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4889 Mira Rd.Department of Oncology

Montreal, Quebec, CanadaJewish General Hospital / McGill University

H3W 2B73755 Côte Ste-Catherine Rd.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Tel: (514) 486-7412H3T 1E2

Tel.: (514) 340-8222 ext. 5530 (office)

(514) 340-8222 ext. 5527 (secretary)

(514) 340-8222 ext. 4139 (lab)

(514) 340-8248 (clinic)

Fax: (514) 340-8600 (office)

(514) 340-8716 (lab)


RevisedMay 2011

Michael Pollak, MD


Experienced clinician-scientist certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

Active research program, with > $12 million peer-reviewed funding awarded for laboratory research despite an appointment that has includedsubstantial time in clinical practice.

Leadership roles in national and international research networks

Teaching activities at undergraduate and graduate levels highly rated.

Extensive clinical trial and translational research experience.

Experience in managing private sector - academic - government collaborations in oncology.


Date of BirthAugust 8, 1952

Place of BirthMontreal, Quebec, Canada

Marital StatusMarried with three children

Languages English, French



1970 / “Cum Laude” Graduate of Selwyn House School, Montreal, Quebec
1970 / “Cum Laude” Certificate, Ecole de Français, Montreux, Switzerland
1973 / University Entrance Scholarship Diplome d'Etudes de College (Science)
1973 / Dip. Collegial Studies, McGill University, Biology and Computer Science


1977 / M.D. McGill University


1977-78 / Rotating Internship
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto
1979-80 / Internal Medicine Residency
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto
1980-81 / Internal Medicine Residency
Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto
1981-83 / Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology Residencies
Princess Margaret Hospital and associated teaching units, University of Toronto


1980-81 / President, House-staff Association, Toronto General Hospital and House-staff Representative to TGH Medical Advisory Board
1980-82 / Part-time consultative position with IBM Canada Ltd. as “Health Industry Specialist” (with approval of Dept. of Medicine, University of Toronto)


1983-85 / Terry Fox Fellowship awarded by National Cancer Institute of Canada and Ontario Cancer Institute (laboratory of Dr. Ron Buick)
1983-85 / Associate Physician, Department of Medicine (Division of Hematology/Oncology), Toronto General Hospital, and Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
1984-85 / Part-time Clinical Staff Appointment Department of Medicine, Woman's College Hospital, Toronto


1978 / Medical Council of Canada Certification
1978 / National Board of Medical Examiners, USA Certification
1978 / General License for Medical Practice, Ontario
1978 / General License for Medical Practice, British Columbia
1982 / General License for Medical Practice, California
1982 / FRCPC Specialty Certificate in Internal Medicine (Canada)
1984 / Elected to membership of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
1985 / General License for Medical Practice, Quebec
1985 / Elected to membership of AACR (American Association for Cancer Research)
1985 / Certification as Specialist (Internal Medicine), Quebec
1987 / FRCPC Specialty Certificate in Medical Oncology (Canada)
1994 / Certification as Specialist (Medical Oncology), Quebec (This Specialty first recognized by Corporation Professionelle des Medecins in 1994.)



1984 / Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
1985- / Project Director, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
1985-90 / Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University
1985-90 / Assistant Professor, Cancer Center, McGill University
1990- / Associate member, McGill AIDS Center
1990- / Member, Division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, McGill University
1991-96 / Associate Professor, Departments of Oncology and Medicine, McGill University
1993-99 / Riesman Clinician-Scientist, Department of Oncology, Jewish General Hospital and McGill University (replaced by Research Chair, see below)
1995- / “Chercheur-boursier clinicien” award from Fonds de la Recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ)
1997- / Board of Directors, Center for Translational Research in Oncology, McGill University
1997- / Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Translational Research in Oncology, McGill University
1997- / Professor(tenured), Departments of Medicine and Oncology, McGill University
1998- / “Chercheur-boursier clinicien” (senior) award from FRSQ
1999- / Alexander-Goldfarb Research Chair in Medical Oncology, McGill University
2002- / “Chercheurs-Nationaux” award from FRSQ (ranked first in this competition)
2002- / Director, Cancer Prevention Program, Department of Oncology, McGill University


1978 / General Practice Locum, Windermere District Hospital, Invermere, British Columbia (May to September)
1981-84 / Emergency Room Privileges, J.O. Ruddy General Hospital, Whitby, Ontario, and part-time staff, Ajax-Pickering Hospital, Ajax, Ontario (weekend work during residency training)
1984 / Part-time Staff, Division of Oncology, Woman's College Hospital Toronto (in conjunction with Terry Fox Fellowship at Ontario Cancer Institute)
1985- / Staff Physician, Department of Internal Medicine and Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, with following clinical responsibilities:
1985-89 Oncology Consultation Service - : 6 months/year
1989-Oncology Consultation Service - : 4 months/year
1986-88General Medicine Service - : 2 months/year
1985-Oncology Outpatient Service - : approx. 40 patients/week
1985-Oncology Inpatient Service - : approx. 2 admissions/week
1994-99 / Co-director, Tumor Board, Jewish General Hospital
1997- / Member, Department of Endocrinology, Jewish General Hospital
1997- / Director, Cancer Prevention Research Unit, Department of Oncology


1973 / University entrance scholarship, McGill
1983 / Terry Fox Fellowship Award, Ontario Cancer Institute
1993 / Riesman Career Scientist Award, Department of Oncology McGill University and Jewish General Hospital
1995 / FRSQ Clinician Scientist award
1997 / Promotion to Full Professor (tenured), McGill University
1998 / FRSQ Senior Clinician Scientist award
1999 / McGill University Scientist of the year–1998, “McGill Reporter”
1999 / Alexander-Goldfarb Chair in Medical Oncology, McGill University
2002 / FRSQ National Scientist award (ranked first in this competition)



1985- / Supervision and teaching of Clinical Fellows, residents, interns, and medical students attending my outpatient clinic (average 8 months/year)
1986-99 / Supervision and teaching of Clinical Fellows, residents, interns, and medical students on teaching ward with respect to Medical Oncology (4 months/year)
1986-87 / Clinical Skills Examiner–3rd year medical students
1986-88 / Supervision and teaching of on General Medical Ward with respect to General Internal Medicine. (2 months/year)
1990 / Supervision of S Malaab, Canadian Association of Medical Oncology (CAMO) Award for best trainee presentation at Royal College Annual Meeting, Toronto
1994 / Supervision of V Thanos, pre-medical student summer research project
1994 / Supervision of A Jacobson, medical student summer research project
1994-95 / Thesis advisor, Catherine Phelan, Visiting PhD Student, Karolinska Institute Ph.D. granted 1997
1995 / Supervision of J Rosenblatt, medical student summer research project
1995 / Education Committee, Department of Oncology
1995 / Undergraduate Medical Education: small group teaching in Biology of Oncology
1996 / Examiner, Radiation therapy residents
1996 / Participant, Faculty Teaching Skills Workshop
1997 / Whole class teaching for medical students, Oncology Therapeutics
1997 / Small group teaching, second year medical students
1999 / Oncology Service Teaching Rounds, Dept. of Medicine, Jewish General Hospital
2002- / Small group teaching for medical students, Cancer Prevention
2002- / Whole class undergrad medical student lectures in cancer prevention.
2002- / Dept of Oncology ‘clinical science for basic scientists’ lecture series


1992-97 / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow H Hung
1995-99 / Supervision of PhD student Tara Nickerson
1997-2004 / Supervision of PhD student Yuhong Lu
1999-2006 / Supervision of PhD student Randy Levitt
1999-2002 / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Xiaolin Zi
1999- / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Marie-José Blouin
2000-06 / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Anne Camirand
2003- / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Mahvash Zakikhani
2006-07 / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Matthew Cunningham
2006- / Supervision of PhD student Matei Mireuta
2006-2011 / Supervision of PhD student Carolyn Algire
2007-09 / Supervision of master student Carly Dool
2007-09 / Supervision of visiting research fellow Esther Piura (Tel Aviv University)
2008-09 / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Takamitsu Inoue
2009- / Supervision of master student Haider Mashhedi
2010- / Supervision of master student Shiva Javeshghani
2010- / Supervision of post-doctoral fellow Henning Hvid


1990 / H Wang (Division of Surgical Research)
1993 / R Schecter (Department of Experimental Medicine)
1997 / N Giannoukakis (Department of Experimental Medicine)
1998 / L Long (Department of Experimental Surgery)
1999 / L Zi (Department of Pharmacology)
2002 / C Hamelin (Department of Pediatrics), Université de Montreal



NCI (USA)Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program

Investigator number 14676

NSABP(National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project)

Participant, 1985-

Appointed to Biological Markers Committee, 1987

B29 Tamoxifen octreotide adjuvant breast cancer trial design committee, 1995-6

Appointed to breast cancer management committee, 1997

NCIC(National Cancer Institute of Canada)

Participant, 1985-

Appointed to breast site committee, 1995

Principal Investigator, MA14 adjuvant breast cancer trial 1996-

Translational Science Leader, colorectal committee, 2008 –

Breast IND group, 2009 -

CALGB(Cancer and Leukemia Group B)

Participant, 1995-97

SWOG(South West Oncology Group)

Consultant, regarding translational research component of the Prostate Cancer

Prevention Trial, 2001-

In my clinical practice, I enroll patients in clinical trials coordinated by the above groups as well as others arranged locally.


Journal of Clinical Investigation


Cancer Research


Clinical Cancer Research

Cell Growth and Differentiation

Oncology Research

Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine


American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism


International Journal of Cancer


Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Gynecologic Oncology



1990 / Cancer Research Society, Montreal, Medical Advisory Board
1989-90 / National Cancer Institute of Canada, Review Panel J, Biology/endocrinology
1994 / MRC Canada, Chairman, Site Review panel for a $1.2 million research program
1994 / US Army Breast Cancer Program: member, Cancer Biology grant review panel, Receptor biology
1996 / US Army Breast Cancer Program: member, Cancer Endocrinology review panel
1996-98 / National Cancer Institute of Canada, Review Panel J, Molecular epidemiological and clinical correlative studies
1998 / MRC Canada, Chairman of a site review panel for a multimillion-dollar research program (declined)
1998 / NCIC, Member of a site review panel for a multimillion dollar research program
1997-99 / Israel Cancer Research Fund
2002- / NIH/ NCI grant review study sections (cancer prevention, epidemiology of cancer), invited member
2005- / Israel Cancer Research Fund
2005- / Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
2005- / Site review responsibilities in Ireland and Sweden


I have been asked to review grant applications submitted to:

Cancer Research Society

National Cancer Institute of Canada

MRC Canada and CIHR


Manitoba Health Research Council


New South Wales (Australia) Cancer Society


National and International

1. Scientific Congress Organization

1992 / Program Committee, International Somatostatin Symposium, Monte Carlo
1993 / Program Committee, National Breast Cancer Forum, Montreal, Quebec
1995 / Program Committee, International Somatostatin Symposium, Sorrento, Italy
1999 / Coordinator and Program Committee, First International Workshop on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors, and neoplasia, Boston, October
1999 / Chair, Clinical Endocrinology Section, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) meeting, San Francisco, April
2002 / Chair, Scientific Committee, Fondation Chagnon International Symposium on Cancer Prevention, Montreal, November
2006 / Chair, Scientific Committee, Workshop on “Milk consumption, hormones, and human health”, Harvard University, Boston, October
2006 / Program Committee, St. Gallen International Cancer Prevention Symposium,
St. Gallen, Switzerland, February
2008 / Program Committee, St. Gallen International Cancer Prevention Symposium,
St. Gallen, Switzerland, February
2008 / Organizing Committee, International symposium on insulin-like growth factors, Genoa, Italy October, 2008

2. Multicenter Clinical Trial Organization

1995- / Principal Investigator, NCIC MA-14 Project. This clinical trial involves a partnership between NCIC Clinical Trials Group, CIHR, and NOVARTIS. It established one of the first major clinical trial-associated biobanks (DNA, serum, tissue) linked to a patient outcome database.

3. Miscellaneous

1998 / Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative, invited participant in programmatic review.
2002-07 / Scientific Advisory Committee, Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance
2008- / Editorial Board, Cancer Prevention Research (AACR Journal)


1. McGill Cancer Center—Institutional Review Board (IRB) liaison regarding all consent forms for oncology clinical trials at McGill (1986-1987)

2. Chairman, Endocrine—Biologicals Section of Clinical Trials Group, Department of Oncology (1992- 1995)

In this capacity, I arranged for the Department to participate in various clinical trials in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies. I also have established priorities for clinical trials proposed. All trials I have proposed and coordinated have met accrual targets and generated income for the University in excess of expenses.

3. Director, Division of Cancer Prevention, Department of Oncology. (2002- )


1. Clinical Trials Administration in Oncology at JGH

1992-2000 / Recruiting of staff. I identified and recommended individuals for data manager - clinical trial nurse teams.
1992-2000 / Arranging of laboratory support for clinical trials. I arranged for special handling and processing of blood and tissue samples obtained in connection with clinical trials run in the Oncology Clinic. This enabled us to participate in trials requiring such samples.

2. Co-Chair, Tumor Board, JGH, 1994-

This function involves both teaching and service functions. New patients are discussed by a multidisciplinary audience including members of various surgical specialties, radiotherapists, and medical oncologists. Nurses, pharmacists, data managers, residents, and students also participate. Treatment options are reviewed, particularly with respect to ongoing clinical trials. The Chair helps select cases, leads the discussion, and documents the recommendations of the Tumor Board.

3. Member, Search Committee, Chief, JGH, Dept. of Oncology, 1986

4. Supportive Care Committee, 1986-1994

5. JGH Computerized Patient Information Committee, 1986

6. Chairman, Research Computing Committee, Lady Davis Institute, 2005-

7. Director, Cancer Prevention Research Unit, Jewish General Hospital, 1997-

In this capacity, I act to co-ordinate cancer prevention research activities. We have established a group of laboratory and clinical scientists working in this area. I have recruited a clinician-scientist in the field of cancer genetics to run a clinic for individuals concerned about inherited or acquired cancer risk. In addition to research activities, an information office provides services to the public and to referred clients concerning cancer prevention.


“Patience needed on cancer cure”, Montreal Gazette, page B3 [op-ed], May 29, 1998

Cancer Research Segment for National Network Distribution (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 1998

“McGill Reporter” survey: McGill researcher most cited in public media, 1998

Top-ranked public lecturer at “Minimed” program of JGH, 2007


Member, Health and Welfare Canada Expert Committee on bovine somatotropin, 1998



(see RESEARCH section)


Member, Canadian Medical Association

Member, Ontario Medical Association

Member, Quebec Medical Association

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Member, College of Physicians of Ontario

Member, Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec

Member, American Society of Clinical Oncology

Member, American Association for Cancer Research

Member, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation

Member, Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists

Member, Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada


My research interests concern the role of peptide mitogens in the control of cellular proliferation, and derangements of these control systems in malignancy. I have experience in laboratory, clinical and population-based research.


“Chercheur-boursier clinicien” award (FRSQ) 1995 - 2003: $42,042/year

“Chercheurs Nationaux” award (FRSQ) 2003 – 2008: $65,000/year


(A) Laboratory work

(* indicates that Michael Pollak is Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator)

1989 / *Shyamala G, Kalant N, Pollak M. Mechanisms of diet restriction – related reduction of carcinogen- induced breast cancer in rats. Cancer Research Society of Montreal
1989 / *Pollak M, Polychronakos C. Support for study evaluating effect of SMS 201-995 on serum IGF-1 levels in cancer patients. Sandoz Canada
1989-92 / *Pollak M. Role of Somatomedins and EGF in determining the proliferative behaviorof human neoplasms. Cancer Research Society of Montreal
1991 / *Pollak M. Antiestrogen - Somatostatin synergy in animal models of breast cancer.Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
1991-93 / *Pollak M, Bell R. Somatomedins-relevance to osteosarcoma. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1992 / *Pollak M. Octreotide preclinical activity in breast cancer. Sandoz, Basle
1992 / *Pollak M. Central growth factor lab for analysis of sera collected in international phaseII somatostatin clinical trials. Sandoz Research Institute, East Hanover, USA
1992-95 / *Pollak M. Somatomedins: relationship to endocrine cancer therapies. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1994-97 / *Bell R, Pollak M. Somatomedins and osteosarcoma. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1995-96 / *Pollak M. Use of the “lit” mutation to evaluate the growth-hormone-IGF-I axis as ahost factor influencing neoplastic behavior. MRC
1995-98 / *Pollak M. Tumor suppressor properties of the gene encoding mammary derived growth inhibitor.
1995-99 / *Pollak M. Insulin-like growth factor I in the pathophysiology in neoplasia. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1996-2001 / *Pollak M. Translational research regarding antiestrogen-somatostatin therapy. (This budget includes administration of a multicenter clinical trial and operating fundsfor associated laboratory studies.) MRC-PMAC program (administered by Medical Research Council, Canada)
1997 / *Pollak M. Novel biological source metalloproteinase inhibitors: assay in experimentalbreast cancer metastasis. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
1997-98 / *Pollak M. IGFs and Breast Cancer Risk. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1997-2000 / *Pollak M, Bell B. IGFs and sarcoma. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1997-2000 / Pritchard K, and others including Pollak M. A national tumor and data bank for patientsin NCIC clinical trials. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1997-2000 / *Pollak M, Karaplis A. PTHrP in normal breast development. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1997-2001 / *Pollak M. Contract for collaborative research with Environmental EpidemiologyBranch, National Cancer Institute. USA
1997-2001 / *Pollak M. Subcontract for endocrine epidemiology in relation to cancer risk.National Cancer Institute/ Harvard School of Public Health
1998-99 / *Pollak M, Eyssen G. Serum markers of IGF physiology and colon cancer risk.National CancerInstitute of Canada
1998-99 / *Pollak M. Contract research. Sensus Corporation
1998-2000 / Narod S, Pollak M and others. Prognostic factors for metastatic progression of localizedprostate cancer. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1998-2000 / *Pollak M. Breast Cancer Prevention Based on Hormonal Factors. National Breast Cancer Fund
1998-2001 / Klotz L and others including Pollak M. Basic science companion laboratorystudies to NCIC CTG trial PR-7. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1998-2006 / Pollak M. Subcontracts for laboratory work awarded to MP by Harvard University(Using NIH funding to Harvard School of Public Health)
1999-2000 / *Pollak M. Contract research. Axys Pharma
1999-2000 / *Pollak M. Team-building award, Canada Breast Cancer Research Initiative
1999-2001 / *Pollak M. Contract research. Diagnostic Systems Limited
1999-2001 / Narod S and others including Pollak M. The role of serum IGF-I levels and androgenreceptor genotype in prostate cancer diagnosis. National CancerInstitute of Canada
1999-2002 / *Pollak M. Serum markers of IGF physiology and risk of breast, prostate, and coloncancer. National CancerInstitute of Canada
2000-01 / *Pollak M. IGFs and cancer risk in the CARET cohort. Subcontract for Dr. M Spitz.
2000-01 / *Pollak M. IGF physiology in relation to lung cancer risk and prevention.Subcontract for IGF-I assay work for Dr. M Spitz and collaborators.
2000-01 / *Pollak M. Subcontract for growth factor assays, US Army/ Physicians’ Health Study
2000-01 / *Pollak M. Component of NCI (USA) contract N01-CN-95040-46 awarded to Euhus D et al, University of Texas, Dallas. ‘An exploratory study to identify potential surrogate endpoint biomarkers that are modulated by tamoxifen vs placebo in women with an increased risk for breast cancer’
2000-02 / *Pollak M. Silibinin in prostate cancer chemoprevention and treatment.National CancerInstitute of Canada
2000-02 / Pollak M. ATBC cancer risk cohort studies, NIH subcontract from Dr. Albanes
2000-03 / *Pollak M and co-investigators. IGFs and breast cancer: “Streams ofExcellence” program award, Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative
2000-04 / Franco E and others including Pollak M. Biomarkers of cervical cancer. CIHR
2000-04 / Ziegler R and others including Pollak M. Biomarker of colon cancer risk in the PLCO cohort. National Cancer Institute (USA)
2000-05 / Eyssen G, and others including Pollak M. Canadian Cancer Etiology ResearchNetwork, NCIC. (Dr. Pollak leads the “hormonal risk factor” component of the network.)
2001-07 / Bristow R, and others including Pollak M. Canadian Molecular and MicronutrientProstate Cancer Research Network
2003-06 / * Pollak M. Silibinin in prostate cancer chemoprevention and treatment.Department of Defense – U.S. Army
2003-06 / *Pollak M. Co-targeting of IGF-IR signaling and other tyrosine kinases in breast cancer.The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
2003-04 / *Pollak M, Majeed N. Model development: IGF-I deficiency and prostate cancer.National Cancer Institute of Canada – Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative
2003-05 / *Pollak M. Silibinin in prostate cancer chemoprevention and treatment.National Institutes of Health –National Cancer Institute
2003-09 / Kaplan R, and others including Pollak M and co-investigators. Epidemiology of IGFand cardiovascular events. National Institute of Health
2003-06 / Kristal AR, and others including Pollak M and co-investigators. Cohort Study of Risks for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. National Institute of Health
2004-05 / Pollak M. Subcontract for laboratory work awarded to MP by John Hopkins University(Using NIH funding)
2004-05 / Pollak M. Subcontract for laboratory work awarded to MP by NCI intramural program(USA) (Using NIH funding)
2005-06 / * Pollak M. Relationship between hedgehog signaling and IGF physiology in prostatecancer. (PCRFC)
2005-09 / * Pollak M and co-investigators from University of British Columbia, University ofToronto, Laval University, and McGill University. IGF and insulin signaling pathways in breast cancer: “Translation Acceleration Grant” program award. Canadians Breast Cancer Research Alliance. (MP chairs this multi-center Program.)
2005-09 / *Lippman S, and others including Pollak M and co-investigators. Biology of theprostate cancer prevention trial. National Cancer Institute
2005-09 / McTiernan A and others including Pollak M and co-investigators. Glycemic load andobesity effects on cancer biomarkers. National cancer Institute
2007-10 / *Pollak M. Dietary factors influencing IGF signaling in prostate cancer – laboratorystudies (ranked # 1 by review panel) NCIC
2007 / *Pollak M. Mediators of the adverse impact of obesity on risk for high grade prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Foundation (Los Angeles)
2008-11 / *Smith MR, and others including Pollak M and co-investigators. Prevention oftreatment and disease-related morbidity during androgen deprivation therapy: a multicenter proposal. Prostate Cancer Foundation (Los Angeles)
2008-10 / *Pollak M and co-investigators from McGill University. Clinical targeting ofIGF-1/Insulin Signaling via the P13K/AKT/mTOR pathway to treat breast and prostate cancers. Terry Fox Research Institute
2009-10 / *Pollak M. Influence of Excess Energy Intake on Breast Cancer Behavior. TheWeekend to End Breast Cancer and the Jewish General Hospital Foundation
2009 / Yehiel Zick and *Pollak M. Insulin and IGF-I signaling in cancer. Weizmann-McGill 2009 partnership grants
2009-12 / *Pollak M and Harvard collaborators. Modifiable dietary determinants of levels of IGF-I, insulin, and risk of colorectal cancer and lethal prostate cancer. Canadian Cancer Society
2009-10 / *Pollak M. PTEN loss and energy metabolism in prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Canada
2009 / *Pollak M. China – Canada collaboration program, CIHR, seed funds awarded on acceptance of LOI, to allow preparation of a major application.
2009-14 / *Aviv A and others, including Pollak M and co-investigators. Leukocyte telomere dynamics, gender, menopause, insulin resistance and survival. NIH – National Institute on Aging
2010-13 / *Pollak M. Research concerning insulin-like growth factors and cancer. Pfizer Canada
2010-12 / *Pollak M. Murine models to study the effects of diabetes and diabetes treatments,including insulin analogues, on cancer behavior. Novo Nordisk
2011-13 / *Pollak M. Effects of metformin on colorectal epithelial cell proliferation. Canadian Cancer Society

(B) Clinical Trials