Merit Badge Midway Schedule
Saturday-March 24, 2012
All Merit Badges marked with an (*)are outdoor & will be CANCELLED if raining.
Scouts must contact the MB counselor to obtain pre-requisite requirements and pre-register to ensure a place in class – space is limited. Pre-Registration ends Monday, March 19th. After that date any remaining seats will be filled on a first come first serve basis on the morning of the Midway at 8:15 AM check-in. Additional MidwayMB information is on the Balboa Oaks District website
There is No Fee charged to attend this Midway.
Session 1 9:00-10:30email
Citizenship in the CommunityManny
Coin CollectingWalter
Disability AwarenessMarissa
Family Life Alex
Graphic Arts/ReadingMelissa
LeatherworkJoel RuggieriLimited # - 1st Come Basis
Scuba DivingFred
Trail to 1st Class-TenderfootVeronica ReyesLimited # - 1st Come Basis
Session 1A 9:00-12:15 (15 minute break)
Citizenship in the Nation/American Heritage…
CommunicationsKen McGuire
First AidDiane Freeman
Indian LoreTom Wood
Session 2 10:45-12:15
Citizenship in the CommunityManny
Coin CollectingWalter
Disability AwarenessMarissa
Dog CareLes
Graphic Arts / ReadingMelissa
Leatherwork Joel RuggieriLimited # - 1st Come Basis
PhotographySteven :
Public SpeakingAlex Palazzo
Scuba DivingFred
Trail to 1st Class-2nd ClassV. ReyesLimited # - 1st Come Basis
Lunch 12:15-1:00SNACK-O-REE Food Items and Drinks Available ALL Day!
Session 3 1:00-2:30email
ArtJoel RuggieriLimited # - 1st Come Basis
Coin CollectingWalter
Dog CareLes
Graphic Arts / ReadingMelissa
Scuba DivingFred
Trail to 1st class-1st ClassV. Reyes Limited # - 1st Come Basis
Session 3A 1:00-4:15 (15 minute break)
Citizenship in the Nation/American Heritage…
Citizenship in the WorldAlex
First AidDiane
Scouting HeritageTom
Session 4 2:45-4:15
ArtJoel Ruggieri Limited # - 1st Come Basis
Coin CollectingWalter
Dog CareLes
Graphic Arts / ReadingMelissa
Scuba DivingFred
Trail to 1st Class-(combined)V. Reyes Limited # - 1st Come Basis
NOTE: Additional merit badges will be added to the schedule. Continue to monitor theBalboa Oaks District webpageat: balboaoaks.bsa-la.orgas badges, requirements or schedules may change.
Additional Information:
A Personal Management Merit Badge Counselor will be available during the lunch break to review a scout’s completed merit badge work and to sign the Blue Card (bring the work and the blue card).
The Graphic Arts and Reading Merit Badges are taught together. Both badges may be earned in one session provided all reading requirements for the reading merit badge have been met. Please complete the reading log/worksheet available at and bring the completed log to class.
The Citizenship in the Nation and American Heritage Merit Badgeswith Jonathan Mullen as the instructor are taught together. One or both badges may be earned in one three-hour session provided all prerequisite requirements for the desired badge(s) are met.
The ART Merit Badgerequires the scoutbring paper and pencils to draw.
The Leatherwork Merit Badgerequires the scout to purchase the SMALL size ($6.50 at the Scout Shop) BSA Leather Knife Sheath kit and bring it to work on in class.
To register for the First Aid Merit Badge, a scout must offer proof that he holds the rank of first class scout or above. One of three first aid kits listed in the requirements must be brought to class.
Trail to First Class will cover the following requirements (bring scout handbook):
Tenderfoot:4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10a, 11, 12a and12b
2nd Class: 1a, 2e, 5, 6a, 6b(bring kit), 6c, 7a, and 8b
1st Class: 1, 4c, 4d, 5, 6, 7a, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 9a, and 12
Tenderfoot: 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10a, 11, 12a and 12b
2nd Class: 1a, 3e, 6, 7a, 7b(bring kit), 7c, and 9b
1st Class: 1, 4c, 4d, 5, 6, 7a, 8a, 8c, 8d, 9a, and 11
The following Citizenship in the Community requirements apply to Manny Gallegos MB classes Session 1 & 2.the morning:
Only requirements 1 & 6 will be taught at the midway, requirements 2,3,4,5,7 and 8 will need to be done in advance of the midway.