Metaphysics Syllabus

PHI 3000c (Metaphysics) MR 1215-140pm, 73615



A Guide and Anthology

Edited by Tim Crane and Katalin Farkas

Oxford University Press, 2004

ISBN: 9780199261970

1.  Introduction: The Importance and Relevance of Metaphysics

2.  Western Philosophy, Eastern Metaphysical Traditions

3. Realism and Idealism

7. Selection from Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke

8. Selection from Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, George Berkeley

9. Selection from Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant

10. Selection from Matter and Sense, Howard Robinson

4. Being

12. Selection from Categories, Aristotle

13. Selection from Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke

14. Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity, Robert M. Adams

15. On What There Is, W.V. Quine

16. Selection from Material Beings, Peter van Inwagen

17. Can There Be Vague Objects?, Gareth Evans

18. Vague Identity: Evans Misunderstood, David Lewis

5. Identity

40. Identity through Time, Roderick M. Chisholm

41. Selection from On the Plurality of Worlds, David Lewis

42. Personal Identity, Derek Parfit

43. Persons, Animals, and Ourselves, P.F. Snowdon

Metaphysics: An Anthology, 2nd Edition

Jaegwon Kim (Editor), Daniel Z. Korman (Editor), Ernest Sosa (Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-4443-3102-8

6. Persons.

40. "Persons and Their Pasts" (Sydney Shoemaker).

41. "The Self and the Future" (Bernard Williams).

43. "Survival and Identity" (David Lewis).

44. "Lonely Souls: Causality and Substance Dualism" (Jaegwon Kim).

45. "The Ontological Status of Persons" (Lynne Rudder Baker).

46. "An Argument for Animalism" (Eric T. Olson).

7. Mind and Body

44. Selection from Meditations on First Philosophy, René Descartes

45. Selection from New System of the Nature of Substances, G.W. Leibniz

46. Selections from Thought, Gilbert Harman

47. Psychophysical and Theoretical Identifications, David Lewis

48. Selection from Thinking Causes, Donald Davidson

49. What Is It Like to Be a Bat?, Thomas Nagel

8. Freedom and Determinism

50. Selection from Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume

51. Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person, Harry Frankfurt

52. The Incompatibility of Freewill and Determinism, Peter van Inwagen

53. Selection from Freedom from Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Free Will, Barry Loewer

54. Human Freedom and the Self, Roderick M. Chisholm

9. Race and Gender

Sally Haslanger:

"Ontology and Social Construction." Philosophical Topics 23:2 (Fall 1995): 95-125.

"Feminism and Metaphysics: Negotiating the Natural." In the Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy, ed., M. Fricker and J. Hornsby. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 107-126.)

Haslanger, Sally and Sveinsdóttir, Ásta Kristjana, "Feminist Metaphysics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

10. Universals and Particulars

19. Selections from Parmenides and Republic, Plato

20. Selection from Universals: An Opinionated Introduction, D.M. Armstrong

21. Selection from New Work for a Theory of Universals, David Lewis

22. On the Elements of Being: I, Donald C. Williams

23. Causality and Properties, Sydney Shoemaker

11. Necessity

24. Selection from Naming and Necessity, Saul Kripke

25. Selection from On the Plurality of Worlds, David Lewis

26. Actualism and Possible Worlds, Alvin Plantinga

27. Selection from A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility, D.M. Armstrong

12. Causation

28. Selection from Metaphysics, Aristotle

29. Selection from Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume

30. Causation, David Lewis

31. Causal Relations, Donald Davidson

32. Selections from The Facts of Causation, D.H. Mellor