Alex Haynie

September 12, 2017


Self-Assessment essay

When do you think about when you think about the five areas of behaviors, skills and capabilities? The ones that I have discovered to think about are: Determination, self-motivation, self-discipline, grit, Problem solving, teamwork, Communications skills, and comfort engaging with strangers. Determination is a commitment of getting something done, there are somethings that I feel determined about, but the main things is baseball. Self-motivationis the ability to pursue a task without being told by someone, Such as I go and practice baseball without being told by my coach or by my father. Self-discipline is the ability to do what you think is right, when I was younger I was put in a position to do something that I knew I had no business doing, and even though I lost some of my friends I stayed true in what I believed was right. Grit is someone ability to overcome obstacles, there have been some tough obstacles that I had to be able to keep going, such as when I changed schools. Problem solving is the ability to find solution to difficult or complex issues, just a couple of days ago I had to help one of my closest friends figure out what was wrong with his car. Team work is the ability to work as a unit, such as playing on a baseball team. Communication skills is the ability to be able to discuss ideas and results, such as when you are writing and essay. Comfort engaging with strangers is where you need to be able to talk to any new person you meet, as in when my dad meets new costumers and be able to sell his products. Financial and computer literacy are the ability to be wise in money and the process of being able to us a computer. Personal capabilities are what you can achieve, such as I know I can finish college and the last one is support systems where people will push to be better, such as a coach or parents and even a teacher.

During this duration of this class, I have discovered that I have more strengths then I thought I had. As a person I thought I had little to none strengths but I have come to the realization that I have skills set as: loyal, dependable, honesty, integrity, and I am very serious when it come to my work. There is always a weakness that comes with strengths, but that is not always a bad thing, and I say this because in this class I have learned that a lot of the successful entrpunear mainly focus on their strengths instead of being discourage. A lot of my weakness are: inflexible to change, sometimes can get sidetracked, sometimes multitasking can be difficult and paying attention to details can make me lose sight of the bigger picture. One of the many things that I have learned is that I am a guardian and that means that I like to protect and help people. There also been things that my self-assessment have confirm and that is I am loyal and hard working.

When it comes to my career plans, I have thought long and hard on them. Now I have not decide on one yet but I have got them down to only three careers. Now the ones that I have decide on are: veterinarian, Architect, and Civil engineer, out of all these careers I have determined on being a veterinarian. One of the main reason is I love dealing with any kind of animals, and I feel like I could finish all the schooling. Ahighest pay for vets as of May 2011 exceeded $141,680 per year. These are my career ways.