financial Report

Ms. Corbin gave an update on the Financials,

Total revenue received in December was $127,240.26 total revenue received in January was $138,774.14.

Total expenditures in December were $96,726.79 and total expenditures in January were $182,186.57.

As of January 31, 2017, the unexpended balance was $1,424,023.19, the outstanding encumbrances were $169,731.46. The unencumbered cash balance was $1,254,291.73.

Market Development Funds

Total revenue received in December was $1,542.15 total revenue received in January was $-0-.

Total expenditures in December were $-0- and total expenditures in January were $-0-.

As of January 31, 2017, the unexpended balance was $124,120.65, the outstanding encumbrances were $-0-. The unencumbered cash balance was $124,120.65.

Ms. Corbin also reminded the board that the carryover purchase orders that were paid and closed, could have remaining balances that would be added back into the available appropriations balance. Ms. Corbin stated that the spreadsheets that she keeps separates 2016 purchase order carryover balances from 2017 board approved appropriations and only encumbers the board approved budgeted expenditures to be spent out.

Commissioner Collier moved, seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve the financial report as presented.

Motion Carried.


Ms. Hicks presented the Defiance Landfill Designation Waiver to the board and asked that the board approve the agreement allowing them to accept waste from our district.

Commissioner Collier moved, seconded by Commissioner Merrellto approve the Defiance Landfill Waiver agreement.

Motion Carried.


Knox County Drop-off Program – Rumpke Contract

Commissioner Bemiller reminded the board that although discussion took place on approving Rumpke at past board meetings for the Knox County Drop-off services, and emailed responses also approved the contract, the actual board motion was never made and asked for the board motion.

Commissioner Collier moved, seconded by Commissioner Whiston to approve the Rumpke agreement as was presented, and dated effective January 1, 2017.

Motion Carried.

Knox County Recycling Center Update

Ms. Hicks gave an update on the Rumpke closing, and stated that both the DKMM office and the Litter Prevention office are getting a lot of calls asking what to do with their recycling. Ms. Hicks stated surprisingly there have been more calls from township residents asking where to go, than city residents. Ms. Hicks stated that with this change has come other service needs. Increasing the number of bins at the Monroe township site, added two new sites, and Centerburg wants fencing to eliminate the amount of paper blowing into a marshy area. There is also a hauler in Mt. Vernon that the city is questioning regarding non-compliance of a city ordinance requiring offering recycling along with trash pick-up.

Sims Brothers OEPA Grant Application Update

The OEPA grant for Sims Brothers to obtain funding for operational equipment has been submitted. Unfortunately, it was mistakenly submitted on an incorrect application, and OEPA has stated that this is a very competitive year for applications. Sims has advised Ms. Hicks that they cannot limp along for another year without the addition of the equipment, and may have to request additional funding from DKMM in order to continue the collection of recyclables from the City of Delaware if the project is not funded by EPA. Ms. Hicks stated that this will be a discussion at the May board meeting, once OEPA has sent out award notifications, and how to handle the situation if Sims has not been granted an award.

Upgrades to Mid-Ohio

Ms. Hicks gave a presentation on the proposal for Mid-Ohio to upgrade their equipment, in order to handle future district needs if Rumpke is eliminated as an option due to their rising bids for drop-off services. Ms. Hicks outlined the costs for Phases 1 and 2, for both Mid-Ohio and DKMM- with and without grants from OEPA. With the EPA funded Phase 1 option, and the cost savings of approximately $70,000 per year with Mid-Ohio service over Rumpke’s, the payback period would be about nine years. Ms. Hicks feels that Phases 3-6 are not as important to the district, as it’s meant to make Mid-Ohio more efficient.

Discussion continued with questions such as whose responsibility it would be if equipment needed replaced, how many jobs it would create, what the life expectancy for the trucks were. Commissioner Whiston asked if the company supplying the equipment could give a reference for another customer who has had the equipment for many years, and what incidents occurred that weren’t expected, costs not expected, overall operation etc.

Commissioner Bemiller stated that one concern to the District was the timing of when Mid-Ohio needed to begin construction on the building, which is before DKMM would have verification from OEPA of any grant funding. Ms. Hicks agreed and outlined the timeline of when events had to happen.

Commissioner Whiston stated that he would like to have a committee formed to focus on these options, and have the ability to sit down with Earl Linder, owner of Mid-Ohio, to make sure this decision is well thought out. Commissioner Bemiller asked if the board was in agreement that the committee be the Executive Committee. Commissioner Merrell recommended that Commissioner Benton take his place on the committee as Commissioner Benton’s background is in finance.

Commissioner Merrell expressed concerns that Mid-Ohio have the financial stability that would keep the MRF running for an expanded amount of time, stated that we need to determine how leveraged is the company, what happens if he decides he needs more funds for operational needs.

Commissioner Bemiller recommended that whatever representative from each county, try to meet so that we have more information to present to the board for the May meeting. Ms. Hicks stated that she had listed some of the questions that were presented at this meeting, but if any board members had any additional questions to please email them to her so that she has the answers to them at the upcoming meetings.


Ms. Hicks gave a brief update on other DKMM activities. Work on the annual survey has begun, with letters getting prepared to go out in the mail soon.

Louann, the Morrow County CRLPO has been moved out of the Health Department, and is now housed in the county building on Walnut Street in Mount Gilead.

Ms. Hicks is working with the Delaware and Morrow County CRLPO’s to establish electronic collection sites in their counties, stating that Delaware especially has a huge need for this based on the calls that we get almost daily.

The Ashley drop-off site has been temporarily moved to Morrow County, Westfield Township while construction is going on at the school. We are monitoring that site regularly to ensure no overflow issues occur.

The Delaware contamination waste sort date is set in March, as it had to be rescheduled from the December date, and will be working on the Marion County contamination rate as well.

EPA has been working on partnering with communities to assist with improving their education materials on recycling, curbside recycling, and Ms. Hicks has invited the Cities of Delaware, Mt. Vernon, Mt. Gilead, Marion to attend this event. The communities can work with EPA’s graphic designers to improve their educational materials and then there will also be grant funding available to help implement those programs. So far the City of Delaware has responded that they are interested in this event.

The Plan update kick-off was in January, working with GT Environmental for this update.

Other Business

No other business was discussed.


Commissioner Colliermade the motion to adjourn and Commissioner Whiston seconded.

Motion carries and meeting was adjourned at 2:20p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Corbin/DKMM


Teresa Bemiller,ChairmanDate