1. Starter Rating for New Players
MPBP Rule I.C, page 1, of the Rule Book, states that new players (never shot in an MPBP league) start at a 1000 rating.
It is proposed that the new player rating be raised to 1100. Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday TuesdayTotal
2. Election and Rules Committee
MPBP Rule I.X, page 5, states that there are two committees, Election Committee and Rules Committee, and these committee members serve until they choose to resign or are no longer able to perform the job.
It is proposed that a) these two committees be combined into one committee and b) committee members shall be elected every three years same as the League Director. (This rule would take effect at the next League Director election in Spring 2020,) Do you agree with this proposal?
3. Disturbed Balls
It is proposed that a new item "K" be added (to concur with BCA Rule 1-33.6) to MPBP Rule X, page 1 1, as follows:
"If a single disturbed ball falls into a pocket with no effect on the outcome of the shot, it is not a foul and the opponent has the restoration option. However, if the 8-ball is the disturbed ball that falls into a pocket, it must be restored and no foul has occurreda If the 8-ball is disturbed and falls into a pocket when there is an effect on the outcome of the shot, it is loss of game." Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday Tuesday Total
4. Individual Prizes in Open League
It is proposed that a new item "1" be added to MPBP Rule I.J, page 2, as follows:
"In an open league (currently Monday night league) there are no gender-specific individual prizes (MVP, High Actual Score, and High Handicap Score); i.e., highest scorer gets prize, not separated by male or female." Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday Tuesday Total
5. Individual Prizes New Players
It is proposed that a new item "2" be added to MPBP Rule I.J, page 2, [and/or MPBP Rule I.C, page 1] as follows:
"New players (never shot in an MPBP league) are not eligible to receive prize money for MVP, High Actual Score, or High Handicap Score until they have played in the league for one full season (i.e., can receive these prizes in their second season)." Do you agree with this proposal?
MondayTuesday Total
6. Late Players
It is proposed that a new item "D" be added to MPBP Rule Ill page 6, as follows:
"If the captain of the opposing team is notified prior to the start of the match that a player will be late due to a legitimate reason (such as job, school, or family obligation), that player must be allowed to play his or her games provided he or she arrives prior to the end of the second round." Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday Tuesday Total
7z Frequency of Voting on Same Rule Change
It is proposed that the following sentence be added to MPBP Rule XVIII.M, page 16:
"If a rule change is voted on and defeated, that same rule change may not be voted on again for two years." Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday Tuesday Total
Yes —l33
8. Maximum Handicap Difference
It is proposed that MPBP Rule IVB, page 7, be changed to a 5 point maximum per game instead of the current 7 point maximum. Do you agree with this proposal?
MondayTuesday Total
—n 1.9
9. League Format
It is proposed that the league adopt the use of software provided by CSI to convert from the current 15-point system to a 10-point system. The goal is to automate FargoRate data reporting. Do you agree with this proposal?
Monday Tuesday Total
Yes ag
Proposed Handicap/Scoring Change to Allow for Using CSI-provided Software
1 . A 5-man, 3-round format is still possible with this software, in a rotation format with each player playing three different opponents. There will not be a set order for player lineup (i.e., highest skilled player does not have to be the last shooter).
2. It would be necessary to adopt a 10-point system (common in a large amount of leagues around the country) for handicap and scoring in order to be compatible with the software.
3. It is suggested that players' ratings (3 to 10) be established on the first night of play (this is a common practice with this system) and final season ratings kept for returning players each year.
4. The League Director has two separate software systems available through CSI to choose from - League Management Systems (LMS) or LeagueSys.
5. This would be a large operational change for our league, but it would bring with it additional support from CSI by being integrated into a software program.
6. This would not change the rules by which we play our games.
7. The goal of this change is to make an effort to become more up to date with our league, to keep our players more accurately established in FargoRate, and not have our members disadvantaged with under-established ratings when playing in State or National tournaments. This is the consequence of remaining in a system that has no method of reporting data to Fargo Rate, and the main reason we sanction with BCA is that tournament play opportunity.
8. The way place money is paid at the end of the season will not change.
9. Sanction fees and player information are required from team player and subs on the first night of play. If a player or sub does not pay on his or her first night of play, the sanction fees will be deducted directly out of the team's weekly fees.
Following is a brief explanation of the 10-point system:
The scoring and handicap systems outlined below are approved by the BCAPL and are programmed into LeagueSys for your convenience.
8-Ball Scorinq With Points Handicap (10-Point System)
- Matches won can be determined by rounds won or total points scored.
- Players get 1 point for each ball pocketed in their group.
- Players get 3 points for the 8-BalI.
- Game winning score will be 10.
- Player "averages" are determined by taking the total points scored/games played.
- Player averages are rounded up or down to the nearest whole number unless you select 1 or 2 decimals in your match type settings in LeagueSys.
- Round Points —The team that scores the most points in a round (points plus handicap) is awarded 1 "Round point. "
- The team winning the most "Round Points" or the team scoring the most "Total Points" wins the match, depending on the match type setting you select.
- The team with the higher "Team Average" will give handicap points to the other team based on the difference between the two team averages.
LeagueSys is the FREE software program provided by the BCAPL that will run the pool league, compute team standings (21 different ways), calculate the Top Shooter/MVP standings (15 different ways), build division schedules and playoffs, show complete statistics and histories for each player, and more.
There is also an optional (for a fee) "Players Package" which provides a web page that players have access 24/7 to see team and MVP standings, prior match score sheets, player histories, schedules, and much more. Here, players can also print score sheets for the current week's match with the current player averages (ratings) and rosters listed on each score sheet.