Executive Steering Committee
Minutes of the Meeting
September 18, 2014
Mr. Jacobs called the meeting to order at 7:40 a.m. at Michigan Works! Service Center, West Branch, MI. Roll call was taken with results as follows:
PRESENT: Jay Jacobs – Consumers Energy; Laura Puzzuoli - Competitive Machining; Thomas Ferguson – TG Ferguson Consulting; Larry Boyce – Horizon Realty; Norm Fullmer – Common Sense Consulting; Thomas L. Winarski – Tom’s Wood Shop.
ABSENT: John Carlstrom – Carlstrom Enterprises.
STAFF: Robert Caillier and Barb Hawkins.
The Minutes of the July 17, 2014 ESC meeting were presented. After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Ferguson moved to approve the WDB July minutes as presented. Mr. Fullmer supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
As part of the Directors Report, Mr. Caillier stated the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as be reauthorized as Workforce Innovative Opportunity Act (WIOA). There are new performance standards and some Workforce Development Board changes; however Michigan is in a good position. All 17 of our performance measures were met for 2013. Talent Districts for the Educational Advisory Group will mean that Region 7B will consist of two Career Councils Region 3 and Region 5. The Prisoner Reentry contract has been extended to March 31, 2015; we are awaiting the Request for Proposal to determine whether or not to submit proposals on both regions. Skills Trade Training Funds (STTF) “gap funds” are available. STTF provides competitive awards for employer responsive-training that enhances talent, productivity, and employment retention, while increasing the quality and competitiveness of businesses. The USDOL will be in West Branch monitoring our Veteran’s programs.
There was no unfinished business.
Workforce Development Board September 18, 2014
Executive Steering Committee Page 2
Minutes of Meeting
New Business: A demand-driven workforce system is the State of Michigan’s primary workforce development strategy. National Emergency Grant’s are discretionary grants awarded by the Secretary of Labor under Section 173 of the WIA, as amended. NEGs are intended to temporarily expand service capacity at the state and local levels by providing time-limited funding in response to significant dislocation events. The Workforce Development Agency, State of Michigan has awarded JD NEG funds to prosperity regions, to implement new or expand local regional job-driven partnerships that provide workers opportunities to participate in work-based training, occupational training and/or other non-training reemployment services.
Michigan Works! Region 7B Consortium will receive a portion of the $364,475 for Region 3 (the Northern 3 Counties plus Northeast) and a portion of the $747,005 for Region 5 (the Southern 3 Counties plus Bay, Midland, Saginaw, Gratiot, Isabella). After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Winarski moved to recommend the LEO approve of the Job Driven National Emergency Grant as presented. Mr. Boyce supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
Service center operation funds may be used in support of all activities to improve customer service, inform and educate the public about the service centers and upgrade facilities. Michigan Works! Region 7B Consortium has been allocated an additional $14,000 and will utilize these funds for the Wide Area Network access for all offices; this service costs the agency $6,500 monthly. After discussion action was as follows:
Ms. Puzzuoli moved to recommend the LEO approve of the Service Center plan for 2014 as presented. Mr. Boyce supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
Effective January 2, 2013 the PATH program replaced the JET (Jobs Education and Training) program as the work participation program required for families receiving cash assistance through the Family Independence Program through the Department of Human Services. PATH features a 21-day eligibility period during which participants work one-on-one with the DHS and the MWA case manager to identify barriers to employment and connect participants to resources addressing those challenges.
Region 7B Consortium was awarded and additional $30,000 in GF/GP; to bring our allocation to $299,877. After discussion action was as follows:
Ms. Pozzuoli moved to recommend the LEO approve the PATH Plan Modification as presented. Mr. Ferguson supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
Workforce Development Board September 18, 2014
Executive Steering Committee Page 3
Minutes of Meeting
Effective January 2, 2013 the PATH program replaced the JET (Jobs Education and Training) program as the work participation program required for families receiving cash assistance through the Family Independence Program through the Department of Human Services. PATH features a 21-day eligibility period during which participants work one-on-one with the DHS and the MWA case manager to identify barriers to employment and connect participants to resources addressing those challenges.
Region 7B Consortium was awarded $1,100,716 in TANF funds and $186,217 in GF/GP funds. This is an increase for TANF from 2014 of $35,341 and a decrease in GF/GP of $83,670. After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Boyce moved to recommend the LEO approve the PATH PY 2015 Plan as presented. Mr. Winarski supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
Congress established the FAE&T program under FSA of 1977, as amended, to assist members of households participating in the Food Assistance (FA) program in gaining skills, training, work or experience to increase their ability to obtain regular employment. The State of Michigan FAE&T program is jointly administered by Department of Human Services. The FAE&T program is designed to establish a connection to the labor market for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs). The MWA serve the ABAWD with oversight and technical assistance from the WDASOM and DHS.
Region 7B Consortium was awarded $50,476.00 for program and $1,136 for supportive Services. This award is down from 2014; $1,744 and $117 respectively. After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Winarski moved to recommend the LEO approve the PATH PY 2015 Plan as presented. Mr. Ferguson supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
A letter of resignation was received from Karen Easterling with Baker College. She served as an alternate for Post-Secondary Education. Baker College closed the West Branch site and no longer covers our area. After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Winarski moved to accept the letter of resignation with regret; and sent a letter of appreciation for Ms. Easterlings 10 years of service cc’d to the college dean is also requested. Mr. Fullmer supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
Workforce Development Board September 18, 2014
Executive Steering Committee Page 4
Minutes of Meeting
Letters of resignation were also received from Mr. Jim Martin, with Chase Bank in Roscommon County and Ms. Sarah Henry, with TenderCare of Clare. After discussion action was as follows:
Mr. Boyce moved to accept the letter of resignation with regret. Mr. Ferguson supported the motion.
Motion Carried.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 16, 2014, 8:00 a.m. at Michigan Works in West Branch, MI.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 a.m.
Jay Jacobs - Chair
Michigan Works! Region 7B Consortium, Workforce Development Board
Recording Secretary: Barbara Hawkins