MichiganCommunity College Student Services Association

Deans Meeting


Lansing, MI

February 8, 2008

Present: Stacey Barnes, Naomi DeWinter,Kathy Grenda, Cheryl Hagen, Jerry Olszewski, Kevin Pollock, Pat Taylor, Janice Varney, Marshall Washington

Stacey opened the meeting at 10: 12 a.m.

Stacey will look into having a portion of the cost of conference off set by donations.

1.Minutes of last meeting–Correction was made to #3 to indicate that Ann Monroe will be asked to do an enrollment projection model presentation.

Pat Taylor indicated that she would handle the ballot for the March 13 business meeting and solicit members who have expressed interest in running or may be willing to run

Marshall Washington moved to approve minutes as corrected. Janice Varney seconded. Motion passed.

2. Treasurer’s Report – ND handed out the latest Financial Summary. She noted that the balance shown was correct as of today. We have one non paying member, KVCC. (Constitution states that non paying members should be dropped after 1 year.) Alpena has not yet paid, but it is still within the one year period. Naomi will resend a dues notice to these two schools with a copy to VP or President.

3.WMU Study Abroad/Student Exchange Program – Mike Hansen came to talk with us about the need for Global Awareness in Career and Academic areas. Our students will more than likely be working next to people from all over the world. The MCCA is developing a relation with WMU to have us work with them for Study Abroad programs. They are opening their program/system up to Community Colleges in Michigan. We could have our students do this through WMU and get 4 credits at WMU. There are a lot of benefits for our students. Students would go abroad to live and take a class there. This is a great way to promote global and institutional awareness. Perhaps the MCCSSA would be the right place to get this started. MCCA would bring the people from WMU into talk with us at our next meeting. This will happen at the March VP/Dean’s meeting. We’ll all discuss this with our Academic Officers and go from there. Mike handed out information for us to look at.

4.March 13, 2008 VP/Deans meeting – Stacey will send out a request for topics again. We should have plenty to talk about.

We have a proposal for changes to the constitution. Under Section 1, E, we had talked about having 2 positions on board, facility coordinator and web coordinator, as appointed positions. Agreed upon wording: “The board may appoint, two non-voting members, Facilities/Hospitality Coordinator and Web Editor. These positions will be appointed by the Executive Board.” We should describe the duties. i.e. coordinate the use of the facilities at the site and provide for food and reception. The Web Editor will maintain the content of the website and coordinate the updating of the membership rosters, along with managing the Deans and VP’s List Serve.

Section 3 (article IV) should be titled Duties of Board Members.

Stacey will do a quick overview of the new website at this meeting and how to make changes. (Web person is working on a feature that would allow us to send an email to the whole list. This would be accessible to Deans and VPs.

Stacey will also discuss the upcoming conferences.

5.March 14, 2008 Business Meeting/Elections – Pat Taylor will handle the election portion of this meeting. We will also discuss changes to the constitution and announce the results of the election.

Naomi will also provide a treasurer’s report.

6.Spring 2008 Conference – Stacey will ask Ann Monroe to do an enrollment projection model demonstration either for this meeting or the Fall conference. .Cheryl Hagen states that we are in good shape. Registrations are coming in well. Not sending out the brochure via US mail seems to have worked fine.

Carol Santini volunteered to do a raffle at the luncheon. As we saved money on printing and mailing brochures we have enough money. We should break even at about 70 people. Cheryl will handle this. Gail is confirmed; we’re in good shape. Registrations are coming into Cheryl; and she will get the money right into the bank and maintain the list.

The Sheraton will charge us $500 for a projector. We can bring our own, but they will not provide set-up help. Perhaps someone from LCC could come and do this. Jerry will double check on this. Is this a one day or per conference? There is no charge for the use of the room.

We should encourage folks to get their registrations in by the due date, March 5. However, hotel deadline is Feb. 12. Deans and VP will go out to dinner Thursday night and everyone will pay for their own. Jerry will get a room in Christy’s restaurant for those who want to eat together. We should expect about 20 – 25 people. No hospitality room. We’re all set for the lunch for Deans and VP’s.

We need volunteers to handle registration on the morning of the 14th fro 8 – 9.

Marshall and Tina Hoxie will handle this.

Marshall suggested that we invite Mike Hansen for lunch at the conference to give us an update on MCCA and what’s going on. This would probably be best for Thursday. Stacey will invite Mike Hansen to the next meeting.

7.June 2008 VP/Deans meeting planning–Should we have either a regular general Deans/VP meeting or have a more focused session with focused speaker and Q & A? Perhaps we should ask everyone what they want at the March meeting. Traditionally this was professional development opportunity for Deans and VP’s. (June 6). We will pose this question to the group in March.

8.Proposed changes to Constitution – see above

9.MCCSSA Website – Stacey will do overview at March meeting. It’s generally going well. She’ll give us more information on the email feature as soon as she gets it. Are their comments on website? Reminder will go out on sending in pictures.

10.Financial Aid Organization retention workshop – the Financial Aid Organization president contacted Stacey to see if our organization would help them put together a seminar on retention of students. This is a result of the default rates – MI is in top ten default rates. Federal Government wants us to do more. Would we help get the word out about this workshop? Stacey said that we would and sent her the dates of our workshop so that we won’t have any conflicts.

11.Next meeting – VP/Deans, March 13th noon - @Lansing Sheraton

12.Other – Brief discussion on the usefulness of “One Stop Shopping” and the issue of KaplanUniversity articulation agreements.

Meeting adjourned at 12:04

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy Grenda