Microsoft Word 2010 Pre-Test

Complete each of the following items to the best of your ability. You will have 15 Minutes to complete these tasks.

1.  Open a new Document in Microsoft Word 2010.

2.  Type your name at the top of the page and align the text right.

3.  Type the date below your name.

4.  Skip two spaces and “Microsoft Word Pretest” and center it using the center button

5.  Underline the title you just typed.

6.  Type the following, “In computer class this year we will be learning about Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. These two programs will be very important to learn how to use as we move up to high school. We will use Microsoft Word to type papers for all of our classes. Microsoft Excel can be used in Math and Science class to create charts and graphs.”

7.  Justify the paragraph by using the Justify Button

8.  Indent the paragraph that you just typed by using the Tab Key.

9.  Format the paragraph so that it is Double Spaced.

10.  In the paragraph, Highlight the word Microsoft any time it was used and make it Bold.

11.  Any places that the word Excel is used make it Italic

12.  Highlight the word Math and change the font color to Red

13.  Highlight the word Science and use the highlight tool to color over the word yellow.

14.  Change the Font of the paragraph to Comic Sans

15.  Change the Font Size of the paragraph to 16.

16.  Save the document to your file on the server and call it Word Pretest

17.  In your file on the server create a folder and call it Microsoft Word Pretest.

18.  Place your document in the folder you just created.

19.  Make a copy of your document in your Microsoft Word Pretest folder and call it “Word Pretest 2”

20.  Print your document to the MS Library-Konica 751