Miami Dade College, North Campus
FALL 2006
CGS1060 – Introduction to Microcomputer Usage
Reference number: 360027
Classes meet Tuesday and Thursday: 11:15 am – 12:55 pm in room 3232
Instructor: Felix Lopez
Email: ßinclude course name & reference number in subject line (CGS1060 – 360027)
Phone: 305-237-8456
Office: 3242-55
Required Textbook: (The textbooks below come in a single package with a flash drive and SAM CD)
Microsoft Office 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques –
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Publisher: Thomson Course Technology
Authors: Shelly Cashman
Last day to drop class with a “W”:
October 31, 2006
Success in this class:
Success is determined by hands-on work on an individual basis. Plan to spend at least 4 to 8 hours of lab work a week in preparation for this class.
Class attendance is mandatory. I will call attendance at the beginning of each class. More than two absences will result in a one grade level drop. Leaving early is considered an absence. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what material was covered and if there is any assigned work.
Note: If you stop coming to class and fail to complete the course after the drop date your grade will be an “F”. I do not drop students automatically and I do not give incompletes.
Late work:
Late assignments are not accepted. No makeup exams or extensions will be given.
Administrative drops and financial aid:
If your financial aid is not cleared or for any other reason administration drops you from this course, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are enrolled in this class.
Children on campus:
The college’s teaching/learning environment is not an appropriate setting for children. I do not allow children in the classroom and they are not allowed in the labs. We ask that you please refrain from bringing children to class.
Course disclaimer:
The course outline provided here is only a guide and is subject to change by your instructor.
Office hours:
If you require help, I will be available during my office hours in room 3242-55 (office hours will be posted on my door). I will not do your assignments for you.
Labs where you can do your homework:
The computer courtyard is located in the library in building 2. This lab is open from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm Monday thru Thursday and from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm Friday and Saturday.
Room 3109 can also be used as a lab if there is no class.
Academic Honesty:
You must submit your own work! If you are caught cheating, all parties involved will receive an “F”. The most serious consequence of cheating at the college level in any class may be failure and expulsion.
Attendance / 10%Assignments / 30%
Tests / 60%
The following applies to your final letter grade in this course:
90.0% or more = “A”
80.0% to 89.9% = “B”
70.0% to 79.9% = “C”
60.0% to 69.9% = “D”
Less than 60.0% = “F”
The best way to contact me is by email. Make sure to include the correct course name and reference number (CGS1060-360027) in the subject line or I will not get you message.
Class Meetings
(Holidays are in bold) / Topics Covered / Assignments / Exams
1 / 8/24 / Syllabus, Introduction to Computers
2 / 8/29, 8/31 / Introduction to Computers cont.,Windows XP Professional
3 / 9/5, 9/7 / Windows XP Professional cont., Internet Explorer
4 / 9/12, 9/14 / Internet Explorer cont.\ Internet and OS assignments due Thursday / Exam 1
Thursday 9/14
5 / 9/19, 9/21 / Word Project 1, Word Project 2
6 / 9/26, 9/28 / Word Project 2 cont., Word Project 3
7 / 10/3, 10/5 / Word Project 3 cont.\ Word assignments due Thursday / Exam 2
8 / 10/10, 10/12 / Excel project 1, Excel project 2
9 / 10/17, 10/19 / Excel project 2 cont.
10 / 10/24, 10/26 / Excel Project 3 \ Excel assignments due Thursday / Exam 3
11 / 10/31, 11/02 / Access Project 1, Access Project 2
12 / 11/7, 11/9 / Access Project 2 cont., Access Project 3
13 / 11/14, 11/16 / Access Project 3cont. \ Access assignments due Thursday / Exam 4
14 / 11/21, 11/23 / PowerPoint Project 1
15 / 11/28, 11/30 / PowerPoint Project 2
16 / 12/5, 12/7 / PowerPoint Project 2 cont.\ PowerPoint assignments due Thursday / Exam 5