curriculum vitae

Suzanne LACroix

EMAIL: • PHONE: 517.449.1965


MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, MI
Ph.D. in Zoology, expected graduation Spring 2009
Research: The ontogeny of skull morphology and feeding performance in a top North American carnivore, Canis latransDr. Kay E. Holekamp, Chair
CentralMichiganUniversity, Mt. Pleasant, MI
M.S. in Biology, May 1999
Thesis: Agonistic behavior patterns of the domestic dog in response to a threatening stimulus
Dr. James C. Gillingham, Chair
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
Joint B.A. in Economics and Computer Applications, May 1985
College of Natural Science Summer Research Fellowship, Michigan State University (2008)
Research Enhancement Award, School of Graduate Studies, Michigan State University (2008)
John R. Shaver Research Fellowship, Michigan State University (2005)
Department of Zoology Research Grant, Michigan State University (2003- 2008)
Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Honor Society in Economics) (1985)

Principal Investigator - MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, MIMillville, UT, 2003-present. Researching the functional ability of coyotes at food-processing tasks in order to delineate developmental patterns across all age classes of coyotes, and specifically during early ontogeny. Further, an experimental manipulation of "bone processing opportunities" among two groups of coyote pups investigates the effects of such opportunities on their feeding performance during ontogeny. Finally, a parallel morphometric analysis of an ontogenetic series of coyote skulls describes the development of the feeding apparatus and documents differences between animals that received early bone processing opportunities and those that did not. This project is being conducted in association with Dr. John Shivik, at the USDA/APHIS National Wildlife Research Center field station in Utah. This study utilizes a captive colony of coyotes and museum collections.

Field Research Assistant – Sierra NevadaMountains, Lee Vining, CA, May-June 2003. Live trapped, radio tracked and collected behavioral data on a wild population of Belding’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) under Eva-Maria Muecke, MichiganStateUniversity.
Field Research Assistant –Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan, MI, July 2001. Counted nests and collected samples at rookeries of Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) under Nancy Seefelt, MichiganStateUniversity and Dr. James C. Gillingham, CentralMichiganUniversity.
Principal Investigator – MidMichiganMedicalCenter, Midland, MI, 1997-1999.
Quantified beneficial human-animal interactions in a major medical center utilizing ethological field research techniques.
Research Project Coordinator - Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine-Saginaw Campus, Saginaw, MI, 1997. Investigated utilizing animal assisted activities for treatment of depressive symptoms in nursing home residents with Jennifer Aloff and Flora Biancalana.
Principal Investigator – CentralMichiganUniversity, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 1993-1999.

Researched agonistic behavior patterns of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) in response to a threatening human stimulus utilizing video and lag sequential analysis.

La Croix, S., J. Shivik, K.E. Holekamp B. Lundrigan. In prep. Ontogeny of feeding morphology in a top North American carnivore, Canis latrans. (Will be submitted to Journal of Morphology in September 2008).
La Croix, S., J. Shivik , & K.E. Holekamp. In prep. Ontogenetic variation is feeding performance and mechanical advantage in Canis latrans. (Will be submitted to Animal Behaviour in November 2008).
La Croix, S., J. Shivik , & K.E. Holekamp. In prep. Effects of diet on ontogeny and morphology of feeding performance in Canis latrans. (Will be submitted to Biological Journal of the Linnean Society in January 2009).
La Croix, S. 2007. “Puppy success and development periods.” AKC Gazette. 124: 2.
La Croix, S. 2006. “Laying the groundwork for training success.” Resource library for Eukanuba breeders. Eukanuba BreedSmart Partners, The Iams Company. < .
La Croix, S. & K. P. Murphy. 2000. Visiting Animal Program: Introductory Program Coordinator Course. Training Course Manual, AnimaLink, Inc.
La Croix, S. 1999. Agonistic behavior patterns of the domestic dog in response to a threatening stimulus. Master’s thesis, CentralMichiganUniversity.
La Croix, S. 11/30/07. Ontogenetic variation in feeding performance of the coyote, Canis latrans. Brain & Behavior Group, MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, MI.
La Croix, S. 12/2/05. Ontogeny of feeding performance in coyotes. USDA Staff Scientists, NationalWildlifeResearchCenter, Logan Field Station, Millville, UT.
La Croix, S. 3/14/02. Agonistic Behavior Patterns of the Domestic Dog in Response to a Threatening Stimulus. Brain & Behavior Group, MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, MI.
La Croix, S. 10/31/99. Validation of Animal Assisted Activities in a MedicalCenter: Patient Preference and Measured Interactions. Delta Society 18th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
La Croix, S. 11/21/95. Agonistic Behavior Patterns of the Domestic Dog in Response to a Threatening Stimulus. Biology Seminar Series, CentralMichiganUniversity, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
invited lectures
La Croix, S. 9/21/98. Kids ‘N Animals: Therapeutic Intervention Considerations. Covenant Healthcare Caring For Kids Regional Conference, Saginaw, MI.
La Croix, S. and Murphy, K.P. 10/30/97. Animal Assisted Activities and Animal Assisted Therapy in Health Care Settings. Michigan Association of Hospital Auxiliaries Fall Conference, Bellaire, MI.
La Croix, S., K.P. Murphy and J. Yanek. 2/27/97. A Cosmic Canine Cure. Communication Workers of America Annual Meeting, Saginaw, MI.
La Croix, S., Murphy, K.P., Comiskey, L. and Rokosz, B. 6/3/96. Utilizing Animals in Therapeutic Sessions. Michigan Recreation and Park Association’s Therapeutic Recreation Institute Conference, Higgins Lake, MI.
MichiganStateUniversity, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Integrative Science-Biology (ISB208L) – 2003-2004 (3 semesters)
DeltaCollege, University Center, MI, Instructor
Animal Assisted Activities – 1997 (2 semesters)
CentralMichiganUniversity, Graduate Teaching Assistant
General Biology (BIO101) – 1992-1995 (5 semesters)
University of Notre Dame, Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
PL/I & C – 1984 (1 semester)
FORTRAN – 1983 (1 semester)
President & Executive Director
Co-founder of AnimaLink, Inc., a 501c(3) non-profit community service organization, which fosters and promotes beneficial human-animal interactions. Secured and administered over $125,000 in grants from: The Dow Foundation; Midland Foundation; The Strosacker Foundation; The Gerstacker Foundation; and Dow Corning Corporate Foundation. 1997-2001
Licensed Service Animal Access Specialist, NationalServiceDogCenter
Administered Service Animals Welcome!® Training Course. 2000-2003
Licensed Workshop Instructor, Delta Society®
Conducted Pet Partners® Team Training Course. 2000-2004
Licensed Animal Evaluator, Delta Society
Performed Team Skills and Aptitude screenings for Pet Partners Program. 1996-2004
Certified Animal Evaluator, Therapy Dogs International, Inc.
Evaluated prospective dogs and handlers for visiting animal programs. 1994-1999
Coordinator of Animal Assisted Activities Programs
Coordinated Animal Assisted Activities programs at: MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland (1992-2000); MidMichiganStratfordVillage (1997-1999); SeasonsAdultDayCenter (1996-2001); City of Midland's Senior Housing-Riverside Place (1997-1999) and Washington Woods (1998-1999); Alterra Assisted Living, Midland, MI (1999)
Coordinator of Animal Assisted Therapy Programs
Coordinated the Animal Assisted Therapy program at MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland (1994-2000)
Consultant to Visiting Animal Programs
Provided administrative support and training to facilities for visiting animal programs: Bay Health Systems, Bay City, MI (1996-2001); Covenant Healthcare, Saginaw, MI (1998-2001); GoldenHorizonsAdultDayCenter, Bay City, MI (1998); BangorSeniorCenter, Bay City, MI (1998); Westgate Healthcare, St. Louis, MI (1997); and Isabella County Medical Care Facility, Mt. Pleasant, MI (1993-95)
Delta Society Pet Partner
Registered volunteer handler for Animal Assisted Activities and Animal Assisted Therapy (1994-2006); have qualified with six dogs.
Therapy Dogs International, Inc. Associate Member
Registered volunteer Animal Assisted Activities handler (1992-1999); qualified with six dogs.
Animal Behavior Society
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, 2005
MichiganStateUniversity Graduate Teaching Assistants Training, The Graduate School, 2003-2004
All University Committee on Animal Use and Care (AUCAUC) Training, 2003
Dissertation/Thesis Writing Workshop, By Dr. Dorothy Duff Brown, 2003
Navigating the PhD, By The GraduateSchool, 2003
Brain & Behavior Group (BBG) Seminars, 2003-2004
Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior (EEBB) Seminars, 2003-2004
Delta Society 18th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 1999
Delta Society Workshop Instructor Course, Cincinnati, OH, 1999
Delta Society Service Animal Access Specialist Course, Cincinnati, OH 1999
Delta Society 16th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 1997
Delta Society Advanced Animal Evaluator Course, Atlanta, GA, 1997
Delta Society Animal Evaluator Course, Elmhurst, IL, 1995
North American Search Dog Network's Multipurpose K-9 Handler Theory and Techniques Seminar, Camp Timberland, OH, 1995