Merritt Chiropractic

Personal Information

How did you hear about us? ______

Name Last: ______Middle:______First: ______

DOB: ___/____/____ Sex: _____ SS# ______-______-______

Street Address: ______Email: ______

City/State/Zip: ______Best Phone: ______

Emergency Contact:______Phone Number : ______

What is your primary goal of care? ______

If you have no complaints skip to Personal History Section

What is your primary concern? ______

Describe the pain:

Sharp Shooting Aching Dull

Numb Throbbing Pins and Needles Burning

Does it move to other places? Y N

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much is it bothering you?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How long ago did it start? ______

Does anything make it better? What? ______

Does anything make it worse? What? ______

Please mark on the diagram where you experience the complaint and any addition complaints as well, if any.

Do you have something else you’d like us to address?


Describe the pain:

Sharp Shooting Aching Dull Numb Throbbing Pins and Needles Burning

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much is it bothering you?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How long ago did it start? ______Does it move to other places? Y N

Is there anything that makes it better? What? ______Worse? What? ______

Anything else bothering you?

Personal Health History

Has something like this happened before? ______

Are any of your complaints a results of a vehicle collision or work accident? Y N

Write P for Past conditions, C for Current and N for Never

Allergies / Diabetes / High Blood Pressure / Stroke
Asthma / Unexplained weight change / Insomnia / Smoking
Cancer (type) / Frequent colds / Major Traumas / Surgeries
Clots / Heart Disease / Obesity / Vehicle Collisions

Females: Are you currently pregnant? Y N On birth control medication? Y N

Do you have biological children? Y N How Many? ______C-Sections? Y N

Family History

Do you have a family history of:

The same complaints you are in here for? Y N

Cancer? Y N Diabetes? Y N Heart Disease` Y N High Blood Pressure Y N


How many hours of sleep do you get a night? _____ Is it restful? Y N

How is your stress level on a scale of 1-10? _____ Do you feel you cope with stress well? Y N

How many oz of non diuretic liquid do you drink a day? ______

How many Vegetable serving per day? ______

Is your diet generally healthy? Y N Are you happy with your diet? Y N

Do you do some kind of physical activity everyday? Y N How much? ______

Do you drink Alcohol? Y N If so, how much? ______

List any medications/Supplements?


To the best of my knowledge, the above information is true and correct


Signature Date