Meeting Minutes - August 3, 2017
ADM, 321 North Auburn Road, Auburn, MI
Those Present:
District #1 Kevin Noffsinger
District #2
District #3 Greg Ackerman, Chair
District #4 Clint Stoutenburg
District #5 Jim Roggenbuck, Vice Chair
District #6 Ross Voelker, Treasurer
District #7 Brian Stratton
District #8 John Krick
Shipper Representative Neil French
Executive Secretary Joe Cramer
Research Director Greg Varner
Others Present:
Heather Throne, MDARD
Jack Frank, Frank Farms & SVREC Advisory Committee
The meeting was called to order at 12:50 p.m. by Chairman Greg Ackerman.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chairman Ackerman asked to move agenda item 13 – MBC Policy Review to the top of the agenda. A motion was made by Stoutenburg to approve the agenda with that change. Noffsinger supporter the motion. Motion passed.
· Section 2-E states which states “Commissioners shall be limited to a maximum of two consecutive terms in any single office, with the exception of treasurer” was discussed at the previous meeting of the MBC. Chairman Ackerman reminded the group that discussion about changes or the elimination of this language actually dated back more than a year. He went on to recommend that any further discussion on this subject be delayed to a point between elections. Discussion followed until French moved that the two-consecutive year maximum for chair and vice chair be increased to three years. Stoutenburg supported the motion. Motion passed with Ackerman abstaining.
· Ackerman also asked the board to note the Conflict of Interest statement within the Code of Conduct portion of our policy. Ackerman explained his relationship to Ackerman Marketing and Bayside Best Bean. Stoutenburg noted his relationship to Bayside as did Roggenbuck. Voelker is a member of Cooperative Elevator. The group discussed the importance of maintaining clear lines of separation when representing the Commission and the need to sign the Policy and Code of Conduct document annually.
Board Member Training – Heather Throne, MDARD
· Open Meeting Act – Heather offered clarification on several items within the Open Meetings Act. She was complimentary on the MBC website as it pertains to our calendar and meeting notices. We plan to adjust our policy to match the Act as it relates to notice. She also cautioned us about the pitfalls of electronic communication. Commissioners were given the opportunity for Q & A.
· Freedom of Information – Heather offered clarification on several items within the Freedom of Information Act. She recognized that we do have a FOIA policy in place and reminded us that electronic communication falls under this FOIA. Commissioners were given the opportunity for Q & A.
Ackerman thanked Heather for the training noting that he found it very useful.
PUBLIC COMMENT: there was none
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by French with support from Roggenbuck to accept the minutes dated June 27, 2017 as presented. Motion passed.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The balance sheet and P&L statement for FY 2016-17 YTD for both the Commission and PRAB were presented. After a few questions, a motion was made by Stoutenburg with support by Voelker to accept the financial report as presented and place on file. Motion passed.
FY 2017-18 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION – Cramer presented MBC and PRAB budgets for FY 2017-18. Following discussion which focused on revenue estimates a motion was made by Stoutenburg to approve the MBC budget as presented but with assessment revenue adjusted up to $340,000. Voelker supported. Motion passed. (see attached)
French moved to accept the PRAB budget as recommended by PRAB with two adjustments: (1) assessment revenue will appropriately calculate off the MBC assessment and (2) include a platinum sponsorship for the late October BIC conference which will be held in East Lansing, Michigan. Roggenbuck supported. Motion passed. (see attached)
Preferred Future – French moved to adopt the Preferred Future document as presented (that has been discussed for more than one year). Noffsinger supported. Motion passed. (see attached)
MBS Report – Shipper Representative French noted the departure of Gordon Gregory from ADM. Gregory has been a tireless, positive influence on our industry and will be missed.
Election of Officers and Committee Assignments for FY 2017-18:
· CHAIR - Executive Secretary Cramer opened the floor for nominations for chair. Voelker was nominated by Ackerman. Stoutenburg nominated Ackerman. Krick moved to close nominations. French supported the motion. Motion passed.
Cramer handed out ballots and appointed Research Director Varner to record the count / report the winner of the election to chair. Varner collected ballots, counted and reported that Voelker was elected. Voelker will assume the chair on September 1, 2018.
Ackerman re-assumed the chair
· Vice Chair – Ackerman nominated Stoutenburg. Roggenbuck moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Stoutenburg. French supported. Motion passed.
· Treasurer – Voelker nominated Ackerman. Noffsinger moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Voelker. French supported. Motion passed.
· Executive Secretary – Cramer was named Executive Secretary
· Committee Assignments: It was proposed that:
o PRAB – Noffsinger, Stoutenburg, Krick and Ackerman to serve on the PRAB with Voelker and Roggenbuck to serve as Alternates.
o SVREC Advisory Board – Jack Frank, Stoutenburg and Voelker to serve on the SVREC Advisory Board.
o SVREC Fund Raising Committee – Jack Frank to serve on the SVREC Fund Raising Committee
o USDBC Representatives – Stoutenburg to serve as Director and Noffsinger to serve as Alternate to the USDBC.
A motion was made by French with support from Roggenbuck to accept these committee assignments as proposed. Motion passed.
· Depositories – Voelker moved that Chemical Financial, Chemical Bank, Frankenmuth Credit Union and PNC Bank be listed as our depositories for FY 17-18. Noffsinger supported. Motion passed.
· Per Diem - a motion was made by French with support from Voelker to continue the meeting per diem rate at $75 each again this year. Motion passed.
· FY 17-18 Meeting Calendar – a motion was made by French with support by Voelker to adopt the attached FY 17-18 meeting schedule as presented. Motion passed.
RESEARCH DIRECOTRS REPORT – see attached Dry Bean Research Plot Tour Schedule
· Cramer attended the Global Pulse Conference in Vancouver in July.
· Stoutenburg reported that USDBC is running smoothly. He noted that our dinner meeting with Northarvest representatives included an agenda.
· Cramer commented on the IPC trade team selections for 2018.
Closed Session – upon Cramer’s request for a closed session, French moved to go into closed session. Stoutenburg supported the motion. Motion passed.
After returning from closed session and with no further business, Chairman Ackerman adjourned the meeting at 4:15 p.m.
Joe Cramer
Joe Cramer, E.S.