Ickford News

Merci beaucoup aux enfants. I really do feel honoured and proud to teach such wonderful children. A genuine thank you for performing so well during this morning’s French assembly, which was made extra special by the attendance of so many parents and friends of the school.

It has certainly been a week for congratulating children – our Key Stage 1 performance of “Humph” was, without a doubt, fantastic and I am sure brought a tear to many an eye. Well done to all of those involved in this production.

We will be continuing our Christmas performances on Monday with the first of our Carol Concerts (2.00 pm in our Hall). Mrs Honey and the rest of the staff are very much looking forward to seeing you there!

On the topic of “performing”, we received an email today requesting a visit from Mark Shaw, the Cabinet Minister, who would like to congratulate Year 6 on winning the Buckinghamshire Poetry Competition. Over the winter period, we will all need to look out for the new Buckinghamshire Gritter which, I am rather reluctant to inform you, has been named, “Dawn Raider”. The children put forward five suggestions and the Authorities chose this!? ( Ooh lὰ lὰ!)

Joking aside, I am privileged to have such a wonderful class – the children never cease to amaze me with their enthusiasm and zest for learning. Amidst the Christmas festivities, they remain focused and diligent during lesson time.

It is only on the rare occasion that I write the Newsletter, so I am going to take this opportunity to thank my fellow colleagues (Mr Ronane, the teachers, teaching assistants, office staff, lunchtime supervisors …) for their hard work, commitment and their friendship. Ickford School really is a fantastic place to work!

A huge thank you also to our wonderful PTA who, whatever the weather or occasion, are always willing to help. I am sure that the children will be particularly excited aboutthis Tuesday’s Christmas lunch – many thanks in advance to you and to Mrs Randall for organising this.

Alors, je vous souhaite un bon weekend,


Mme Basnett

Thank you to Mrs Sheard for her kind donation of music board games; Mrs Shackleton is delighted with them.

News from the PTA

Ickford School shopping bags are on sale from the School Office (£5 each).

News from the Office

On Thursday 17th December, the coaches will be leaving school at 9.15am, and returning at 1pm, when we will have lunch. Please join us at 2.30pm for our final Celebration Assembly of the year.

Please note there will be no Rugby Club, Hockey Club, Dancing or Art Club next week.

Dates for the Diary

14th December
2pm / Whole School Carol Service – In School Hall
15th December / School Christmas Lunch
15th December
7pm-8pm / KS2 Carols in School Hall
17th December / Whole School Trip –
Christmas Pantomime
2.30 Celebration Assembly
18th December / INSET Day