December 2010

Newsletter Contents

Message from the Chairman / Page 1
New Officers and Committee Members for 2011 / Page 2
Updated Kairos Inside Manual is Here / Page 2,3
Internet Weekend Prayer “Sign Up” Capability / Page 3
Kairos Torch Coming to Bon Air / Page 3
“Reflections” Poem from a Kairos Grad / Page 4
Kairos Outside of Southwest Virginia Profile / Page 5
Testimonies from Keen Mountain Correctional Center / Page 6
Youth Commissioning for Greensville S3 Kairos Team / Page 6
Quicktakes / Page 7
Weekend Leaders -- Suggested Newsletter / Page 7,8

Message from the Chairman – LOOKING TO THE FUTURE

There is just one obstacle that is keeping us from ministering to all the incarcerated here in the Virginia state system – each of us is not recruiting just one volunteer a year. Just one!!

Please recruit. Preferably sponsor a person on his/her 4th day weekend this spring and recruit that person for the fall Kairos weekend. Remember, we need to be working on recruiting for the next weekend as soon as the current weekend is over because of clearance times. Of particular priority would be recruits from churches near your prison (particularly pastors).

Our recruiting coordinator on the state committee is Bucky Hammond. Contact him for help or ideas -- .

Scott Hamel Chairman Kairos of Virginia

P.S. It has been a blessing to serve you these past two years. My allotted time is now up. I’m very encouraged by all the lives you have touched around the state.




Elected at the December 4, 2010 state committee meeting were the following new officers and voting committee members:

Chairman – Larry Musselwhite (Augusta)

Vice Chairman – Tom Lohner (Greensville)

Rep to International Council – Kay Wright (KO Southwest)

Agape Coordinator – Suzy Speare (CVCU)

Fund Raising Coordinator – Scott Hamel (Augusta)

Assistant Financial Secretary – Jackie Wilson (Green Rock)

(The incumbents retained their seats for all other positions on the state committee.)


First of all, the cover is RED so as to distinguish it from our current BLUE manual. It is to be used beginning with the spring 2010 weekend. Here’s a summary of the changes:

1. Included a typical team meeting schedule.

2. Updated 2009 Interdenominational Policy Statement.
3. Updated institutional Memorandum of Understanding (used to be called Institutional

Agreement or Institutional Memorandum).
4. Clearer discussion of KPMI clergy requirements and definition of clergy.

5. Added a section on Chaplain participation.

6. Added the Kairos Penetration Plan (the procedures for selecting residents).

7. Added paragraph on team member behaviors.

8. Two “riverbank” items were added under Common Ground.

9. Added a Team Application Form (from EZRA) to the manual.

10. Added a section about Talk and Mediation previews.

11. Re-wrote the Team Size and Number of Families section.
12. Added a section called Importance of Anonymous Servanthood.

13. Added a new Homily for Clergy before the Forgiveness Wind-up.

14. Added a new text for Leaders at the close of the Forgiveness Windup.
15. Added a discussion time afterThe Wallmeditation.
16.Clarified table family prayer and open mike instructions.
17. Added the Healing of Memories & Rooster Story which follows forgiveness meditations and facilitates intimacy leading to the 4th day.

18. Changed instructions to be followed during Personal Agape (letters) time.
19.Changed prayer and share simulation and prayer circle instructions toput the

focus on them, not us.
20.Added instructions for advising leader before closing.
21. A clearer statement of ministry policy on inside team members who are

potential threats to the ministry was added.

22. Combined theActiontalk and theA Christiantalk into theChristian Actiontalk.

23. Eliminated theFootprints in the Sandtalk.

24. Added a talk calledHang In There.

25. Added an optional talk for Women’s weekends calledThe Prodigal Daughter.

26. Added references to the 3-legged stool in theFriendship With Godtalk.

27.Added a new script for the Isaiah 49 Homily.

28.Reduced the Saturday schedule to 2 talks to allow for more tableinteraction.

29. Changed the Sunday schedule and talks to facilitate a more spiritual environment.

30. Modified the Sunday Closing Preparations.


Perhaps you’ve noticed a new ICON on our Kairos of Virginia homepage. By clicking on it, folks can sign up to pray for any of our upcoming weekends. Weekend agape chairs should check your web page right before leaving for the weekend to capture names for your prayer lists. Those same chairs then provide our web master (currently Scott Hamel) with the closing testimonies (without names or initials) from their weekend. These testimonies will overlay the sign up lists so that those who prayed can “click” on them to see the results of their prayers through the work of the Holy Spirit. This “completes the circle.”

This website capability graciously is offered and operated by our friends in the Arlington Catholic Cursillo community. Praise God for such faithful servants!!!


The chaplain at Bon Air Juvenile Corrections Center in Richmond is reviewing our Torch manual with the intent of bringing the program there next year. He says he can help recruit many of the volunteers needed. Some of you have expressed an interest in participating and Scott Hamel has your names. We hope to have a meeting with the chaplain early next year to begin the planning process. This program will be for the male youth at the center. Since Torch requires the weekend volunteers to mentor a youth one-on-one for at least 6 months following a weekend, volunteers should live near the Richmond area. Contact Scott Hamel if you would like to be included on the list of those to be contacted as we get nearer to implementation. All of your prayers are needed right now for this expansion.


"Free to Love Again"

Free to love....

Don't you know how scary it is, my friend

To rehash feelings and emotions of love,

Once again.

You see, I gave before so openly and

Was hurt so badly back then.

I swore I would never, ever feel again...

Until God's still, small voice came and said,

"You are FREE, free to love again".

It came as sweet lyrics in my head,

Over and over again,

The lyrics grew stronger and stronger

And I began to sing more and more...

"You are free to love again,

You are free to love again!"

It's alright to open your heart again,

I knew it was safe to let go of all

Emotions inside.

I knew I could open up again,

I knew I could be honest again,

Saying things like, "I'm not good at this

And may never tell you enough, so help me please,

Because I'm just learning to love again."

It just came about, you see,

This overwhelming feeling of security,

Even the beautify of nature allowed me

to know I was FREE, free to love

Once more.

I was so entangled in these emotions

Though I wanted to reject it

Yet my heart would beat this

Incredible pounding of love...


Sherry Henley

Central Virginia Correctional Unit



KAIROS OUTSIDE OF SWVA / A 3 day weekend held for women who have been affected by incarceration, either themselves or others.
Location/directions / Grace Bible Camp in Goshen, VA located near Lexington, VA
Kairos Meeting Room/Capacity / The camp is able to house weekend of 50. There are sleeping quarters with bathrooms/meeting rooms/chapel and dining room.
Guest / 25
Team / 25-35
Comments / The camp Is located in a beautiful wooded area. Bill and Vickie-Camp Directors are very gracious and helpful.
Chairman / Kay Wright
Number of Active Volunteers / 25-35 Team-5 men outside team
Number of Active Ordained / 1-2
Overnight Weekend Housing / Grace Bible Camp
Team Meeting Location / Churches or local Rescue Mission
Points of Interest / We are blessed to have a wonderful group of women and men serving the ministry. Our team consist of women who are past Guest and other’s who have felt God’s calling to serve in this way.


Steve gave a wonderful resident talk and inspired all 75 or 80 men to reach out to just 10 men who do not know the LORD, to reclaim the KMCC compound for Jesus Christ. He asked them to become “fishers of men” and the 20 minutes he spoke just flew by. This was followed by Osby’s outside 4th day talk in which he told of Joe who wanted to know how to get in touch with the man who was praying at the very time he accepted Christ on the recently completed Kairos weekend. Joe had been a “faithful” Buddhist for the last 5 years and on Kairos #18 said, “his life was turned upside down in one day”. Osby not only knew the man but they were from the same church and same Sunday School class! How does God do that!!! So Osby had the opportunity to tell his Sunday School class and the man just how his specific prayer time had touched Joe. Wonderful encouragement to those who cannot go inside the walls!

Next, a resident on Kairos #18, gave his testimony about his request for a change of cellie. He had been praying during Kairos #18 that his new cellie would be a Christian man who would strengthen his walk daily. He was taking his property to his new home and when he got there, he looked in and saw Joe from his table at Kairos #18. Unbeknownst to him, Joe also had put in a request for a new cellie and was praying the same prayer during Kairos! God is powerful indeed!


Eleven year old Rachel Jones is a member of the Youth Program at Annandale,VA. United Methodist Church and has helped bake hundreds of dozens of cookies and helped make hundreds of placemats for weekends atGreensville Correctional Center. Rachel hopes to recruit her Youth Group members to support future weekends.

The Kairos #27 Weekend Leader led Rachel’s ceremony which included a congratulatory letter from the Kairos State Chairman. The Outside Support Leader pinned on her name pin and the Advising Leader placedthe cross around her neck. The entire Team laid hands on Rachel and Pastor Smith prayed over her. Her family members were present.

Rachel will be speaking to her Youth group at Annandale UMC to recruit cookie bakers and placemat artists. Her first independent major project is to have Youth members of Annandale UMC send every member of the GRCC S-3 Kairos Community a personalized Christmas card.


1. Advanced Kairos Training for Upcoming InsideWeekend Leaders -- DATE:February 18-21, 2011 LOCATION: Lexington George Washington Inn & Conference Center, Williamsburg, VA.See our Virginia website for registration information. This training is for fall 2010 and spring 2011 Kairos Inside weekend leaders.

2. We now have 16 ministry teams in Virginia; 3 women’s KI, 10 men’s KI and 3 KO. This qualifies us to have an additional representative at the KPMI business conferences. Kay Wright was elected at the December 4 meeting to represent KO and Virginia. Jim Templeton is our other rep. We also have 2 “at-large” reps from Virginia – Rosemary Hamel and Bill Young. At large reps are voted onto the International Council by other council members. They serve alongside the state voted reps (Kay and Jim). All 4 have voting rights when it comes to policy changes, etc.

3. Would you like to be an AKT Trainer for Kairos Inside? -- KPMI needs more AKT KI trainers. We currently have one from Virginia – Toni Dagenhart. Trainers are expected to do two trainings a year, if possible. Trainings could be anywhere in the U.S. except your own state (Virginia, in our case). All expenses are paid by KPMI. You will go through a training period aided by experienced trainers. Contact Larry Musselwhite if you are interested.

4. Please make it a practice to regularly use our Virginia and national websites for information to manage your advisory councils, weekends and Kairos programs. Everything you need is there, so why re-invent wheels? If you have a suggestion for improving our Virginia site, please contact Scott Hamel.


This is a suggestion for weekend leaders. Those who pray, bake cookies and witness with us in other ways deserve to receive feedback from our weekends. This will bless them for blessing others and encourage continued participation as they see their efforts bearing much fruit. What follows is a recent newsletter sent by the leader of the fall weekend at Keen Mountain. It actually all fits on one page once the heading from this newsletter is stripped out. Weekend leaders can copy this format, add your own weekend experiences, and hand it out to your ministry partners. Please do it!


We are so grateful to count you as a partner who has taken time to help build Christ’s kingdom by bringing His light of love, forgiveness and new life inside one of the darkest places on earth – a maximum security prison. Kairos #17 at Keen Mountain Correctional was an incredible experience where the Holy Spirit tore down walls that had been built around broken hearts. He healed many of those hearts and breathed new life into damaged souls.

Listen to the words of those who participated……..

Comments from the Inmates:

  • A few days before I came here, somebody tried to talk to me about God. I thought he was crazy. Last night, when I came over here, I got saved.
  • Before I came here, I was a troubled person. You took me in, and you said you are our brothers. When I came here, I had a black heart; my heart is getting warm again. I got saved yesterday.
  • I came here, not expecting to turn my life around. At 10:29 am yesterday morning, I accepted Christ. I am going out as a soldier for God
  • I’m happy to be here. I forgot how it was to be around society, and now society has come to me.
  • I felt anger, because I have had no visits, phone calls or letters from my family. I was saved this weekend, and it is better than money, better than cookies! I have written a letter to my family, asking for forgiveness.
  • I was drowning in a sea of self-pity. Now, I am feeling better. I have been

incarcerated for decades.

Comments from the team:

  • Other weekends at Keen Mt. have been good, but this one seemed to be riding on the wings of the Holy Spirit. What a ride!
  • On Thursday evening there was a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Fifteen inmates gave their lives to Jesus. It was such a blessing to be a part of this wonderful experience.
  • We witnessed the presence of the Spirit of the Lord so powerfully that it left many of us stunned and at a loss for words.

Comments from the Inmate Table Servants:

  • It was a blessing that you don’t get every day that had a big impact on my life. I felt the Holy Spirit during the 4 day walk like never before.
  • My experience humbled, refreshed and deeply affected me on so many levels.
  • I received enrichment by serving new inmates, to not only share their joy but to also witness them receive the blessings of the Kairos experience.

We wanted you to know how much your gifts were appreciated by the Kairos team and especially by the inmates themselves. Over the course of the three days, they began to realize that the Body of Christ is a very real thing, not just some theological imagery. God used your gifts of love to open their eyes to that reality.

We can’t adequately relate how important your gifts of prayer, financial support, cookies, posters, placements and letters were! We are fully convinced they were every bit as important as the pastor who lovingly ushered many new souls into the kingdom this weekend. Your actions were truly fruit being produced on behalf of Christ!

We sing praises to God with you for how His family sacrifices their interest so they can “do it unto one of the least of these.” We are grateful to call you a partner in this ministry to those “behind the wire.”

God Bless You,

Dave Benson

Leader Kairos #17 – KMCC

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