Michael J. LaGier, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Department of Biology

Fort Myers, FL33965-6565

Phone (239) 590-7153


Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Department of Biology

FloridaGulfCoastUniversity, Fort Myers, FL, 7/09-present


Seeding Postdoctoral Innovators in Research and Education (SPIRE) Fellow

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 9/06-7/09

Summary: Received extensive training and experience in both molecular microbiology and undergraduate science teaching. As a fellow, my research focused on elucidating the virulence of Campylobacter species via comparative genomics.

Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies Assistant Scientist

University of Miami,Miami, FL,10/03-9/06

Summary: The development and implementation of novel biosensors for monitoring of marine environments for harmful microbes.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Emerging Infectious Disease Research Fellow

New York State Department of Health, Albany,NY, 11/02-10/03

Summary: The development and validation of molecular diagnostic methods for identification of bacterial pathogens from clinical matrices.


StateUniversity of New York at Albany,Albany, NY

Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology, November 2002.

Thesis Title: “Understanding Cation Transport in the Apicomplexa: the P-type ATPases of Cryptosporidium parvum”. Mentor: Dr. Janet S. Keithly

StateUniversity of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY

B.S. Biology (Salutatorian), May 1997.


Undergraduates Mentored in Research

Elias Pratt, University of North Carolina, 2006-2008

Summary: Mentor for biology major seeking research experience.

“Conservation of Virulence Factors in Campylobacter rectus”

Ashley Trudeau (High school student), University of North Carolina, 2006-2007

Summary: Laboratory mentor for high school summer research program.

“Recombinant Expression of Campylobacter jejuni proteins in Escherichia coli

Lisa Montagrano, University of Miami, 2005-2006

Summary: Co-mentor of biology major whom received honors thesis.

“An Evaluation of the Fecal Indicator Concept in South Florida Marine Waters”

Lavin Joseph, University of Albany (CDC), 2002-2003

Summary:Co-mentor for coauthor on peer reviewed manuscript

“Developing Novel Molecular Assays for Detection of Campylobacter species”

Course Contributions

Florida Gulf Coast University, Spring 2010

Assistant Professor: Microbiology with Laboratory

Summary: Directed an upper division microbiology course for nursing and allied health majors (60 students total, two class sections).

Florida Gulf Coast University, Fall 2009

Assistant Professor: General Biology I

Summary: Co-directed an introductory biology (SCALE-UP method of teaching) class for biology major and non-majors (160 students total, two class sections).

University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Spring 2009

Visiting Assistant Professor: Microbiology

Summary: Directed an upper division microbiology course for biology majors (50 students).

University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Fall 2008

Visiting Assistant Professor: Principles of Biology

Summary: Directed an introductory biology class for biology major and non-majors (30 students).

University of Albany, Fall 2001 and 2002

Course director: Special Topics in Infectious Diseases

Summary: Developed and directed a new journal club for doctoral students (8 students).

University of Albany, Fall 2000

Graduate Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Biomedical Sciences

Summary: Wrote examinations, provided tutoring and review sessions, and gave presentations to lecture portion of course covering parasite biology and clinical microbiology (40 students).

StateUniversity of New York (SUNY) at Oneonta, Fall 1996 and 1997

Teaching Assistant: Introductory Microbiology

Summary:Independently directed laboratory section of course (75 students) and gave guest presentations to lecture portion of course covering bacterial chemotaxis.



Florida Gulf Coast University, 2010

Member: College of Arts and Sciences Student Affairs Committee

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008

Member: IRACDA Conference Social Committee

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007

Chair: SPIRE Distinguished Seminar Series Evaluations Committee

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006

Member: SPIRE Distinguished Seminar Series Food Committee

University at Albany, 2001-2002

Student Representative: Faculty Grant Review Committee

Ad Hoc Review

Grant Agencies:

United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2007

Invited Panel Reviewer: Improved Detection of Pathogens from Drinking Water (STAR)


Sensors, 2009

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2007

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2005

Community Outreach

Three Oaks Middle School, Florida, 2009

Volunteer Science Fair Judge: Lee County Public Schools

American Society for Microbiology, 2005-present

Volunteer Mentor: Science Education Network

The Archdiocese of Miami, Florida, 2005-2006

Volunteer Teacher: St. Frances De Sales Church

Professional Development

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008

SPIRE teaching with technology workshop; Dr. Brian Rybarczyk

ASM Bioquest Bioinformatics Curriculum and Research Institute, 2008

Washington, D.C.; Bioquest Curriculum Consortium

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008

Seminar on College Teaching, series of 12 workshops facilitated byDr. Ed Neal

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007

Teaching and research at a primarily undergraduate institution; Dr. Malcom Campbell

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007

Teaching with technology workshop; Dr. Brian Rybarczyk

PITTCONN 2005, OrlandoFlorida, 2005

Laboratory on a chip devices short courses, Dr. Peter Tellemen


American Society for Microbiology (2000-present)

Sigma Xi International Research Society (1997-present)

The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (2005-present)

The European Society of Marine Biotechnology (2005-2010)

Scientist’s Society of Southwest Florida (2009-present)

Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology (2009-present)

Florida Gulf Coast University Whitaker Center for STEM (2009-present)



Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellowship (SPIRE) awarded by the National Institute of Health (2006-2009)

Fellowship awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2002-2003)

National Science Foundation Research for Undergraduates recipient (1997)


The Ang-Lee Award for outstanding major in biology at SUNY Oneonta (1997)

SUNY Oneonta Faculty/Student Research Grant recipient (1995, 1996)

Provost Award for academic excellence at SUNY Oneonta (1993-1997)

The Corning Award for outstanding student in microbiology at SUNY Oneonta (1996)

Outstanding (ACS) organic chemistry student at SUNY Oneonta (1994)

StateUniversity of New York (SUNY) at Oneonta outstanding chemistry student (1993)


Florida Gulf Coast University ORSP-IGP, 2010-2011

M.J. LaGier ($5,000 total)

Principal investigator: The Development of Genetic Tools for Characterizing the Virulence Factors of the Human Pathogen Campylobacter rectus.

The Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Technology, 2005-2007

K.D. Goodwin, M.J. LaGier and J.W. Fell ($240,277 total)

Co-principal investigator: Portable Electrochemical Biosensor to Monitor Microbial Contaminants.


K.D. Goodwin, L. Matragrano*, and M.J. LaGier.2009. A preliminary
investigation of fecal indicator bacteria, human pathogens, and source
tracking markers in beach water and sand. Environmental Research Journal2:395-417.

M.J. LaGier and D.S. Threadgill. 2008. Identification of novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 5:406-412.

M.J. LaGier, J.W. Fell and K.D. Goodwin. 2007. Electrochemical biosensors for environmental monitoring: two assays for hand-held detection of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:757-770.

M.J. LaGier, C. Scholin, J. Wang, J.W. Fell and K.D. Goodwin. 2005. An electrochemical RNA hybridization assay for detection of the fecal indicator bacterium Escherichia coli. Marine Pollution Bulletin 11:1251-1261.

M.J. LaGier, L. Joseph*, K.A. MusserandN.M Cirino. 2004. A real-time multiplexed PCR assay for rapid detection and differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Molecular and Cellular Probes; 18:275-82.

M. J. LaGier, F. Stejskal, J, Tachezy, K. Kutisova and J.S. Keithly. 2003. Identification and characterization of mitochondrial-type iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis genes in the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum. Microbiology; 149: 3519-30.

G. Zhu, M.J. LaGier and J.S. Keithly. 2002. Cryptosporidium parvum: the first protist known to encode a putative polyketide synthase. Gene; 298:79-89.

M. J. LaGier, G. Zhu and J. S. Keithly. 2002. A novel transporter from the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum. International Journal for Parasitology; 32: 877-887.

M. J. LaGier, G. Zhu and J. S. Keithly. 2001. Characterization of a heavy metal ATPase from the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum. Gene; 266: 25-34.

G. Zhu, M. J. LaGier, S. Hirose and J. S. Keithly. 2000. Cryptosporidium parvum: Functional complementation of a parasite transcriptional co-activator in yeast. Experimental Parasitology; 96: 195-201.

*Undergraduate coauthor


M. J. LaGier, E.H. Pratt*, and D.S. Threadgill. 2008. Scanning Electron Micrograph of Campylobacter jejuni. American Society of Microbiology MicrobeLibrary,


K.D. Goodwin, L. Matragrano*, and M.J. LaGier. 2008. The Possibility of False Negative Results Hampers the Ability to Elucidate the Relationship between Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Human Pathogens and Source Tracking Markers in Beach Water and Sand. In: Marine Pollution: New Research (T.N. Hofer, editor), pp. 255-277. Nova Publishers Inc., New York, NY.*Undergraduate coauthor


Invited Speaker at University of North Carolina at Pembroke (2008). Using genomics to characterize the pathogenesis of the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus.

Invited Speaker at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2008). A novice view of the grant review process.

Invited Speaker at the 2ndAnnualUniversity of MiamiOceans and Human Health Science Symposium, Miami, Florida (2006). Electrochemical biosensors to monitor coastal waters for biological threats to human health.

Invited Speaker at the Sustainable Beaches Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida (2005). Portable electrochemical biosensors for use with coastal waters.

Invited Speaker at the University of Miami, Florida. Marine Biology and Fisheries Faculty Series (2004). Understanding ion transport in unicellular eukaroyotes, the P-ATPases of Cryptosporidium parvum.

Invited Speaker at the American Biological Safety Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2003). The use of microsphere-based immunoassays for multiplexed detection of select agent biotoxins.

Invited Speaker at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia (2003). The EID fellowship: a bridge from academics to laboratory-based public health.

Invited Speaker at the International Meeting for Parasitology, Woodshole, Massachusetts (2002). Transport proteins as novel drug targets against Cryptosporidium parvum.

Invited Speaker at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2001). Transport proteins as novel drug targets against Cryptosporidium parvum.


M.J. LaGier and D.S. Threadgill. 2010. Identifying novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus. Florida Gulf Coast University Annual Research Day, Fort Myers, Florida, 23 April.

M.J. LaGier and D.S. Threadgill. 2008. Identifying novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus. IRACDA conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 8-11 June.

C. Bezotte, M. Forsyth, M.J. LaGier, L. Olendzenski. 2008. Show me the way home: Evolution of chemotaxis proteins MCP and CheA in the transition from a free-living to a pathogenic lifestyle in Bordetella. ASM Bioquest Bioinformatics Curriculum/Research Institute, Washington, D.C., 6-9 March.

M.J. LaGier and D.S. Threadgill. 2007. Identification of novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus by suppressive subtractive hybridization. CHRO, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2-5 September (LaGier et al., 2007. Zoonoses and Public Health; 54:S71).

M.J. LaGier and D.S. Threadgill. 2007. Novel gene discovery in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus. IRACDA annual conference, San Diego, California, 10-13 June.

M.J. LaGier, E.H. Pratt*, I.M. Carroll and D.S. Threadgill. 2007. Identification and characterization of potential virulence factors in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus. CHRO, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2-5 September (LaGier et al., 2007. Zoonoses and Public Health; 54:S72).

M.J. LaGier, Farmer, A., and Goodwin, K.D. 2007. Development of electrochemical biosensors for detection of microbial contaminants in coastal waters. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 4-7 February.

M.J. LaGier and K.D. Goodwin. 2006. Electrochemical Biosensors to Monitor Coastal Waters for Microbial Threats to Human Health. NOAAOceans and Human Health Initiative Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, 18-20 January.

M.J. LaGier, J.W. Fell, and K.D. Goodwin. 2005. Hand-held Electrochemical Biosensors for Detection of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, International Marine Biotechnology Conference Newfoundland, Canada, 7-12 June.

M.J. LaGier, J.W. Fell, and K.D. Goodwin. 2005. Hand-held Electrochemical Biosensors for Detection of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. PITTCON, Orlando, Florida, February 27-March 4.

M.J. LaGier, L. Lin, J.W. Fell, J. Wang, and K.D. Goodwin. 2004. Development of a remote biosensor to identify microbial contaminants using electrochemical detection of nucleic acids. University of Miami/Florida International University Joint Science Symposium, Miami, Florida, 18, March.

M.J. LaGier, M. Diaz, K.D. Goodwin, and J.W. Fell. 2004. Electrochemical detection of DNA: applications in diagnostic mycology. 11th International Congress on Yeasts, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-20, August.

M.J. LaGier, J.W. Fell, and K.D. Goodwin. 2004. Electrochemical detection of the toxic

dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Boca Raton, Florida, 18 October.

M.J. LaGier, K.A. Bernard, and L.D. Kramer. 2003. West Nile Virus as a blood-borne pathogen. Association of Public Health Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 3-6 March.

J.S. Keithly, M.J. LaGier, J. Tachezy, I. Hrdy, F. Stejskal, S.G. Langreth, and C.E. Riordan. 2002. Energy Metabolism in Cryptosporidium parvum. Molecular Parasitology XI, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 12-17 September.

G. Zhu, M.J. LaGier, S. Hirose, and J.S. Keithly. 2001. Functional complementation of a Cryptosporidium parvum transcriptional coactivator CpMBF1 in an MBF1-deficient strain of yeast. International Workshop on Opportunistic Protists, Cincinnati, Ohio, 13-17 June.

M.J. LaGier, G. Zhu, and J.S. Keithly. 1999. Molecular cloning and characterization of the first apicomplexan heavy metal transporter from Cryptosporidium parvum. Molecular Parasitology Meeting X, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 12-16 September.

*Undergraduate coauthor