Minutes Of The

Mid-Central Educational Cooperative

The Mid-Central Educational Cooperative’s Governing Board met in regular session at the Mid-Central Coop in Platte, SD on Thursday, July 14th, 2011, with Lloyd Persson calling the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. with the following members present:

Board Members: Joanne Farke (Armour), Brandon York (Burke), Pam Haukaas (Colome), Nicole Bamburg (Corsica), Dave Shoemaker (Gregory), Todd Reinesch (Kimball), Bill Mathis (Mt. Vernon), Dave Merrill (Plankinton), Tess Starr (Platte-Geddes), Lloyd Persson (Stickney), Jim Munson (White Lake), Richard Peterson (Wolsey-Wessington, Via Phone).

Superintendents: Armour, Burke, Corsica, Gregory, Kimball, Mt. Vernon, Plankinton, Platte-Geddes, Stickney, Wessington Springs, White Lake, Wolsey-Wessington (Via Phone).

Others Present: Dan Guericke (Mid Central), Scott Westerhuis (Mid-Central), Stephanie Hubers (Mid-Central), Christy Finney (Mid Central).

Introduction of New Board Members:

No Action Taken.

Approve Agenda:

Motion by Armour and seconded by Colome to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Approve Minutes from June Board Meeting:

Motion by Platte-Geddes and seconded by Kimball to approve the minutes from the June board meeting. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Approve Financial Report:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Armour to approve the financial report. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Approve July Bills:

Motion by Platte-Geddes and seconded by Plankinton to approve the July bills. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Election of Officers:

Chairman Persson turned the meeting over to Director, Dan Guericke for the election of the board chairman at 9:15 AM.

Motion Armour and seconded by Colome to nominate Lloyd Persson of Stickney as the board chairman for the 2011-2012 School Year.

Motion by Armour and seconded by Plankinton that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Lloyd Persson of Stickney. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Director, Dan Guericke, turned the meeting back over to Chairman Persson at 9:18 AM for election of the Vice Chair.

Motion by Armour and second Colome to nominate Bill Mathis of Mt. Vernon as Vice Chairman for the 2011-2012 school year.

Motion by Armour and seconded by Colome that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Bill Mathis as the Vice Chairman for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Motion to authorize Chairman to sign contract addendums:

Motion by Armour and seconded by Colome to authorize Chairman Persson to sign contract addendums. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

  1. Motion to approve recalled employees:

Motion by Platte-Geddes and seconded by Kimball to recall the following employees for the 2011-2012 school year: Corrie Ann Campbell, Kelly Duncan, Marilyn Forst and Doris Stiles. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

  1. Motion to increase ESA Directors contract days:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Armour to increase Diane Olson’s contract days from 185 to 220. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Review Request for Deviation of Contract Days for Speech Therapists and School Psychologists:

Motion by Armour and seconded by Kimball to approve contract deviations for Sandy Stukel, Chris Bosma, Pam Johnson, Sandy Ringling and Diane Olson. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Consideration of Out-Of-State travel request:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Burke to allow out-of-state travel for those speech therapists that are scheduled to attend the National Speech Language Conference. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Motion by Platte-Geddes and seconded by Colome to authorize out-of-state travel for Corrie Ann Campbell to attend the National GEAR-UP conference in San Francisco CA. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Update on concussion Management Program:

No action taken.

Budget Hearing set for 10:00 AM. Discuss new assessment chart and expense budget:

Chairman Persson opened the budget hearing at 10:05 AM. The board reviewed the proposed budget and assessment chart and then fielded questions. A question from the general public was brought forth with Chairman Persson and Business Manager Scott Westerhuis answering. No Action taken

The budget hearing was called to a close at 10:20 AM.

Board Committee Reports:

  1. Building Committee:

Motion by Armour and seconded by Colome to accept the bid of Frandsen Electric for wiring the storage shed. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

  1. Report from CTE Committee:

No Action taken.

  1. Board Update on Counseling Services:

No Action Taken

  1. Report from Save our Small Schools Committee:

No action taken.

Update on State and Other Contracts:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Plankinton to approve the following contracts. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

SD Dept of EducationCoordinated School Health $104,000

Motion by Mt. Vernon and seconded by Armour to approve the following contract. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Black Hills State Univ.SD Counts$34,231

Chamberlain School DistESA Services$54,994.50

White Lake School DistESA Services$2,000

Aberdeen RoncolliESA Services$1000

Update on Mid-Central Cabinet Work, Strategic Plan, and Management Team Reports:

  1. Virtual School Update:

Motion by Armour and seconded by Corsica to approve a contract with Avanta to supply German class. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

  1. Special Education:

No Action Taken.

  1. ESA Work:

No Action taken.

  1. AIII Report:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Corsica to approve the writing of a GEAR-UP Partnership grant by BC Kuhn Evaluations. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

  1. Update on Lab School:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Armour to write a letter of support for McRel in order for them to use Mid Central in their grant application. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Update on Grants:

  1. Title II Pt. D Grant:

No Action Taken.

  1. SD Counts:

No Action Taken.

  1. Teach American History #1:

No Action Taken

Discuss Proposed Board Workshop for this fall:

No Action taken.

Cooperative Wide Teacher In-Service for 2011-2012:

The In-Service will be held in Wagner again this year on August 17th, 2011. No Action Taken

Orientation for New Board Members:

Orientation for new board members is to be held after the September 2011 board meeting. No action taken.

Consent items:

Motion by Plankton and seconded by Mt. Vernon to approve the following actions. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

Approve Mid-Central Board Meeting Calendar and to establish Regular Board Meeting

Date, Thursday after the second Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. for June, July,

August, and 11:00 a.m. for September, October, November, December, January,

February, March, April and May.

Set Board Member Compensation of $60.00/per meeting plus Travel for 1 person per school.

Authorization for Business Manager to act on behalf of the Mid-Central Educational

Cooperative in respect to contracts for Tax Shelter Annuities.

Approve Bond for Business Manager and Director.


A. Bank………………………………… First Fidelity Bank, Bank of the West of California,

Fort Randall Credit Union and Edward Jones.

  1. Newspaper…………………….Platte Enterprise
  2. Trust & Agency Acct….Scott Westerhuis, Dan Guericke, Stephanie Hubers
  3. Attorney………………………..Gerald Kaufman, Jr.
  4. Business Manager………..Scott Westerhuis, Stephanie Hubers
  5. Investments…………………..Dan Guericke, Scott Westerhuis, Stephanie Hubers

Appoint Director as Mid-Central Educational Cooperative Section 504

Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator, and Title VI Coordinator for 2011-2012.

Adopt Board Policy Handbook for 2011-12 School Year.

Adopt Special Education Comprehensive Plan,

Resolution to Participate in Federal Surplus Property and to designate

Scott Westerhuis, Stephanie Hubers, and Dan Guericke as Purchasing Agents.

Approve Mid-Central Educational Cooperative’s Employee Handbook.

Approve Mid-Central Educational Cooperative Technology Plan,

Motion by Plankinton and seconded by Mt. Vernon to approve the resolution for the use of Signature Facsimile for the Business Manager and the Board Chairman.

Report from Negotiation Committee:

Motion by Colome and seconded by Platte-Geddes to enter into executive session at 10:42 AM to discuss personnel.

Chairman Persson declared an end to executive session at 11:15 AM. No Action Taken.

Next Meeting Date is Thursday, August 11th, 2011, at 9:00 AM:



Motion by Armour and seconded by Kimball to adjourn. Motion carried with all present members voting aye.

Mid Central Educational Cooperative
Mid Central Financial Position / Impress Checking
June 1st, 2011 / $ 4,937.47
June 1st, 2011 Beginning Balance / $2,126,317.24
Reimbursement / $ 62.53
June 2011 Payroll / $ (217,067.21)
June 2011 Accounts Payable / $ (274,619.93)
June 2011 Revenue / $ 598,071.41 / Claims for June 2011 / $ (179.66)
June 2011 End of Month Balance / $2,232,701.51 / End of June 2011 Balance / $ 4,820.34
June 2011 Cash Receipts
Checking Interest / $ 10,231.88
School Payments / $ 55,494.31
Virtual School Revenue / $ 60,025.00
ESA Revenues / $ 2,262.28
Speech Revenues / $ 27,599.52
Federal Grant Reimbursement / $ 277,455.72
SD State Contracts / $ 133,760.25
OCETI Contracts / $ -
Misc Revenue / $ 31,242.45
Total Revenue For June 2011 / $ 598,071.41
Mid Central Educational Cooperative Bills
July 14th, 2011
Check Date / Check Number / Vendor / Account Number / Description / Amount
07/08/2011 / 139415 / 44 ROAD STOP / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 4.23
07/08/2011 / 139416 / ALLERDINGS, DEAN / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 374.34
07/08/2011 / 139417 / ALLTEL / 12 2490 000 340 / SP PHONES / 103.89
06/01/2011 / 900032 / AMAZON.COM / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 54.84
06/30/2011 / 900034 / AMAZON.COM / 12 2490 000 419 109 / MCEC TEACHER QUALITY SUPPLIES / 1,640.58
06/30/2011 / 900035 / AMAZON.COM / 10 2329 000 419 / DIRECTOR SUPPLIES / 19.62
06/30/2011 / 900037 / AMAZON.COM / 10 1294 000 419 383 / KIMBALL PERKINS SUPPLIES / 776.57
06/30/2011 / 900038 / AMAZON.COM / 10 1294 000 419 417 / WINNER PERKINS SUPPLIES / 436.27
06/30/2011 / 900039 / AMAZON.COM / 10 1294 000 419 / MCEC PERKINS SUPPLIES / 417.30
06/30/2011 / 900040 / AMAZON.COM / 12 2490 000 419 / STATE FLOW THROUGH - EHH / 374.64
07/08/2011 / 139418 / AMAZON.COM / 12 2490 000 419 109 / TQ SUPPLIES / 115.19
07/08/2011 / 139418 / AMAZON.COM / 15 2490 000 419 379 / LIBRARY GRANT SUPPLIES-ANDES / 1,106.00
07/08/2011 / 139418 / AMAZON.COM / 17 2490 000 419 401 / SD COUNTS SUPPLIES / 24.23
07/08/2011 / 139419 / AMERICINN LODGE AND SUITES / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 86.99
07/08/2011 / 139420 / ANDERSON, ANNE / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 1 STIPEND / 750.00
07/08/2011 / 139420 / ANDERSON, ANNE / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 2 STIPEND / 750.00
07/08/2011 / 139421 / ANDERSON, JAMIE / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL 2 / 434.30
07/08/2011 / 139525 / ASHA CONVENTION HOUSE AND / 10 2152 000 334 / SPEECH TRAVEL / 1,575.00
07/08/2011 / 139422 / BAMBERG, NICOLE / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139422 / BAMBERG, NICOLE / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 22.20
07/08/2011 / 139423 / BANC OF AMERICA LEASING / 10 2549 000 530 / COPIER LEASE / 280.98
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 111 109 / TQ SALARY / 5,817.00
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 210 109 / TQ BENEFITS / 1,745.00
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 334 109 / TQ TRAVEL / 129.00
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 419 109 / TQ SUPPLIES / 424.00
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 419 109 / TQ OTHER / 1,250.00
07/08/2011 / 139424 / BC KUHN EVALUATION, LLC / 12 2490 000 319 109 / TQ INDIRECT COSTS / 804.00
07/08/2011 / 139425 / BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL / 12 2490 000 334 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS TRAVEL / 220.98
07/08/2011 / 139426 / BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA INN / 10 2329 000 334 / DIRECTOR TRAVEL / 110.66
07/08/2011 / 139427 / BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA INN / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 146.14
07/08/2011 / 139428 / BICKNER, LORIE / 18 2490 000 319 202 / CREDIT RECOVEYR STIPEND / 975.00
07/08/2011 / 139429 / BOSMA, CHRISTINE / 10 2142 000 340 / PSYCH PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139429 / BOSMA, CHRISTINE / 10 2142 000 334 / PSYCH TRAVEL / 482.04
07/08/2011 / 139430 / BROOME, JACK / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 133.20
07/08/2011 / 139431 / BULLHEAD, EARL / 12 2490 000 319 / INDIAN LAND TENURE STIPEND / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139431 / BULLHEAD, EARL / 12 2490 000 334 / INDIAN LAND TENURE TRAVEL / 88.80
07/08/2011 / 139432 / CAMPBELL, CORRIE ANN / 12 2490 000 334 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS TRAVEL / 249.00
07/08/2011 / 139432 / CAMPBELL, CORRIE ANN / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 93.40
07/08/2011 / 139433 / CITY OF PLATTE / 10 2549 000 321 021 / OFFICE WATER AND SEWER / 41.75
07/08/2011 / 139434 / CLARKE, JEAN / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139434 / CLARKE, JEAN / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 18.00
07/08/2011 / 139435 / COLE'S COMPUTERS / 10 2142 000 419 / PSYCH SUPPLIES / 27.55
07/08/2011 / 139436 / DAVENPORT, EVANS, HURWITZ & SMITH / 10 2315 000 319 / SD RISK POOL INSURANCE LEGAL / 2,890.09
07/08/2011 / 139437 / DAYS INN PIERRE / 12 2490 000 334 / INDIAN LAND TENURE STIPEND / 66.17
07/08/2011 / 139438 / DUNCAN, KELLY / 12 2490 000 319 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS STIPEND / 3,000.00
07/08/2011 / 139438 / DUNCAN, KELLY / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139439 / DYK, ROXANE / 17 2490 000 419 330 / TITLE II PART D TRAVEL / 307.00
07/08/2011 / 139439 / DYK, ROXANE / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 9.00
07/08/2011 / 139439 / DYK, ROXANE / 17 2490 000 340 / ESA PHONE / 39.20
07/08/2011 / 139440 / ESTES, TODD / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL 2 / 792.63
06/30/2011 / 900033 / EXPEDIA / 17 4156 000 334 330 / TITLE II PART D TRAVEL / 6,647.34
07/08/2011 / 139441 / FARKE, JOANNE / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 120.00
07/08/2011 / 139441 / FARKE, JOANNE / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 22.20
07/08/2011 / 139442 / FARMERS UNION OIL COMPANY / 10 1227 001 334 / B-3 TRAVEL-JANELLE / 71.45
07/08/2011 / 139443 / FINNEY, CHRISTY / 10 2529 000 340 / FISCAL PHONE / 40.00
07/08/2011 / 139444 / FRIDLEY, SARA / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 26.00
07/08/2011 / 139444 / FRIDLEY, SARA / 17 2490 000 340 / ESA PHONE / 91.90
07/08/2011 / 139445 / GENGLER, MARY / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 944.80
07/08/2011 / 139446 / GIBLIN, DEB / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139446 / GIBLIN, DEB / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 55.50
07/08/2011 / 139447 / GILL, SYLVIA / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL 2 / 932.60
07/08/2011 / 139448 / GRAVES, JOSEPH / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 1 STIPEND / 2,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139448 / GRAVES, JOSEPH / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 2 STIPEND / 2,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139448 / GRAVES, JOSEPH / 17 2490 000 419 850 / TAHG 2 SUPPLIES / 17.56
07/08/2011 / 139449 / GROVER, JENNIFER / 18 2490 000 340 / VS PHONE / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139449 / GROVER, JENNIFER / 18 2490 000 334 / VS TRAVEL / 285.35
07/08/2011 / 139449 / GROVER, JENNIFER / 18 2490 000 341 / VS POSTAGE / 31.85
07/08/2011 / 139450 / HANTEN, ED / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139450 / HANTEN, ED / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 29.60
07/08/2011 / 139451 / HAUKAAS, PAMELA / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139451 / HAUKAAS, PAMELA / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 53.28
07/08/2011 / 139452 / HOFFART, BRENDA / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139452 / HOFFART, BRENDA / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 29.60
07/08/2011 / 139453 / HOHBACH, ELLEN / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139453 / HOHBACH, ELLEN / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 37.38
07/08/2011 / 139454 / HOLLINGSWORTH, CHRISTINE / 17 2490 000 319 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH STIPEND-EHH / 1,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139455 / HUBERS, STEPHANIE / 10 2529 000 334 / FISCAL TRAVEL / 259.00
07/08/2011 / 139456 / IMPRESS CHECKING / 10 2329 000 334 / DIRECTOR TRAVEL / 64.46
07/08/2011 / 139456 / IMPRESS CHECKING / 10 2319 000 419 / BOARD SUPPLIES / 25.20
07/08/2011 / 139456 / IMPRESS CHECKING / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 50.00
07/08/2011 / 139456 / IMPRESS CHECKING / 10 2142 000 640 / PSYCH REGISTRATION / 40.00
07/08/2011 / 139457 / INTERSTATE GLASS & DOOR, INC / 10 2142 000 334 / PSYCH TRAVEL-STEVE / 82.68
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / TEACHING WITH DIGITAL VIDEO / 75.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / RETOOL YOUR SCHOOL / 75.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / WEB 2.0: NEW TOOLS, NEW SCHOOLS / 69.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP IN SCHOOLS / 69.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / WHAT WORKS IN K-12 ONLINE / 75.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / FROM FEAR TO FACEBOOK / 55.90
07/08/2011 / 139458 / ISTE STORE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH SHIPPING-EHH / 15.79
07/08/2011 / 139459 / IVERSON, ERIK / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL 2 / 648.80
07/08/2011 / 139460 / JENSEN LEARNING / 17 2490 000 419 / ENRICHING THE BRAINS OF POVERTY - / 775.00
07/08/2011 / 139461 / JOHNSON, PAM / 17 2490 000 340 / ESA PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139461 / JOHNSON, PAM / 17 2490 000 419 330 / T2D2 TRAVEL / 228.00
07/08/2011 / 139462 / JORDAN, LAKISHA / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 105.84
07/08/2011 / 139463 / JOYFUL LIVING / 17 2490 000 419 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH SUPPLIES-EHH / 774.00
07/08/2011 / 139464 / KLEIN, PEGGY / 17 2490 000 319 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH STIPEND-EHH / 162.80
07/08/2011 / 139464 / KLEIN, PEGGY / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 74.00
07/08/2011 / 139465 / KLICHE, WILLIAM / 17 2490 000 319 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH STIPEND-EHH / 500.00
07/08/2011 / 139466 / KLIPFEL, CANDICE / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL 2 / 542.40
07/08/2011 / 139467 / KOTT, SONA / 10 2172 017 319 / OT SERVICES / 1,800.00
07/08/2011 / 139467 / KOTT, SONA / 10 2172 017 334 / OT TRAVEL / 580.00
07/08/2011 / 139468 / KRAMER, KATE / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 1 STIPEND / 1,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139468 / KRAMER, KATE / 17 2490 000 319 850 / TAHG 2 STIPEND / 1,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / SUCCESSFUL FOOD SCIENCE LESSON / 59.95
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOD SCIENCE KIT / 149.95
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / ICE CREAM SCIENCE POSTER / 40.00
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / INCREDIBLE EDIBLE SCIENCE / 104.65
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORISTS / 99.90
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / AMAZING EGGS ACTIVITY LESSONS / 29.95
07/08/2011 / 139469 / LEARNING ZONE EXPRESS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH SUPPLIES-EHH / 38.76
07/08/2011 / 139470 / LEHR, DAVE / 10 2227 000 319 / TECH SERVICES / 4,061.25
07/08/2011 / 139470 / LEHR, DAVE / 10 2227 000 334 / TECH TRAVEL / 195.65
07/08/2011 / 139471 / LIEUWENS HARDWARE / 10 2549 000 419 / OFFICE SUPPLIES / 4.88
07/08/2011 / 139472 / LOWE, JONI / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 93.24
07/08/2011 / 139473 / MAIN ST. VARIETY / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 53.04
07/08/2011 / 139474 / MCGRAW HILL / 17 2490 000 419 402 / LAPTOP CONFERENCE VENDOR REFUND / 400.00
07/08/2011 / 139475 / MCINTOSH SCHOOL DISTRICT / 17 2490 000 334 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH TRAVEL-EHH / 266.40
07/08/2011 / 139476 / MCPHERSON, JACQUELYN / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 188.30
07/08/2011 / 139477 / MERRILL, DAVID / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139477 / MERRILL, DAVID / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 31.08
07/08/2011 / 139478 / MID DAKOTA TECHNOLOGIES / 10 2142 000 419 / REPLACEMENT BATTERY FOR PENNY / 75.00
07/08/2011 / 139479 / MIDSTATE COMMUNICATIONS / 10 2549 000 340 / OFFICE PHONE / 522.82
07/08/2011 / 139480 / MIKKONEN, PATRICK / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 120.00
07/08/2011 / 139481 / MOHLING, CHARLOTTE / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 500.00
07/08/2011 / 139481 / MOHLING, CHARLOTTE / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 40.70
07/08/2011 / 139482 / NAGEL, CINDY / 17 2490 000 340 / ESA PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139482 / NAGEL, CINDY / 17 2490 000 419 330 / T2D2 TRAVEL / 292.00
07/08/2011 / 139483 / NEUGEBAUER, TIM / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139483 / NEUGEBAUER, TIM / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 42.92
07/08/2011 / 139484 / NEWMAN, TRACEY / 17 2490 000 319 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH STIPEND-EHH / 1,500.00
07/08/2011 / 139485 / NICOLAUS, JANET / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139486 / NORTHWESTERN ENERGY / 10 2549 000 321 022 / OFFICE ELECTRICITY / 394.94
07/08/2011 / 139487 / NOVOTNY, TINA / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139487 / NOVOTNY, TINA / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 92.50
07/08/2011 / 139488 / OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 64.77
07/08/2011 / 139488 / OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER / 10 2549 000 419 / OFFICE SUPPLIES / 280.00
07/08/2011 / 139489 / OLSON, DIANE / 17 2490 000 334 / ESA TRAVEL / 104.00
07/08/2011 / 139489 / OLSON, DIANE / 17 2490 000 419 / ESA SUPPLIES / 313.59
07/08/2011 / 139489 / OLSON, DIANE / 17 2490 000 341 / ESA POSTAGE / 1.50
07/08/2011 / 139489 / OLSON, DIANE / 17 2490 000 419 330 / T2D2 TRAVEL / 213.00
07/08/2011 / 139490 / PALACE CLEANERS & LAUNDRY / 10 2549 000 323 / OFFICE MAINTENANCE / 13.50
07/08/2011 / 139491 / PALMER, ALYSON / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 400.00
07/08/2011 / 139492 / PAULSON, CATRINA / 10 2529 000 340 / FISCAL PHONE / 80.00
07/08/2011 / 139493 / PERSSON, LLOYD / 10 2319 000 319 / BOARD STIPEND / 60.00
07/08/2011 / 139493 / PERSSON, LLOYD / 10 2319 000 334 / BOARD TRAVEL / 23.68
07/08/2011 / 139494 / PETTIE, JESSICA / 12 2490 000 334 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS TRAVEL / 482.21
07/08/2011 / 139494 / PETTIE, JESSICA / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 62.20
07/08/2011 / 139495 / PIZZA RANCH / 12 2490 000 419 / INDIAN LAND TENURE SUPPLIES / 25.77
07/08/2011 / 139496 / PLATTE ENTERPRISE / 10 2319 000 350 / BOARD ADVERTISING / 475.92
07/08/2011 / 139497 / PLATTE FOOD CENTER / 10 2319 000 419 / BOARD SUPPLIES / 450.88
07/08/2011 / 139498 / PLOOSTER, ANDREA / 10 2152 000 340 / SPEECH PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139499 / PORTER, SUSAN / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139499 / PORTER, SUSAN / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 55.50
07/08/2011 / 139500 / PREHISTORIC INDIAN VILLAGE / 17 2490 000 334 850 / TAHG TRAVEL / 180.00
07/08/2011 / 139501 / PUTNAM, DUSTIN / 18 2490 000 319 202 / CREDIT RECOVERY STIPEND / 525.00
07/08/2011 / 139502 / QUILL / 10 2549 000 419 / OFFICE SUPPLIES / 220.52
07/08/2011 / 139502 / QUILL / 10 2529 000 419 / FISCAL SUPPLIES / 294.80
07/08/2011 / 139503 / QWEST / 10 2529 000 340 / FISCAL PHONE-OSEC / 573.21
07/08/2011 / 139504 / RIDER, DIANNE / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139504 / RIDER, DIANNE / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 102.86
07/08/2011 / 139505 / RINGLING, SANDRA / 10 2152 000 340 / SPEECH PHONE / 160.00
07/08/2011 / 139506 / RISING BOOKS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS / 150.00
07/08/2011 / 139506 / RISING BOOKS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS / 90.00
07/08/2011 / 139506 / RISING BOOKS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139506 / RISING BOOKS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS / 30.00
07/08/2011 / 139506 / RISING BOOKS / 17 2490 000 419 601 / SHIPPING / 37.00
07/08/2011 / 139507 / RIVER ROCK LODGE / 17 2490 000 419 601 / STATE FLOW THROUGH SUPPLIES-EHH / 1,050.00
06/30/2011 / 900036 / ROSEBUD CASINO QUALITY INN / 12 2490 000 334 / INDIAN LAND TENURE TRAVEL / 116.04
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 111 109 / TQ SALARY / 3,133.00
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 210 109 / TQ BENEFITS / 752.00
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 334 109 / TQ TRAVEL / 322.00
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 419 109 / TQ SUPPLIES / 175.00
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 319 109 / TQ CONTRACTUAL / 4,524.00
07/08/2011 / 139508 / RURAL LEARNING CENTER / 12 2490 000 319 109 / TQ INDIRECT COSTS / 712.00
07/08/2011 / 139509 / SCHROEDER MOTORS INC / 12 2490 000 334 / BW TRAVEL / 61.15
07/08/2011 / 139509 / SCHROEDER MOTORS INC / 12 2490 000 334 102 / WAKAN GLI TRAVEL / 44.13
07/08/2011 / 139510 / SEVERSON SERVICE STATION / 10 2152 000 334 / SPEECH TRAVEL-BOBBI / 31.88
07/08/2011 / 139510 / SEVERSON SERVICE STATION / 10 2529 000 334 / FISCAL TRAVEL / 46.00
07/08/2011 / 139510 / SEVERSON SERVICE STATION / 10 2329 000 334 / DIRECTOR TRAVEL / 27.38
07/08/2011 / 139511 / SOMBKE, LORI / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 100.00
07/08/2011 / 139511 / SOMBKE, LORI / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 74.74
07/08/2011 / 139512 / SOUTH CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT / 15 2490 000 419 405 / LIBRARY GRANT SUPPLIES-SOUTH / 223.63
07/08/2011 / 139513 / SPRINGER, COLLEEN / 10 1227 001 319 / B-3 STIPEND / 2,600.00
07/08/2011 / 139513 / SPRINGER, COLLEEN / 10 1227 001 325 / B-3 RENT / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139513 / SPRINGER, COLLEEN / 10 2162 000 319 / CC STIPEND / 880.00
07/08/2011 / 139514 / STEWART, JANELLE / 10 1227 001 340 / B-3 PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139515 / STODDARD, JODI / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 86.06
07/08/2011 / 139516 / STUKEL, SANDY / 17 2490 000 340 852 / GRAD COACH PHONE / 20.00
07/08/2011 / 139516 / STUKEL, SANDY / 17 2490 000 334 852 / GRAD COACH TRAVEL / 62.32
07/08/2011 / 139517 / THE RED STONE GROUP / 12 2490 000 319 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS STIPEND / 12,375.00
07/08/2011 / 139518 / THOMAS, RENEE / 10 2152 000 340 / SPEECH PHONE / 25.80
07/08/2011 / 139518 / THOMAS, RENEE / 10 2152 000 334 / SPEECH TRAVEL / 58.83
07/08/2011 / 139519 / TONAK, LORI / 10 1294 000 319 420 / PERKINS STIPEND-MCEC / 200.00
07/08/2011 / 139519 / TONAK, LORI / 10 1294 000 334 420 / PERKINS TRAVEL-MCEC / 33.30
07/08/2011 / 139520 / UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA / 10 2152 000 419 / SPEECH TUITION-KLUNDT / 3,041.25
07/08/2011 / 139521 / US GAMES / 12 2490 000 419 215 / CASES OF 30 EKHO WM-25 HR / 4,990.00
07/08/2011 / 139521 / US GAMES / 12 2490 000 419 215 / EXTRA ELASTIC STRAPS / 585.00
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 10 2329 000 340 / DIRECTOR PHONE / 495.84
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 10 2529 000 340 / FISCAL PHONE / 1,038.60
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 10 2142 000 340 / PSYCH PHONE / 740.90
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 109 / TQ PHONE / 504.45
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 17 2490 000 340 / ESA PHONE / 495.84
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 / BW PHONE / 498.44
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 213 / COLLEGE ACCESS PHONE / 1,224.00
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 10 2171 016 419 / PT PHONE / 122.40
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 10 2529 000 340 / FISCAL PHONE-OSEC / 244.80
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 / SP PHONE / 718.44
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 17 2490 000 340 852 / GRAD COACH PHONE / 122.40
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 102 / WAKAN GLI PHONE / 122.40
07/08/2011 / 139526 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 12 2490 000 340 / BW PHONE / 122.40
07/08/2011 / 139522 / VOYAGER FLEET SYSTEMS, INC / 10 2329 000 334 / DIRECTOR FUEL CARD / 380.20
07/08/2011 / 139522 / VOYAGER FLEET SYSTEMS, INC / 10 2152 000 334 / SPEECH FUEL CARD / 381.81