of Staten Island, New York
Kathleen Kiernan Memorial Scholarships totaling $45,000:
Annual $5,000 Scholarship for College
Annual $1,000 Service Award Scholarship for College
Fred Fiore Memorial Scholarship to high school Interact students $3,000 per year
Sponsored poster contests for grade schools
Host annual Holiday Party for children of women residing in Amethyst House
Participated in S.I.S.O.S. donating funds and time purchasing and packaging items needed for soldiers in Iraq
Miracle of Music - donated funds to purchase instruments for music under-funded music programs
Hosted annual barbecue for Boy Scouts-Learning for Life at Pouch Camp/Alpine for handicapped children
Gift of Limbs- raised money for injured children of Sierra Leone
Beach and park cleanups – members donate time to clean a beach and/or a park and host a barbecue afterwards for all volunteers
Habitat for Humanity – members donated time to work on a home renovation
Sponsored a youth forum titled “Project Connect”
Participate in Annual SIEDC conference
Donate $2,500 per year to annual turkey basket drive
Participate in Annual turkey basket drive- members deliver turkey and all trimmings to needy families on Staten Island
Acted as a conduit to sponsor artist, Anita Cimino, and jazz performer, Ray Scro, for grants to support the arts on SI
Run Raffles, Bowl-a-thons and Golf Outings to raise funds to distribute to local charities including, Amethyst House, Cooley’s Anemia, Autism Foundation, Eden II, Staten Island Mental Health Society, Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, Boy Scouts of America, Project Hospitality, Meals on Wheels, Seamen’s Society for Children, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Learning for Life, SI Blind Society, Miss Staten Island Scholarship, Grace Foundation, Children at Play, Community Health Action, Joe Mandarino Foundation
Annual Evening of Culinary Delights- host food and wine tasting with participation from 20 SI restaurants to raise funds for local charities
Establish and mentor Interact Clubs at three SI high schools
Participate in annual JDRF walk-a-thon
Donate funds to food banks in NYC and food pantries on Staten Island
Sponsored “March to the Beat of Life” Concert with participation from St. Peter’s BoysHigh School at the St.GeorgeTheatre and raised $17,000 for March of Dimes
Midnight Run- distribute food to homeless in NYC with high school students from Notre DameAcademy
Raised funds to help a family with disabled children purchase a handicapped accessible home
Support Gift of Life Foundation –a program that transports children who have had major heart operations
Member was District Treasurer for many years
9/11 Fund established and funds distributed to families in need
Raised funds for victims of Hurricane Katrina
Awarded 11 Paul Harris Fellows
Donated $10,000+ to Polio Plus Program
Raised funds for victims of the tsunami