MHS-PTSA Membership Meeting Wednesday Sept. 21, 2011 MHS Student Activity Room

Attendees: Anne Rodgers, Maria Kauzmann, MaryAnne Treacey-Ryan, Rosy Thakkar, Cindy Hamer, Jeannette Izzo, Faye Campeas, Ana Santini, Holly Esposito, Moggie Davis, Jessica Chen, April Barron, Maryann Couch, Terry Clark, Nora Bradley, Lynn Min, Michele Ender, Nancy Bueschen, Beverly Poelstra, Pavool Vadodaria, Eileen Fraker, Lexie Allen, Sunita Kapate, Paul Papaduik

Call to Order: Welcome at 9:00 by Maria Kauzmann

Thank You to:

·  All the families who provided snacks for the successful Freshman Reception – students stayed for quite a while, finding out about extra-curriculars and catching up with friends.

·  All the volunteers who assisted with school photos. Lifetouch photo makes a generous contribution to PTSA for providing volunteers.

·  To Faye Campeas, & all the chaperones who gave up their Friday evening to be at the Dollar Dance, Corey Delgado & Damian Pappa stayed through the whole dance, eliminating need for hired security.

Old Business:
PTSA Student Grant Update: 9/11 Memorial project has been completed by Krystyn Klinck. Congratulations on a job well done. Flags were placed on front lawn by students in Study Hall and History classes on Sept 9. Flags were paid for by the PTSA through the student grant.

New Business:

·  Snack sale report by Holly Esposito- snack sales in a new location. New counter donated by Peace of Pizza in Abington Pa will be installed, and sales will start Monday. Signs will be going up to announce new location (and name P. tsa Pizza!) Volunteers can sign up to help with Michele Ender. Hoping to make more $$ this year.

·  Budget report also by Holly Esposito - attached to these minutes

·  Orientations report by Maria Kauzmann – Freshmen Orientation went well, many stayed in commons. Having upper classmen at the co-curricular fair really helped freshman connect, and lots of information was given out. New Student Orientation also went well - over 60 new students this year. Feedback was very positive, parents very appreciative.

·  Dollar Dance report by Faye Campeas – best ever! Over 200 students in attendance from all grades. Very well received, went through over 14 gallons of Ritas water ice.

·  Student report given by Nora Bradley – full report attached

·  Lifetouch Photo report by MaryAnne Treacey-Ryan – Through agreement w/ them, we provide student sign-in assistance, they give contribution to PTSA at $150/day. We provided volunteers for all 4 days, so should get check for $600. C. Hamer asked who contracts w/ school photographer as prices seem very high. Will follow up w/ Damian Pappa to investigate if there is a better option.

·  Student Directory/ Membership report by Maria Kauzmann for Peter Kauzmann – still coming in, seems to be down compared to previous years. Need to publicize what PTSA does in order to gain more support; 2nd mailing, principal’s newsletter, back to school night – stress that membership is only fundraiser beside snack sales. Also need to actively recruit for new Directory chairperson as both Peter & Maria are leaving at the end of the year.

·  MOC report by Lexie Allen – sponsors many events to promote awareness of rich cultural diversity in township. Coexist w/ all PTSAs in district. Lexie will be high school rep and report to us on all events and to ask for volunteers & support. Want people to know there is a translation service available also. Rosy Thakkar suggested they expand and include student translator volunteers to help other students who may be struggling w/ the language.

·  SEPTA report by Ana Santini – committee serves kids from pre-k to grade12. Meetings are 1/month on the 3rd Tuesday. Membership is charged as they do minor fundraising events, such as a barn dance & clothing drive. First event of season is BBQ on Friday Sept. 23, w/ games, food, and activities for all. Also sponsor a district-wide team in the Walk Now for Autism on Oct. 9 at MCCC. High schoolers will be raising funds the week of Oct 3. Contact Corey Santini or Raj Thakkar.

·  Cougar Recognition – Joan Cleary not able to attend due to new block scheduling. Will email reports to Maria.

Principal’s Report by Paul Popaduik

·  Opening of School – went very well despite the new schedule, the extra stress of flooded roads on the first day, and the 6 new classroom walls that were added and painted two days before the opening.

·  Unit lunch – first week went very well. There were some lines as students got accustomed to new system and new cashiers got trained, but students were still served within 23 minutes on first day. This week, timing was down to 14 minutes. Students were finding places to sit with friends, and things to do. Only suggestion is to have a 5 minute warning bell near the end of lunch. Mr. Popaduik will try to make sure teachers make announcements inside, and bell does ring outside. Students should know that old IDs can be used until new ones are issued. Student pin numbers will no longer be used, only swiping of IDs or cash will be accepted for payment

·  Administration is out and about a lot – in the morning and at lunch. Walk-throughs of classrooms start 9/22. Supervisors in all content areas are switching around and observing their own teachers as well as teachers in other areas.

·  Study Halls working well. Students may check with their teachers about availability for extra help during that time period – teachers are not required to offer help during study halls due to the time they need to prepare for classes. Students can be in Commons, lecture hall (quiet) or go to Media Center.

·  This year, sports practices are to start at 2:50 to allow students to seek after school help or attend club meetings. Positive feedback so far.

·  Late buses depart MHS at 5:00pm -- very late for kids attending club meetings, but there is no alternative, as this is determined by the new triple-tier bus system adopted this year by the school district.

·  Back-to-School Night is October 4th. The shuttle system will run again this year to alleviate parking issues and traffic. Shuttle buses will depart from LMS beginning at 6:15.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20. Next meeting 10/27/11

Attached are Student Report by Nora Bradley, Treasurers Report from Holly Esposito, Member Sign-in sheets and PTSA Board and Chairperson contact list