First Name / Last NameHome Phone / Cell Phone
Phone # change? / Is either phone # above a recent change? Yes / No
District Email
Submission (email OR put hard copy in my mailbox by Fri., Nov. 3, noon):
• Please send your filled-in form as an email attachment to Ken Kuniyuki at
(official) and (for records).
Copy-pasting from a previous form may help.
• … or print both pages and place in Ken’s box in MS215-V.
Number of Units:
How many units would you like to teach?Computers and Manipulatives (put “NO” if you do not want to be in the computer labs):
I want to use computers in these courses:I want to use manipulatives in these courses:
Do you have any special needs?
Course Ratings (fill in as follows:)
1: I prefer to teach these courses.
2 (or leave blank): I can teach these courses, though I prefer my “1”s.
3 (or X): I CANNOT teach these courses.
Course Title / # / Rating / Course Title / # / RatingPrealgebra Refresher / 15A / Elementary Statistics / 119
Elem Algebra/Geom Refresher / 15B / Basic Techs/Applied Calc I / 121
Interm Algebra/Geom Refresher / 15C / Basic Techniques/Calculus II / 122
Geometry Refresher / 15D / Precalculus / 141
Trigonometry Refresher / 15E / Calculus/Analytic Geometry I / 150
College Algebra Refresher / 15F / Calculus/Analytic Geometry II / 151
Basic Math / 34A / Concepts/Elem School Math I / 210A
Pre-Algebra and Study Skills / 38 / Concepts/Elem School Math II / 210B
Elementary Algebra & Geometry / 46 / Children’s Mathemat’l Thinking / 212
Applied Beg and Int Algebra / 92 / (Deactivated) / 215 / X
Intermed Algebra & Geometry / 96 / Discrete Mathematics / 245
Trigonometry / 104 / Calculus/Analytic Geometry III / 252
College and Matrix Algebra / 116 / Intro to Linear Algebra / 254
Math for the Liberal Arts Student / 118 / Differential Equations / 255
When are you UNAVAILABLE to teach?
M / T / W / Th / F / SatWhat is your IDEAL schedule?
• I may need to significantly adjust this. Please fill out the UNAVAILABILITY blocks above, also, so that I do not move you into a “bad” time slot (“danger zone”)!
M / T / W / Th / F / SatOther comments: (# days per week, gaps between classes, tables vs. small desks, computers, etc.)