Microsoft Certification Training I
Word, Excel and Financial Management
WalkersvilleHigh School
MCT I allows students to develop skills to utilize word processing and spreadsheet applications. Industry standard software package used in this course is Microsoft Office: Word and Excel. Mastering the skills in this course will benefit the students in both business and academic careers.
Students will successfully meet the following standards:
- Use technology strategically to enhance productivity and creativity to manage information using a variety of technology tools.
- Select and apply technology tools for research, data collection, information analysis, problem solving and decision making in content learning.
- Develop the technical, interpersonal skills and knowledge to support the user community.
- Design and implement risk management policies for managing privacy and ethical issues for information technology.
- Demonstrate a rational decision making process as it applies to the role of citizens, employees, consumers.
- Learn and apply basic financial, credit, and budgeting principles.
- Describe positions and career paths in information technology.
As this is an information technology class, students are encouraged and required to maintain appropriate work habits on a daily basis that include:
Being on time (this means being seated at your workstation with materials, ready to work)
Preparing and cleaning your work areas around the classroom
Maintaining accurate work records
Following directions
Producing accurate, mailable documents
Working well with team members, class member, guest speakers, and the teacher
- See Lab Rules Sheet (Bottom portion of that sheet must be signed and returned).
- Pen/Pencil (one or the other must be brought to class every day)
- Signed and stamped Internet AgreementPolicy—according to FCPS regulations, any student accessing the Internet musthave parent/guardian authorization to do so. WHS enforces this rule by requiring each student to have his/her FCPS Acceptable use Policy visible on the PC at all times and open to page 36.
All grades are based on points. The following is a break down of the percentage of the total points for each category:
Category / Percentage / Course Grading ScaleClasswork / 50% / A 90 - 100
Tests/ Projects / 40% / B 80 - 89.9
Warm-Ups/ Work Habits / 10% / C 70 - 79.9
D 60 - 69.9
F 0 - 59.9
- Students and parents should check the students progress and grade at
- See Pinnacle Instructions on WHS website for more information
- Grades will be uploaded on a weekly basis
If you are absent from school for a legal reason, it is your responsibility to get any work you missed. To receive full credit, you will have one day upon your return to school to turn in your work. You will not receive credit for work turned in one week from the due date.