Microsoft Developer Ecosystem In Middle East & Africa
Are you looking for user groups, communities and leader that can connect you with the latest information, technologies, jobs, and project opportunities on the Microsoft developer platform in the Middle East & Africa? Not meant to be a comprehensive list, here is a snapshot from around our region for communities you can look to for events & membership – and even jobs via Microsoft Gulf – JobsandMicrosoft Middle East and Africa (MEA) Jobs, as well as general MEA organizations such as Microsoft Advocates in Middle East and Africa. Keep current with the latest Microsoft Valuable Professionals in your area by typing your country into the search box (e.g. SaudiArabia).
Region / Communities / ExpertsTurkey / Microsoft Student Partners Turkey / DaronYöndem Microsoft Regional Director, MEA | INETA Turkey Lead | Silverlight MVP
Microsoft Certified Professionals Turkey / Mumin CICEK – Exchange Server MVP from Turkey. Blog
Microsoft TURKEY / Evren Ayan – Sharepoint Services MVP from Turkey
HasimInal: Virtual Machine
Mustafa Acungil: SQL Server: Training
Blog, blog,
HakanUlagan: SQL Server
HalilOzturkci: Enterprise Security: Engineering
Emre Aydin: Exchange Server
EkinOzcicekciler: Device Application Development: Development
UgurUmutluoglu: ASP/ASP.NET: Development
South Africa / Microsoft South Africa on Facebook / Hilton Giesenow – creator The Moss Show
PHP Developers South Africa / Robert MacLean – Team System MVP from South Africa
Web Developers South Africa / Gail Shaw: SQL Server
South African Web Design / Rudi Grobler: Windows Desktop Experience: Development
Israel / Microsoft Israel R&D center / EyalVardi: Visual C#: Architecture
PHP Experts / Shay Levy: PowerShell: Systems Administration
Adi Katz: Dynamics CRM: R & D
PavelYosifovich: Visual C++: Development
HaimLazarovitch: File System Storage: Architecture
Pakistan / Microsoft Pakistan / MunirUsman - MVP
Microsoft ASP .NET Pakistan / JehanAra – WIT Advocate, President of P@SHA
INETA Pakistan / FarihaAkhtar – WIT Advocate
SharePoint Pakistan User Group- 500 members / Adil Mughal – MVP, Development Executive at Telenor Pakistan
Khalil urRehman Khan: SharePoint Services: Architecture
Muhammad Imran Khawar: SharePoint Server: Architecture
Imran Mustafa: Dynamics CRM: Architecture
East & West Africa / Microsoft Nigeria - Family and Friends / Wilson Kutegeka – Visual Basic MVP from Uganda
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Microsoft DreamSpark ™ - Saudi Arabia / Mohammad AsemAlhourani – Configuration Manager MVP from Saudi Arabia
Saudi Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) / Fauzan Khan: ASP/ASP.NET: Development
WIT – Women in Technology / Emad Mohammed RaghibAbdelaziz: Client App Dev
Microsoft Technical Communities in Saudi Arabia / Monzer Osama AL Shaikh: Dynamics GP: Engineering
Dot Net Community
Riyadh SharePoint User Group(RSUG.NET) – 1500 members / Yasir Attiq Butt: SharePoint Services: Development
United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait / Microsoft Gulf's Partners in Learning Program / MajidArdforoushan – SharePoint MVP from United Arab Emirates
TechiesUAE / TarekGhazaliSQL Server MVP (Abu Dhabi)
Egypt / Egypt SharePoint User Group / Mohamed Zaki's blog - Sharepoint MVP / Yasser Makram – Expression Blend
Ahmed Bahaa Mohamed Farid – Team System
Barmagy Blogger Community / Mohamed Yehia's blog-Sharepoint Architect
Ayman El Hattab- Sharepoint Trainer
Marwan Tarek – SharePoint MVP
Shady Khorshed- Sharepoint MVP
RamyMahrous- BI Developer
Karim Mohamed- Principal Lead Cloud Computing, LINK Development
HossamKhalifaLINKdotNET. Microsoft Regional Director
MokSpaceplatform beyond internals
Egyptian Microsoft MVPs / Mina Nagy – Unified Communications MVP from Egypt
Lebanon / lebdev-first .NET community in Lebanon / TarekGhazali – SQL Server MVP from Lebanon
Jordan / JorDev / Mohammad R. Daoud: Dynamics GP: Development
M Dawoud's blog (Dynamics MVP)
JordanSug- Jordan SharePoint User Group / Mohammed Saleh (Jordan) (C# MVP)
Jordan IT Pros
دوت نت عربي
Algeria / WissemHabboub – SQL Server
Morocco / Morocco .Net User Group (MONUG)Cegrouperegroupetoutes les personnesintéressés par le Technologie .Net
Tunisia / Microsoft Student Partners : Tunisia
Related information:
The Developer Platform & Evangelism team for Web Strategy in Middle East & Africa
May 2010 - Microsoft Developer Events in Middle East & Africa