Meriden Soccer Club (M.S.C.) Meeting
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
at the Y.M.C.A.
6:30 p.m.
The Meriden Soccer Club met on Tuesday, January 8, 2008. President, Tom Moore brought the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Members in Attendance: Tom Moore, Al Haag, Joe DiNino, Lee Pandiani, Bart Soriano, Weve Valery, Kyle Haag, Juell M. Darla Magness, Michael Annino, and Tony Buscemi
Minutes: Minutes were presented. Lee Pandiani made a motion to accept the minutes, Al Haag second, minutes accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Moore picked up the checkbook and all other supporting materials from Karen Curcio’s car. Tom was able to reimburse many members who were waiting for checks. All receipts were checked and checks were issued. We owe the Meriden Park and Recreation $33.00 as agreed by the Hubbard Park fundraiser agreement. The city receives 10% of profits. Lee made a motion to reimburse tom for the original $50.00 deposit and to allocate $33.00 to pay the city. Al seconded, motion passed.
Vice-President’s Report: Tom Moore reported that Ray Wong was stepping down as our district representative because of his poor health. Bart Soriano volunteered to represent our club at district meetings. Tom will go with Bart to ensure a smooth transition. Joe DiNino made a motion for Bart Soriano to be our new district representative. Al Haag second and the motion was accepted. Bart complimented the board for their work at the Hubbard Park fundraiser.
Boy’s Director Report: Lee Pandiani reported that he couldn’t make the cutoff for the Cuno grant. Lee will have all fliers out for the January 18th final registration. Tom Moore Al Haag printed up labels for the post cards. Tom will please labels and stamps on post cards and mail them in the next two days. Lee is working on collecting videos and curriculum for coaches meeting.
Girl’s Director Report: No report
Referee Report: No report
Registrar’s Report: Al Hagg reported that early registration is up by 25% from last year. Al reviewed the number of teams we have so far. Our in town teams are growing. Al printed and gave Tom the labels for the registration reminder post cards. Al is working on getting our computer fixed. Joe Sysak will rebuild the computer at no expanse to us. He is hopeful it will be ready for January 18th. Al raised the question about the players who registered in the fall but didn’t take a refund. These are players that we could not field a team. Al will get the list. Tom made a motion the reimburse Al for his purchase at Staples. Al purchased label paper and other supplies for registration. Joe DiNino seconded and the motion passed.
District Rep. Report: Ray was not feeling well. The board expressed their gratitude towards Ray and prays he makes a quick recovery.
In-Town Director’s Report: We still need an in-town director. Tom Moore and Lee Pandiani continue to recruit.
President’s Report: Tom Moore made a motion to pay the park and recreation $33.00 to pay for the 10% we owe them for the Hubbard Park fundraiser. Lee Pandiani seconded it and the motion was accepted. Tom Moore discussed about the website. Tom made a motion to pay the web bill for this year ($435.00). Lee Pandiani seconded the motion and the motion was accepted. Tom stated hid concerns about not having a treasurer. He will pay bills, collect and make deposits but he will only do this until we get a treasurer. Tom also was concerned about having an accountant. He stated that he would not continue to act as treasure without an accountant. Mid-state is still on hold until the electrician completes his part. The electrician needs a key to the building. Tom will give him the key.
New Business
Lee Pandiani want to have the younger teams play up at the Mount Mist Camp. Tony Buscemi was concerned that the young players would be more focused on the pool than the game. Al Haag felt that the YMCA annex was more suitable for the young players (mites). Mike Annino also liked the Annex.
Tom talked about Rob Jachym for this year. The coaches of the mites would like him every other week. Tom will call Rob.
The next meeting of the Meriden Soccer Club will be held at the Meriden Y.M.C.A. on February 12th at 6:30p.m.
Tom Moore adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Joe DiNino
Meriden Soccer Club